Chapter 272

"Defiler." Nameless walked over to Jianmen's side, limping as his leg was injured from the previous attack against the man: "He possessed the power of the defiling dark flames. And Ms. Wong was injured by it. Can you save her, Mr. Yu?"

Jianmen knelt down by Josephine Wong's side, and in a brief moment, both of his hands were enshrouded by orange and golden lightning.

"You could've used the mortality scapegoat." Jianmen said with a slightly shaky voice, then he shoved his left hand towards the wound on Josephine Wong's abdomen, with his entire palm somehow buried inside of Josephine Wong's body: "What happened next? Why did the defiler escape? He could have killed you, or at least had his fun toying with you first."

"The blade." just this moment, the dark dragon descended from the sky, turned into human form and stood behind Jianmen: "She used herself as bait in order to land her attack. Did… did you give her that blade."

"One-Eye. So you witnessed the whole fight, yet you are still unharmed." Jianmen coughed heavily as if he was enduring some kind of pain, and within a few seconds, a sharp penetrative wound appeared on his abdomen, blood was gushing out from his front and back: "And no I did not give her that, all I gave her was the material and some basic information. She must have figured everything else by herself."

"Things haven't improved for me. Therefore I still have the responsibility to carry on the bloodline. " the one-eyed man bowed and said: "You would understand - I can't afford any more injuries."

"And yet here you are. The memories full of anguish and pain buried deep inside of the malice must be quite tasty for you." Jianmen concentrated his power on his abdomen, and stopped the bleeding on his puncture wounds. At almost the same time, the wound on Josephine Wong's abdomen seemed to be healed, almost to the fullest extent.

"The wounds from the old days - I need to recover from them, before I could continue with my search and my path to revitalizing the bloodlines of the Omen Dragons."

"Yes. I know." Jianmen pushed his healing spell more, the orange and golden lightning on his right hand intensified, and with a few cracking sounds, his right forearm and his right hand turned to cinder and dust, a clean slashing wound appeared on his elbow.

Meanwhile, orange and golden lightning lit up around the wound on Josephine Wong's elbow, the energy formed into the shape of a forearm and a hand. In a few seconds, the orange and golden energy dimmed and everyone around could see that a piece of hand-shaped rock appeared where Josephine Wong's broken right forearm and right hand used to be.

The surface of the rock cracked up, when Jianmen concentrated his power once again on his broken right arm and stopped the bleeding. As more and more cracks appeared on the hand-shaped rock, more and more thin pieces of stone shed, just like the outer shells of a cocoon. And within less than a minute, all of the stone shells shed, revealing the forearm and the hand of Josephine Wong, as if it was never injured.

"Master Yu, what did you do?" Nameless asked.

"No worries, Nameless." Jianmen took a deep breath and waved his left hand to signal he didn't care too much about the injuries being transferred onto him: "If it is the wound of a defiler, this would be the quickest way to heal her. I can't let her suffer because I wasn't here."

Everyone around stood in silence for a brief moment, as Jianmen closed his eyes and collected himself, while getting his wounds under control.

When Jianmen opened his eyes, he raised his left hand, a shiny meat cleaver appeared in his hand. Then, he swung the meat cleaver coated in orange and golden energy against the wound on his abdomen.

"Ting!" when the blade made contact with his body, it made a sound that was like that from a collision of metal objects.


The man who almost killed Josephine Wong, a defiler by the account of Nameless, who escaped earlier using a dark red portal created by him at the cost of consuming one of the important orbs within his body.

The portal might have led him away from the danger of being under siege, but it did not rid him of the source of critical danger that was inside his body - the small energy sword, made of a kind of crystal that bore great threat against beings like him.

Right now, most parts of his body had been disintegrated due to the thousands of tiny energy blades released by the energy sword. He constructed a line of defense within his own body against this energy sword, at the cost of another precious and powerful orb within his body, leaving him a final one, which he could not afford to use.

"Father!" the man called out to the universe, using an ancient language, while the defenses he constructed inside of his body were buying him more time. Right now, all he had left was his head, his neck and his left shoulder, if the energy sword was not stopped, he would be completely annihilated and there would be no means of revival. "Father! Save me!"

Two energy spikes appeared out of the vast void in the space and impaled the man on his neck and shoulder. And from afar out of the darkness, a barely visible human-shaped figure appeared and walked slowly towards the man with only a head, a neck and the left shoulder.

The figure's walk was slow, but each step covered a great distance that would take even the fastest rocket months to travel. Within the time span of a few seconds, the figure stopped in front of the impaled defiler, its face slowly changed in shape and color, completely mirroring his appearance.

"So you are finally free, yet you are unable to hold your own." the figure said, also in an ancient language: "What injured you so?"

"A mortal. Wielding the power I was sent to collect - but much more refined, much more… graceful." the defiler answered with a trembling voice: "Please… save me..."

Just this moment, the two energy spikes impaling the defiler broke and shattered, the energy blades released by the energy sword inside his body seemed to be absorbed by them, as he felt that the grinding powers in his body were somehow sucked away by the spikes right before they broke.

An orange and golden energy blade shot from the void, seemingly coming out of nowhere. Before either the defiler or the figure could react, the energy blade cut into the defiler's body, completely disintegrating what was left of his body and breaking the last orb in his body into smithereens.

A man with only his left hand stepped outside of an orange and golden portal from afar, and had his eyes locked onto the final remains of the defiler.

The figure also had its eyes on the man, its face changing in shape, slowly turning into that of a middle aged Chinese man.

The man was shocked by the figure's presence, but just for a very short moment. And the next moment, his lips moved, and uttered an ancient word.

After a blinding flash of orange and golden light, almost everything around the chest area of the figure collapsed in an instant, even the space itself. The figure's body was torn into thousands and thousands of tiny reflective pieces, a small portion of them was sent far away due to the explosion of energy, and the majority of them was sucked into the hole created by the utterance.

Jianmen's blood shot out from almost all pores on his body, and his body flew backwards with unimaginable speed, as if he just fired the biggest cannon in the entire universe and was suffering from the recoil. Luckily, he fell right into the portal behind him, the same one he used to come here.