And So, It's Damocles

One thing I was pretty known for in Kingdom Crawlers was my habit of giving my subordinates the names of Greek and Roman gods and kings. I know it's weird giving demons Greek god names but I couldn't help it. When you have a floating Isle called Aeolia, and a name like Aeolus, you just want to keep the ball going. Besides, If I think about it, the names are well suited, because it was my intention to make my subordinates just as strong as those legendary kings and gods in myth. And now, one of those said subordinates I crafted with my sweat and blood, is right before me.

Damocles, the very first legendary rank sword I crafted before I even attempted the raid quest that gave me Aeolia. A year after Aeolia became mine though, I got my hands on a skill called . Only a few amongst the top 10 players had this skill, and it was granted to only those who accomplished incredible achievements. The skill allowed a player to imbue their will and part of their soul into an object they had a very close connection too. Like an item they crafted themselves and used frequently, though the skill could only be used once. I used mine on Damocles, and he gained human form. Not only did he become one of my strongest subordinates and guard, he also became the strongest swordsman in the entire game. No player has even come close to beating him. Not even the number 4 Master Swordsman player, Tagura.

Of all my subordinates, he's probably the most loyal- mostly because I chucked him full of loyalty points every chance I got. I spent a load of materials, time, and money on him. I wasn't about to let him fall susceptible to another player's or skill, which would allow them steal him from me.

Though, his presence here confirms it. The others were transferred here as well! But... hold on. If Aeolia's been here for 10 years, does that mean they have too? That can't be right. They'd have done something by now. No way 'that' guy would just sit idly after arriving in a new world. Not with the way I designed him.

When my eyes meet Damocles' he gets down on one knee in a bowing motion. Not only is he attracting a lot of gazes to himself, but it won't take long for everyone to notice he's connected to me.

"I'll be right back," I state, before standing up and rushing towards the cafeteria exit then jumping down the flight of stairs that leads to the campus grounds.

As I turn to where the door leading to the open lawn is, I see Damocles patiently waiting there.

"My lord!"

"... Damocles," I mouth, still finding it a bit shocking that Damocles is moving and speaking without any commands. He's actually here in the flesh as a living breathing person. Weird.

Wait. Hold on a sec... If Damocles is here, then don't tell me he went through...

With that thought, my eyes flick quickly to the sky where Aeolia floated, and then downward, in the vague direction of the ground under it. It's faint, but I can feel a small outpour of mana from that direction. Which can only mean, Damocles broke through the barrier the Knights set up.

"Damocles," I begin, turning to look at him. "Did you not notice the barrier set underneath you?"

"Forgive me my lord, but I don't understand what you mean. The humans did set up a barrier underneath the fortress, however I thought it was of little importance."

As expected. Well, it's not like he has any reason to be weary of a weak human barrier, but it's bad news for me cause that just alerted the Knights of our presence in the city. Their barrier is weak to us, but it's still roughly at level 80 nonetheless. Which means only a monster higher than that level can pass through it. Now that they know someone higher than level 80 descended Aeolia, they'll be on the look out for strong suspicious people. That's troublesome.

"Never mind. What are you doing here?"

He looked downward with a serious face before saying, "We suddenly arrived at this unfamiliar place about a month ago, but we decided to wait patiently in hopes of your return. And then, yesterday, we felt a power that was a bit weaker, but had the same mana signature as you, My lord, and I was sent to investigate."

"I see."

They must have sensed my use of the 'Demon Lord' title. So they were sent here a month ago? But Aeolia's been here for ten years. Wait... a month? ••• !! That son of a...! I'm starting to think that bastard didn't actually kill me by accident. The time gap doesn't make any sense. Even with the issue of trans-dimensional travel, at least the time frame should remain consistent.

"My lord. May I ask a question?" Damocles asks, lowering his head.

"Uh... yeah. Go ahead."

"Why does my lord look like that?"


Oh! That's right. I'm in my human form. Even with the resemblance, I guess without the horns, long black hair and red eyes it'll be hard to identify me. Yet he found me right away. I should increase his evolution points.

