And So, Why They Are Desperate

This is a problem.

Not only can he see that my actual level is 80, but he can also see that I can use dark magic.

This is a completely messed up situation if I've ever been in one.

Nothing more to it then, I suppose I'll have to scrap and rewrite. A perfectly good plan down the fucking drain. 

Benefactor my ass. I knew there was something off about him from the moment I saw him.

Sigh. This is making me frustrated.

I really hate to dispose of perfectly competent people, but it seems like I'll have to kill everyone here after all. I'd have wanted to at least keep Yvenne since his level is so high, but no point in keeping bombs just waiting to explode. Can't have any loose ends.

I'll at least remember him, after all, no other person has pissed me off, and made me want him this much at the same time. 

I guess it'll be better to make a move before he goes blab-