Chapter 598

"Tzk!" Jianmen clicked his teeth in frustration as he flew around in the air and witnessed the energy cage crumbled from repeated attempts of corruption and impact by the Defilers - the cage was made from the demon horn and claw given to him by Tze Cha, after agreeing to take over the contracts Tze Cha took over from the demon. He thought the cage would last longer and do more damage to the Defiler horde, yet the breath and blood of that serpent Defiler had done too much corrosive damage to it that it was not able to hold on anymore.

A diamond-shaped Defiler with a strange and hypnotic shine rose from the dark orb, and in a single moment, its many surfaces shone some kind of pale gray light at the human forces around the crater.

Many of the humans, especially those with a weaker mind block ability and resistance to illusion and mind and soul magic, went into a brief moment of confusion and vertigo, which caused their attacks and defenses to be interrupted. Though the effect was for but a blink of an eye, the Defilers were able to take advantage of it and tore several holes in the lines of defense.

Two thick tentacles were launched by Rash towards that diamond-shaped Defiler like chained harpoons and impaled two of its many surfaces without any issue. However, some kind of decaying energy started to spread from its internal space onto the two tentacles.

"Poof!" Rash immediately cut off its two corrupted tentacles after injecting the venoms stored inside the glands on the tips of the tentacles into the diamond-shaped Defiler. This defiler, though shaped just like an inanimate diamond, started twitching and letting out a high pitched scream, and fell down on the ground and cracked into many tiny pieces. Gray blue smoke arose from its pieces and became absorbed by all the Defilers rushing through the area - this was the residue of Rash's venom.

"Mr. Yu, I need help." Rash said to Jianmen: "That thing's corrosive power - I wasn't able to cut them off in time!"

"One second!" Jianmen's entire body flashed in orange and golden light, leaving an energy afterimage of himself where he was and teleported to the side of Rash. By the time he got to Rash, the same kind of decay energy was spreading through Rash's body.

With his right hand in claw shape, Jianmen plunged his entire right arm into Rash's body, an energy vortex appeared around his arm, which "attracted" the decay energy and led it away. Within moments, he was able to stop the spread, giving Rash enough time to cut off a large chunk of his body to fully stop the spread. Then Jianmen's right arm lit up in orange and golden flames as he did a throwing move with it - his Xuanli encapsulated the decay energy and wrapped it inside an energy capsule of dozens of layers, trapped it inside and carried it into the sky away from the center of the battle field, slowly neutralizing it in the process.

"This is almost pure energy of anti-being." Rash healed himself slowly and said: "How come? How could anyone or anything control this kind of power?"

"The Queen Bee, the Alpha, the Grand Defiler." Jianmen checked on his right arm - this healing process left his whole right arm burnt as well, and he needed some time to heal: "Be careful, alright? We need a lot more dead Defilers for the wound to heal."

With the diamond Defiler gone, Tze Cha flying from position to position spitting dark flames and devouring large packs of Defilers, and small traces of Rash's venom slowing and paralyzing other Defilers, the holes in the defenses of humans were gradually mended by the flesh and blood of more human fighters.

Large caliber weapons fired up, energy bolts and enchanted rockets were launched into the incoming horde close to the holes in the lines of defense, releasing energy shockwaves that crushed and blew away many of the Defilers that were trying to take advantage of them.

"Black hole orbs! Black hole orbs! Aim at the place they come from!" Josephine Wong tossed a charged up mind-clearing spell into the air with her trembling and blood-stained arms, helping many human fighters fight off the remnant effects of the pale gray light.

Three slim, long and silvery gray missiles were launched by three cars standing at the back of the battlefield. And to cover for this attack, many other vehicles and launchers of missile attacks opened fire in a volley.

While the rest of the missile attacks exploded releasing heat, light and shockwave, the three slim missiles disintegrated in the air and popped out six antennas made of different materials. And the next moment, all three missiles imploded from similar positions inside of their structures, creating three blackholes in the air that pulled in dozens of Defilers in an instant, including three mid tier Defilers that just came out of the dark orb.

"Come on! Come on!" Professor Barnes swung his great sword in the air, the burning energy blade extended from his sword had cut through possibly hundreds of Defilers at this point, and his armor was damaged and even completely broken in some places and his blood was dripping onto the ground, but there were still too many Defilers rushing towards him.

"We need more fighters, we need reinforcements." Professor Dorothea Clarkson coughed and helped Glenda Grimes stand up straight: "They still keep coming."

"Where the fuck are the elementals?" Glenda Grimes tossed a healing spell and a defense spell onto Professor Barnes and said: "We could use some elementals now!"

Tze Cha roared in anger as he almost fell onto the ground from his injuries - too many mid-tier Defilers were targeting him and he was getting overwhelmed, and also because he did not listen to Jianmen about not devouring too many Defilers. These are not the usual dark creatures he could easily digest like many of those he had done before, even when he was almost fully healed and received the blessing from Jianmen's white crystal.

"Boom!" A giant rainbow-colored portal appeared in the air, and another horde of creatures flooded out from it - these creatures had many different shapes and sizes just like the Defilers, but their colors were much brighter and shiner.

"You're late." Jianmen couldn't help but say to Xyn with anger.

"My apologies - but I had a disagreement." Xyn, now in the form of a four-armed cloaked figure wielding two scythes, one long and one short, said to Jianmen.