And So, It's Vernath Again

"Cerberus," I call using a telepathic link just as we arrive at the gates of Harge village. "There's a small ant hill I want you to destroy. Come here immediately and burn anything you wish to the ground."

"Yes, sir!" Cerberus responds immediately with a cheer.

Cerberus never turns down a request to go on a rampage and destroy things, especially things belonging to humans. I know I should probably feel guilty about releasing Cerberus onto innocent villagers who are yet to do me any wrong, but all I can think about right now is how vexed I am.

Vernath. If I remember correctly, I had Mercury decimate their headquarters, and the other troubling pests working with them, but he failed to bring me the head of their leader. What was his name again? Craith? I think that was it. I asked Agamemnon to find him, and since he hasn't reported anything on that, I take it the worm is quite hard to find.