Chapter 6

I sat in the hospital waiting for the doctor, it's been a week and since I came back I've been feeling sick, of course he had the possibility of it in the back of our minds.

Obviously I had to tell the detective what happened and when I told Zack and my dad the almost changed into there wolves and ran to hunt my mother, they would have if The Alpha didn't Stop them.

Zack walked over to me and hugged me for the 10th time today "everything will be ok" he said holding me, we found out a few days ago that he was my second chance mate if only the goddess had told us a little earlier.

after a few more minutes of waiting Dr. johnson came in and gave me a small smile

and took a deep breath.

"I wish I could congratulate you on your pregnancy but under the circumstances..." she said not wanting to finish "I've always wanted children" I said starting to tear up "but not under these circumstances" I held back the tears not wanting to cry.

Dr. Johnson took a deep breath "do you want to abort it" she said uncomfortably "no" I replied "if the goddess didn't will it I wouldn't be pregnant" I continued "but I'll be damned if that bastard Alpha ever comes near my baby."

I looked over at my mate the mate I never thought would be possible after I was rejected since second chance mates shouldn't even exist "your fine with this right" I said looking in his eyes "no I don't like the fact your pregnant by another wolf but I love you so I love you-our child" he replied.

I couldn't help but hug him when he said, after a few minutes Dr. Johnson told us what to do and what not to do "Um Dr. johnson I have a quick question" I said getting up and walking over to her "what is it" she said turning to me with a smile.

"Um so I know that the hospital will be doing an internship for wolves that want to become doctors and I figured since I will be finishing highschool and my online college courses soon if I'd be able to study under you to become a pack doctor? I said nervously "how's this send me both your highschool principles and your college deans emails and I'll talk with them to see what they think" she replied I couldn't help but smile and nod as she turned and walked away.

"I didn't know you wanted to be a doctor" Zack said walking over to me "yeah it's why I did both highschool and college at the same time" I replied "well come on we have to tell my dad the news" I said getting up and walking away.

We got outside the hospital and there were paparazzi and news people waiting "why are they here" I asked quietly "I don't know but just ignore them and follow my lead.

we pushed pass them trying to get to his car but it was difficult "MISS. WOODS ARE YOU PREGNANT" one reporter asked grabbing my shoulder "SELENA IS IT TRUE THAT YOU WILLINGLY HAD SEX WITH THE ALPHA OF THE PINEWOOD PACK" another said eventually we were able to get to the car after almost having to drag zack there, he was able to drive away very fast.

"don't listen to a word they say Selena, they don't know a thing" Zack said in an annoyed tone. tears started to fill my eyes "but Zack what am I supposed to do" I said looking down.

He stopped the car and looked at me "you try your hardest to love that baby in your belly, it maybe there under horrible circumstances but it is yours and you will be an amazing mother to him or her" he replied and I stared at him as he started moving the car again.

we drove back to my house and got out of the car I stood there looking at the house "it's gonna be ok" zack said kissing my forehead. "I know it's just it feels so wrong, I always imagined having a child with my mate..."

he quickly hugged me and whispered in my ear "the baby may not be my blood and our mate situation may extremely weird but in the end it is still my child"

all I could do in that moment was hug him back, but he was right our situation was anything but ordinary especially since his mate died and mine rejected me, and second chance mates shouldn't exist, we still didn't understand it.

after a few minutes I kindly pushed him away and looked in his eyes I then kissed him and man do I say he was an amazing kisser Ahem buy that is not the point.

we walked into the house and saw my dad sitting in his chair he noticed us and got up and came to hug me "so" he said releasing me from the hug "What's the results" I looked him in the eyes and with a clam straight face I said "I'm Pregnant!"