"Ahem. I'm in disguise," I state bluntly, after clearing my throat a little. "I wanted to collect information about this unfamiliar place so I thought I'd blend in."

"I see. Forgive my ignorance. Master is indeed very insightful."

Is he patronizing me? Oh yeah, I forgot Damocles' habit of complimenting me at every turn. It was easy in the game because they were NPC's, but being worshipped like this by a real person is just awkward.

"No need for that. Anyway, you must return immediately."

"... Without you, my lord?" Damocles asks, a look of concern clear on his face.

"I still have things to be done. But I will return home tonight, so ready the castle for my arrival."

Damocles hesitates at the thought of leaving without me for a while, but doesn't complain any further and does as told. "Yes, my lord. I will inform the rest of your presence."

In a flash, Damocles disappears after bowing to me again.

It would be bad if the Knights manage to track him to this school, but I think it should be fine like this for now. Damocles may be a swordsman, but his movements are akin to a master assassin. I doubt they'd have a successful time tracking him. Though, now that he's basically announced the presence of higher level beings within the floating isle by breaking their barrier, I'll have to start making my moves as Aeolus now. A little earlier than I wanted, but an equal result all the same. First, I'll have to move the castle away from Dorma.

As I trudge back to class, I spot a few knights hanging around the school yard.

Don't tell me they actually tracked Damocles here. No. I shouldn't be hasty. The likelihood of that is the same as a rocket landing beside me. Maybe because of the ring?

"Alice," Darius calls to me, ambling towards me with Larien by his side. "Where did you run off to? You didn't even eat lunch properly."

"Hm? Oh, uh, I had to use the bathroom real quick,"

"And then you just decided not to come back? You're strong but you should remember to eat too or it won't mean much. Here, I brought you a sandwich. Eat it before heading to class." Darius says in a lecturing tone, as he hands me a sandwich he wrapped up in a napkin.

"Uh, thank you,"

I don't think I've had anyone worry over me like this in a long time. And as I think that, my stomach begins to growl. I was so distracted that I didn't even realize I was hungry.

Larien chuckles a bit at the sound of my growling stomach. "You shouldn't make your friends worry over you like this."


Hm? Friend? That word sort of caught me off guard there, since, truth be told, I've never had a friend IRL before. I've never had real friends before, probably not since grade school I think? I don't know if it's a good idea making friends right now, but since I like it I'll just roll with it.

"I bet you're the type of person who needs to be constantly taken care of," Darius states in a huff, crossing his arms together.

That... I cannot refute. I had a maid come once every month to prepare my meals and clean my apartment when I was still living on earth. Other than games and hacking, I don't think I'm good in much else.

"Lol, I guess that's true." I mutter, trying not to remember what my life was like before I lived alone.


"L-o-l?" Darius repeats, giving me a look of confusion.

Whoops. I accidently slipped into in-game slang.

"Nothing," I wave off. "More importantly, do you know why knights are in the school?"

My question draws their attention to the three knights standing by the big oak tree in the middle of the yard.

"Oh, they must be here to investigate what happened yesterday," Larien states, gazing at them.


Didn't they already do most of their investigating yesterday? They helped remove the seals and I even dropped the culprit right at their doorstep yesterday, all nice-like for them. Having them in close proximity isn't putting me at ease.

"I heard they believe a dangerous organization was really responsible for what happened," Darius says.

"That so,"

"Speaking of, they might be the same people who attempted a raid on the floating isle without permission this morning," Larien adds, tapping his chin lightly.

"... This morning?"

"Yes. Since I'm currently the only member of the royal family situated here in Dorma, I'm often given reports from the Order of Knights. Apparently, this morning a group of dark mages attempted to raid the dungeon. Though they were all slain by the knights." Larien summarizes.

"Oh, I see."

So they couldn't get their hands on the ring and thought they'd attempt it anyway? Haaaah. Vernath was it? They're really starting to get on my nerves.