
Menedelia and Rebecca were gathering firewood, hundred meters from the wooden house.

Rebecca looked at the dried twigs on the ground. "Granny, I think we gathered enough firewood already. Can we go home now?" she asked.

Menedelia frowned. "Why? Don't tell me, you are sleepy again?"

"Yeah, that's true. I would like to go home and crawl back in my bed," Rebecca answered.

"But it's still morning! You just wake up three hours ago. You wake up late in the morning and sleep several times in a day, your such a lazy pig!" Menedelia joked.

Rebecca looked at her companion. "I dunno, Granny. I'm feeling tired and always want to sleep nowadays," she said. "I dunno what's happening to me. Do you think I'm sick?" she asked.

"Don't worry, I will perform the ritual later after we arrive home to diagnose your sickness," Menedelia said.

"Alright. Let's go!" Rebecca said and hoisted the firewood on her shoulder.

The women walked on the path leading back to the wooden hut.