Chapter 342

"AAAAH!" the man wielding a wand with blood coming out of every hole on his face yelled with anger and anguish, then he pointed his wand at the dark purple SUV that was coming down from the sky.

A barrage of silvery green energy bolts shot from the tip of his wand and right at the dark purple SUV, the driver of the SUV tried several maneuvers in attempts to dodge these attacks. A lot of the attacks missed, but a few still landed, and they left some very visible dents and burnt holes on the body of the car.

Jason lunged forward and thrust his pen-spear at the man who was trying to shoot down their escort vehicle, but his previous opponent, the man in a suit of dark grey armor and wielding a short sword came from the side and parried his spearhead away.

"Caroline! Stop that bastard!" Jason swept his pen-spear to the side and knocked his opponent away, but then he had to defend himself again because his opponent threw a knife at point blank range right at his shoulder. A round silver energy shield appeared and then was immediately shattered by the throwing knife, but it served its purpose - Jason's shoulder was barely missed by the knife. Jason took a few steps back to stabilize his stance, and then with his Xuanli concentrated on the pen-spear he launched another jab at his opponent, silver flashes came off from the tip of his pen-spear and formed into the shadows of three more spearheads, all aiming at his opponent's different body part.

Caroline lunged at the man wielding a wand with her whole body in flames, her pupils shone in orange and red, and her battle axe left a curved bright orange and red shadow in the air as she swung it against her opponent's head. The man did not intend to defend himself at all, and instead he just aimed his wand right at Caroline, combatting her incoming attack with his own attack.

"Boom!" the collision of two powerful energy attacks led to a devastating explosion, Caroline was blasted backwards and blood was coming out of her nose and mouth, her hands and arms were hurting so bad that her battle axe flew off from her grip.

Jason's opponent was trying to evade when faced against Jason's attack, but the sudden explosion just propelled him forward from behind and pushed him directly onto Jason's pen-spear.

"Crack!" the silver shadows of Jason's spearhead penetrated the man's metal armor, skin and flesh, while the actual head of the pen-spear not only broke a hole on the metal armor, it also sunk deep into his chest. Jason could feel that his spear impaling something soft, and he instinctively loosened his grip and tried to take back his thrusting force. But he was too late, blood started gushing out of the wound on his opponent's chest, and the man struggled for a brief moment before the light in his eyes dimmed.

"Jason, help them!" when Jason's head went blank for a moment, Caroline's voice brought him back to real life. He then turned the pen-spear into a silver ball again and rushed to the side of Thomas and Aimee, who were sent far away by the explosion.

After landing on the ground due to being blasted away by the explosion, Caroline cast a "Flame of Vitality" on herself then struggled to stand up and pick up her battle axe from the ground. She then rushed towards her opponent, preparing to strike once again. But she did not deliver her final blow, because her opponent was also gravely injured from the explosion - his wand was shattered, and his wand holding arm was torn beyond recognition. After a quick look, Caroline was also able to tell that her opponent's chest was also completely caved in, rendering him completely unable to fight any longer - if left untreated, he'd probably die in no time.

"Caroline!" Jason yelled in concern and distress: "A little help here!"

Caroline turned around and rushed towards Jason, leaving her dying opponent behind.

Thomas and Aimee were not as powerful as any of the members from the fight, and they had not gone through any body tempering process, which would make them especially vulnerable against this kind of energy explosion, even if they were standing from afar when the explosion happened.

"Quick!" Jason cast his healing spell "Internal Fortification" on both Aimee and Thomas, and was now trying to cast some more times on the two detectives: "Use your 'Flame of Vitality' on Thomas - he was closer to the explosion, I'm afraid his lungs are seriously wounded."

"On it." Caroline's index and middle fingers from both hands lit up, then she jabbed Thomas's chest and abdomen multiple times, infusing her Xuanli into the body of Thomas.

Thomas coughed and wheezed, with blood coming out of his mouth and nose. Caroline briefly sensed the condition of Thomas, and was able to tell that his body had started to heal. And to her surprise, the healing spell seemed to have quite a good effect on Thomas, almost as effective as when she cast it on herself.

"How's Aimee?" Caroline cast "Flame of Vitality" on Thomas once again, then asked Jason.

"'Internal Fortification' is not really an ideal spell for dealing with internal wounds." Jason wiped off some sweat from his face: "Fucking God, I wish I had practiced more."

"How is she!?"

"She's recovering, but I think you will need to help me a bit here." Jason sighed.

Caroline took over and examined the condition of Aimee, then she sighed in relief: "Looks like she's gonna be fine. I'll wait for your spell to fade away before I use mine."

"Bang!" the purple SUV landed beside them. Garret Peyton, the driver of Josephine Wong and knight in training that drove Caroline and Jason here, came out from the SUV along with several men and women in some kind of uniform.

"Come on, hop in the car." Garret Peyton said to Caroline and Jason: "We're leaving now."

"We've got hostiles incoming!" one of the men in uniform said, as the group of mages that were pushed back by the attacks from the SUV started advancing on their position again.