And So, It Is The Argent Grimoire

Baran looks at me silently for a while, before failing to keep in a sigh. He falls into a small ponder before catching his breath. 

"The Argent Grimoire."

He states, looking at me hesitantly.


Agamemnon and Damocles turn their gazes to me at the mention of his words.

Now that's an item I haven't thought about in a while.

Reflexively, I open my inventory and quickly scan through the numerous artifacts and items listed within it.

The Alter Grimoire, the Triumph Grimoire, the Flare Grimoire, and the Glaze Grimoire. Every other grimoire in my collection accounted for, except the Argent Grimoire. This can't be a coincidence.


I order, a slight irritation crawling up the back of my mind. I'm not pleased.

"What does your situation have to do with my grimoire?"

Still a bit hesitant, Baran continues carefully. Choosing each word as he speaks.