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Menedelia's soul entered Graven's consciousness which is too dark for her to handle.

"Hello...Graven... where are youoooooo? Can you hear meeeeeeee?"

She continue calling his name several times. "Gravennnnnnnn can you hear meeeeee?"

'I'm here! I'm here! I'm here! Over here!' Graven shouted at the top of his lungs.

Menedelia shouted again. "Graven answer me if you hear my calling! Where are youooo?"

No one answered her call. Where is Graven? C-could it be that his soul is out of his body?

Unfortunately, she can't continue any further because the thick darkness is suffocating her.

She's been floating around in a circle because she can't find a way out of the thick darkness.

This is not good! If she will stay too long in this darkness it will overpower her soul and she might not be able to get out. She meditated and gathered her strength... she needs to get out before it's too late!
