Chapter 521

"No, unfortunately we don't have any clues on who, and as far as we know, we don't even know how they did it." Josephine Wong sighed: "I believe the Division has one lead - the mage who was in charge of forging the safebox of the stone was missing, we assume it was the doing of whoever did it."

"This is something of grave importance - if anyone should use it lightly without caution, hell, if anyone tried to use it at all, the end result could be catastrophic - it could break the flows and chains of karma and that - " Jianmen shook his head as he was about to exit Josephine Wong's office with the rest of her crew: " - I would really like to help if needed - this could very well be the closest to horrifying danger we have ever been."

"I can assure you that the Division is right on top of it." just this moment, a familiar voice came from the side.

Everyone that came out of Josephine Wong's office looked towards the direction where the voice came from, and it was none other than Tamil Brooke, will a few individuals under his employment.

"Tamil Brooke, fancy seeing you here." Josephine Wong greeted the man with a dry voice: "To what do we owe the … your presence?"

"Doing what your friend here is eager to do, but in a more professional and less brute force manner." Tamil Brooke chuckled and took a peek at Jianmen: "And this time, it is not some theoretical and high in the air energy theory, we're dealing with an actual crime of consequences."

"So, the commissioner put you in charge?" Josephine Wong asked.

"No, no, that would be wildly inappropriate, would it?" Tamil Brooke said: "He is still considering the right one for the job, and I am just here to offer an educated opinion on who will be better suited for the job, and I will be the official consultant when the right person is in charge. Oh, and, I am terribly sorry that I was not able to recommend you for the job, because I know that you are overburdened with fighting the unnamed terror that may or may not hit us."

"Thank you for the consideration." Josephine Wong sighed: "But please, Mr. Brooke, I will still greatly appreciate it if you could keep me in the loop, the authority of a liaison is not much, but I'm confident we could provide enough value to your investigation."

"Thank you, that is very kind and ... wise of you." Tamil Brooke seemed surprised at Josephine Wong's attitude: "But then again, it's not my investigation. It's not anyone's investigation yet. I believe the commissioner will have his decision ready soon."

"Well, let's hope soon is indeed soon." Josephine Wong nodded.

"... you shouldn't worry." Tamil Brooke thought for a brief moment and said: "Even with the safebox sabotaged, the stone itself has several layers of seals placed by different mages preventing anyone unauthorized from using it. And the mages are all in protective custody now. Even for the best of saboteurs, it should take them quite a while to break the seals without rendering the stone unusable. The people who were in charge of keeping it weren't idiots."

Josephine Wong let out an exhale: "Thank you, this is reassuring to hear. But still, we need to find it as soon as possible."

"We'll try our best." Tamil Brooke nodded and just went straight away.

"Well, he's less of a stuck up prick than usual." Vivian emerged from behind Nameless and Blue: "What's happened to him?"

"I think he's just kinda shocked that our dear Ms. Wong is not being a pri - I mean unpleasant to him like she usually is." Pei sighed with a smile: "So what's the plan, Josephine?"

"The plan will be as we discussed - Jianmen, we head out in an hour; Alexander, Pei, continue with the investigation on those sites. Blue, continue looking into the relic; Nameless, let me know as soon as possible when your artifacts are ready, it's good that we're slightly ahead of schedule, but we could use the extra buffer for other things. Vivian, get back to your intel gathering, and take extra notes about the possible locations of the stone, and the one who crafted that safebox."

"And who is that again?" Vivian asked, scratching her head: "Sorry, I'm not familiar with Division personnel files."

"I am, not, sure - actually." it took Josephine Wong a few seconds to answer: "Blue, can you help me out here?"

"Hmm, it's not exactly public information, so I will need to look into it as well." Blue chuckled, embarrassed: "Let me get back to you?"

"Okay, I'll be on my way." Jianmen raised his hand and was about to conjure a portal: "Did you call the detectives?"

"Wait wait wait!" Josephine Wong grabbed Jianmen's arm: "You can't create a portal here, it's forbidden, and you will break the signal insulation."

"Geez, I'm sorry, I was just a bit caught up - " Jianmen put down his arm and started walking towards the exit of the building, where the official portal lay: "- caught up, you know, in my thoughts?"

"Good luck with the council meeting." Blue and Pei said to Josephine Wong at the same time.