
Sofia glanced eagerly at the door, her stomach is rumbling again, which means it's time for another meal!

If she guessed correctly, it's already Lunchtime since she finished eating her breakfast a while ago.

A few minutes later, the door opened and the old woman stood in the doorway looking at her.

"Child, follow me..." Hera said.


"I'm going to put you in another room," Hera spoke.

"Just like room #6? " she asked.

"Yeah," Hera replied and walked away.

Sofia grabbed her knapsack and bolted out of the room.

She saw the old woman entered room #5.

When she reached the room. She saw a tray filled with food placed on the table.

Hera looked at the girl. "From now on this is your new room. You can start eating your lunch now," she said and left the room.

Sofia noticed that the room has the same feature as room #6. And the best thing about the room, it has a wall clock!