From Afar

Rebecca rose to her feet and went to the door to check who is outside. When she opened the door, it was Graven.

"What take you so long inside?" he asked.

Rebecca smiled. "Laura and I... we're just chatting," she replied casually. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at the woman sitting on the bed. "I'll take my leave. I'll come back later," she told her.

Laura nodded her head. "Okay, see you later," she responded.

She was left alone again in the room, recalling everything Rebecca told her about the twin's history. Graven's fiancee knows everything about him and his twin!

She was surprised that Rebecca has been generous enough in telling her all the info regarding the history of the twins when they were still young.

Rebecca was about to touch the topic regarding Luke's strange illness and death when Graven knocked on the door.

She released a deep sigh.