
The two guys crawling in the secret passage underground are nearing the secret door. At long last, they were able to stand tall after they arrived at the opening.

They finally reached the secret door! They immediately opened it and entered the room.

In the early days, they would come here to check the coffin, and the black body inside was still lying in the same position, nothing new. The coffin was covered with black liquid, and the corpse was submerged on it.

Through the years they stopped looking inside the coffin, and then stop entering the secret door inside the basement.

They grew tired of checking the secret door months after months, year after year.

But they kept accepting the monthly payment they received from the old caretaker couple until now.

The first guy glanced at his companion and asked, "Since when we last entered this secret room?"

The second guy pondered the question for a moment and scratched his head. "Um...two years ago? I'm no longer sure!"