Chapter 337

"Agent Bozeman, is Agent Mien even gonna join us?" when Agent Bozeman walked past the position of Jason and Caroline, Caroline grabbed him by his sleeve and asked.

"I am calling her now." Agent Bozeman withdrew his arm and said in a stern tone: "And she will be here soon."

"Okay, if you say so, douche." Caroline shook her head: "Just be quick, okay? I have a hunting trip to go to later. I heard some boars are making a nuisance again."

"When we're done with the hearing, Ms. Caroline Baker, you can hunt all the crap you want." Agent Bozeman seemed to have resisted the urge to spit in Caroline's face.

"Even YOU want this hearing to go well, huh?" Caroline scoffed.

When Agent Bozeman walked out of the door, Caroline immediately talked to her bracelet: "He's bolting, he's bolting. That bastard just wished me a good hunting trip."

"I'm gonna check on Agent Bozeman to make sure he's not uh… not bored." Professor Barnes walked out from behind the table and towards the door.

"I am going to check on the final toxicology report." Professor Dorothea Clarkson walked away from her seat and towards the side door.

"I uh - I'm just gonna take a leak." Professor Randall Collins walked towards the side door with Professor Dorothea Clarkson.

"What's with everyone? Anything wrong?" Principal Hawke looked around, and found that only a very distracted Tamil Brooke was sitting at the table: "Mr. Brooke?"

"Oh, sorry?" Tamil Brooke looked up from his enchanted phone: "Sorry, I was reading some financial reports. But it's not like the questions are gonna get anywhere, right? Why do I even have to be here?"

"Because this is a pretty serious hearing about the potential sources of the contaminants?"

"Then why all the bullshit questions? I don't want to know how long they took to write that thesis! I don't even care about the digest!"

"Sir, the hearing is still ongoing?" following the footsteps of Agent Bozeman, Professor Barnes shouted at the agent, who seemed to be more intent on walking away instead of making a call: "Agent Bozeman? Agent Bozeman!"

Agent Bozeman sped up his steps, more and more so that he began running.

"Agent Bozeman! Stop!" Professor Barnes had to start shouting with his power to make his voice louder.

Agent Bozemen turned around swiftly, and with his hands glowing from the shine of some kind of shadowy energy, and a strong shockwave was released from his hands against Professor Barnes.

But what he was not expecting, was that Professor Barnes already conjured a tough and sturdy silvery white energy shield right behind him. His energy shockwave blast ended up hitting the energy shield and had a lot of its power reflected back at him. With a loud boom, Agent Bozeman was thrown back into the air, with all of the bone sockets on his hands and wrists and even both of his elbows completely dislocated, as well as his nostrils gushing out blood.

"Agent Bozeman, you're going to have a lot of things to answer to." Professor Barnes stepped forward and placed a really simple, crude but powerful locking spell onto Agent Bozeman's body.

"I don't think you fully understand what you are doing." Agent Bozeman struggled and spoke through his teeth.

"Oh, why don't you tell me then? Start with who you ACTUALLY work for and the REAL reason you are here." Professor Barnes placed another spell onto the agent, then he called two faculty members to his side to help him carry the agent away: "Maybe just wait, tell all of us in a bit, while Dorothea had all of her spell preparations ready."

"You have no idea who you are dealing with here - "

"Oh, I am currently dealing with you, Agent Bozeman, if that's even really your name."


Inside the student hunting ground, Agent Mien traversed the fields with the fastest speed possible without creating too much of a scene or sight for the animals around. She was aware of the Blinker Raccoons, the roaming Shapeshifting Hogs and even the most dangerous ones - the Silverwing Owls.

She was able to make it to the creek with two stones, and like she's practiced, she started reaching into the creeks to find the third.

In less than a few seconds, she found the rock, and placed it in the creek, just in the right place for the vortex to expand. Then she reached into one of her pockets and took out a small vial, she took a small sip, then poured the rest of the vial onto the grass.

After soaking herself with the vapor from the liquid, Agent Mien leapt into the portal.

Before she could even reach the bottom of the hole, she sensed that there was something quite disturbing below, something continuously twitching and growling with very noticeable frustration and unease.

"Shit." Agent Mien raised her head to look above and then looked around her, now she sensed it - something was not right with this portal.

"What the fuck - " when Agent Mien reached the bottom, she found herself landing right next to the body of the four-headed beast, and she noticed that the beast's skin and scales were displaying some kind of dark red color, and slowly but still observably, more and more scales started growing on its pale grey skin, which she knew, was a sign that this particular beast was denied tranquilizing food for quite some time and it started to fully wake up from its relatively dormant and docile state.

Just when Agent Mien tried to rush towards the direction of the exit, the turtle head of the beast noticed her, and before she could take another step, the head snapped and bit down on her whole body, the sharp edge of its mouth cut her whole body clean off from her ankles, and her scream was muffled by the thick neck and stomach of the beast.

The rooster head looked up at the slowly closing portal and let out a deafening cluck, then, the beast grew four wings and two legs from its blob of flesh body and leapt towards the only direction where light came into this dark hole.