The Golden Order of Goldwyn

Soon with no need to further question, Cyrus's defenses watch helplessly, as many facets of Fitz march straight to the front lines of his offensive. The resemblance, with some of them, is SO impressive...

For this, Dr. Light shines some angelic light, for special effects. In the background, the Harding University Chorus sings "Was it a Morning Like This," as the Order of Goldwyn assembles at the vanguard of Fitz's offensive:

A portal opens in the sky, from the moon. Neil Armstrong falls through it, and flies around, from beneath a winged harness. He looks SO much like Fitz...

An amphibious tank rolls forward. Harold Nixon, from an alternate reality, stands atop it, armed, and clad in naval battledress. In the reality he's from, he survived the Great Depression, and became a great warrior and sailor in WWII. His brother Dick Milhous, however, DIDN'T survive the Depression. He looks SO much like Fitz...

A time-displaced Warren Jeffs marches forward, aback a mighty elephant. He's dressed like a Mormon sultan...if Mormons had sultans. He looks SO much like Fitz...

A time-displaced Sir Edwin rides forth, atop a tank with a big gun on it. Behind him, he's got a whole armored troop behind him. The tanks bear the roundel of the Virginia militia. He looks SO much like Fitz...

Jody Powell, from an alternate reality, flies on a winged harness, as Armstrong's wingman. In the reality that he's from, he gets away with cheating on that exam at the Air Force Academy, and becomes a top gun in the air. He looks SO much like Fitz...

Judge Baxter, from the Good Wife universe, flies an F-22 around in the sky, prepared to judge whoever he must, during this offensive. Inside the cockpit, he looks SO much like Fitz...

Frank O'Brien, from the Lesser Evil universe, rides forth, standing atop a tank with two guns atop it. He looks SO much like Fitz...

A time-displaced Ed Miller, clad in FBI attire, rides forth, atop a tank. He's pretty sure his time-displaced partner, Agent Felt, is somewhere in this phalanx... But that'll have to wait. Unlike Agent Felt, he looks SO much like Fitz...

A time-displaced Donald Duvall, rides in, on the tank with the longest and biggest-bored gun yet. He's pretty sure that Dr. Bull, his colleague, is somewhere in this phalanx...and with a Schwartz MUCH bigger than his, at that... But again, that'll have to wait. Duvall looks SO much like Fitz...

Detective Steve Frayn, from the Traces of Red universe, rides forth, aback a red-painted elephant. He looks SO much like Fitz...

Col. Bagley, from the Last Samurai universe, rides forth, atop a cavalry fighting vehicle. He's armed with a sabre, and a Henry rifle. He's got a Washington Redskins roundel painted on the side of his vehicle...and a very nasty insult spray-painted, in black, over it... He looks SO much like Fitz...

From the sky, Huo Yuanjia levitates down, and lands atop the cavalry fighting vehicle, with Bagley. Bagley acknowledges him with a smile...but at the same time, doesn't seem to secure about this...

At time-displaced Clark Clifford rides forth, aback a Stryker mortar-carrier vehicle towing a howitzer. Behind it, an entire battery of those howitzers follows. They're so big, they'd remind a soul of WWI...if a soul of today recalled WWI... (More power to them, if they don't...) Clifford looks SO much like Fitz...

Andrew Prior, from the Divergent universe, flies around in a high-tech warplane. His son, Four, is somewhere down there... But that'll have to wait. Inside the cockpit, among technology that makes an F-22 look like a biplane, he looks SO much like Fitz...

From behind them all, a very clumsy elephant barrels to the fore, trumpeting as he goes along. It's Tantor, from the Congo. Tarzan, clad in a leather kilt and nothing else, leaps off Tantor's back, stands on a patch of open ground like an ape, stands, hammers his chest, and lets out his famous jungle cry.

It's so loud, it echoes throughout Lincoln sky or none. Tarzan, too, looks SO much like Fitz...

On the other side of the line, Citizen Illinois gapes. "Yeah," he mutters, "take back what I just said."

"Consider it taken," Myron Clark, of the Order of Watertown, says...also gaping.

Cyrus's defenses watch, now in more terror than before, as other assemblies make themselves known, within Fitz's offensive's ranks.

There's also the grounded part of the Crescent Order. Its airborne parts (i.e. Nite Owl II and Dr. Light) are still airborne, prepared to provide air support, as soon as the sitch demands it...

Katana stands atop a tank, wearing a white mask stamped with a Japanese red sun. She's armed with two katanas; one is the Soultaker, which steals its victims' souls, as it's killing them...

There's Jonah Hex, atop a Stryker reconnaissance vehicle. He's armed with a pair of revolvers, and his face is disfigured.

There's Jake Jensen, a Loser. He stands aback a Stryker communications vehicle. He always knows just what to say, and when to say it...

There's Emiko Adachi, as the Red Arrow, standing atop an elephant's head. She's armed with a red robe, a quiver, and a bow...and she's not afraid to use either.

There's Deathstroke the Terminator, atop a tank. He wears a mask that's half-orange and half-black, and his two katanas are at the is his insatiable warrior's spirit, made possible by a supersoldier serum that never stops demanding...

Deadshot stands, atop an elephant's head. He wears a prosthetic eye, with a red light that glows in its center. His harness is equipped with ammo and firearms in holsters. He's prepared to not miss a single target, on this offensive...

Here, it's more than apparent that the board is set. Now, it's time for white to move first. Question; which side is white? Also...which member of the Order of Goldwyn is the real Fitz?