Chapter 485

"Lady Vyn, it's your brother. It seems urgent." mere moments after sending off Master Unnamed, the young woman who was waiting outside of the meeting room handed a small tablet to Lady Vyn.

"Thank you." Lady Vyn sighed: "No need to wait for me. I'll call when I need you."

The young woman nodded and bowed before she closed the door and went away. Lady Vyn proceeded to sit down by the round table and turned on the tabley.

"So it is true, you ARE trying to change our plans and doing the very things we promised we would never do." Assistant Professor Vyn from the Grant Academy appeared on the screen of the tablet: "May I know why, sister?"

"Legacy." Lady Vyn answered in a tired voice and almost one word at a time: "I want to have a legacy. Brother, I don't know what you think of this, I don't know if you've come to this stage in your life where you'd start to think about this. But I have seen my end coming - there's nothing I can do to stop it. So I want to have a legacy - and honestly, I couldn't think of a better way to do it. If you could, please let me know."

"What do you mean 'Legacy'?" Assistant Professor Vyn asked with a frown.

"I meant what I said."

"You and I both know that is not possible. That's settled the minute we swore with True Words vowing the end of the Hellinger line." Assistant Professor Vyn said in a cold voice: "The chains from the Realm of Oblivion had already bound our souls - you can't go back on that choice. WE can't go back."

"Not by any normal means." Lady Vyn shook her head: "But it is possible. You and I both know about the secret buried deep in the Hellinger Castle. And not just anything behind that wall of riddles, I meant the Crown Jewel of the research done by the most blessed of the Hellingers. The one could break even the toughest of chains."

"And that's why you need the codex, you need it to get through the wall." Assistant Professor Vyn sighed: "But we don't know that it exists. We don't know that it's not further guarded. For all we know, the notes were only plans, blueprints or even exaggerations of what they had. The Hellingers were not exactly known for their modesty and their awareness of their flaws. All of this effort, sacrificing your men for this slim possibility of you wanting to break away from the vows we took?"

"Why? What do I have to lose?" Lady Vyn asked: "What do WE have to lose? Brother - after all these years, hasn't the taste of vengeance lost its kick? I am tired - of us living in the past and still in the shadows of Hellinger. I haven't forgotten our vow - I still want the Hellinger line to end and the curse or blessing to stop existing. But I want MY line now, I want OUR line. I don't want the name Vyn to end when I shed this cursed shell and marched towards the light. I want us to matter, and our stories be whispered and heard."

"What have you seen?" Assistant Professor Vyn stared at Lady Vyn for almost one full minute, before he asked.

"My end. Our end." Lady Vyn answered: "And the nothingness is - terrifying."

"... when?"

"In four days. With or without the codex."

"You can't brute force the riddle alone - well, I know you CAN, but you shouldn't, ever. And the other players wouldn't want to miss out either. I'll bring all my men, and you shouldn't move alone."

"Thank you, brother."

"How is it going with the war?" Assistant Professor asked after letting out a long sigh: "Whatever your plans are, you'd better find a way to handle them quickly and prepare a devastating blow. The sabotage of their blood bank to destabilize their supply is a nice touch, but it's not going to do much if they can reorganize their operations. "

"Don't worry. I might be facing two players at the same time, but we still have the upperhand in terms of manpower." Lady Vyn said: "Also, I don't know if you've heard. Beverly Winters has not appeared for quite a while, which makes the rumor that her power is fading more true."

"Even so, don't underestimate Soren Lupei - though the lycans and vampires are dwindling in numbers, nobody is going to easily win an all out war against them."

"That you don't need to worry about." Lady Vyn said with a smile: "I can take care of Winters. She thought hiding from me is going to buy her time, but I know much, much more about her operation than she's realized. "