The Truth

In the back of one of the many alleyways of the Hidden leaf village we can see a small malnourished child laying on the ground covered in blood. The blood is not just on herself but it is also all over the walls and the floor. Something that if someone was to walk into would wonder how many people died here to generate this much blood in the area but the special thing here is that all of that blood was generated by one person.

A small little girl who has bright blue eyes, faint marks on her cheeks that look like whiskers and bright yellow hair in twin tails going down her back. Well that normally is what Naruko Uzumaki looks like but today much like all the other days when she can't outrun the citizens of Konohagakure, they attack and beat her within an inch of her life and call her terrible names. Names that no child should ever have to hear especially a young girl at the age of 7 like Naruko is.

If you're wondering why a whole village would attack a young child like Naruko you only need to know one word and you would understand, she is what the world calls a Jinchuriki or the power of human sacrifice. A person that has a tailed beast sealed inside of them that gives them all special abilities depending on the tailed beast they have and extraordinary chakra reserves.

*Scene Change*

Drip Drip Drip

"Ugh where am I" Naruko says while sitting up from the ground while she grabs her head trying to process what is going on.

While shaking off the headache that she had she finally had a chance to look around "What is with all of this water around me?" She then stands up and notices that it looks like she is standing in what looks like a sewer and she knows what a sewer looks like given her past experience that won't be mentioned right now.

"Well this is just great I got dumped in the sewer again, god damn it" she says while sighing at her situation she is in.

"Come to me child" a faint whisper is heard in the air, something that Naruko notices and looks around to see where that came from or who it came from.

"Come to me child" this time it was a little louder

"Okay so I'm not crazy, someone is definitely here with me, but I don't know where to go though to get to the voice. What should I do?" She says while getting into a thinking pose on what to do next.

Then she felt a fluctuation of power in the air in a certain direction, "While going toward whatever that is, is normally a bad thing for some reason I can't help but feel that it is familiar? Well no better way to figure it out then to go there." she then skips toward it completely unafraid of what is down here.

After skipping for a while she finally saw something "Well would you look at that" she says while looking at a massive gate of bars with what looks like a prison with some weird writing on it in some places.

While staring at the gate wondering what it is and what is behind it she sees something on the other side. A pair of massive red slitted eyes that shine brightly in the pitch darkness of the prison.

"Welcome to my humble abode warden" the voice says while it steps into the light so to say and shows what it is. A huge burnt orange colored nine tail fox with a shit eating grin on it's face showing off all of it's sharp and deadly teeth to Naruko.

Now there was one reaction that the nine tails was looking forward to getting from her warden when she showed her full form to Naruko. She excepted her to faint or something or to start to cry out something like that to show how scared she was but instead she got something she never thought she would.

"Well hello there cutie" Naruko said, getting off a happy wave and a bright smile on her face, completely unafraid of the massive fox in front of her that could easily crush or eat her if it so desired.

"Wait what, you're not scared of me or anything?" the nine tails asked curious why this human was unafraid and called her the great nine tails fox the strongest creature on the planet cute.

Getting into a thinking pose with a slight tilt of her head making her look extremely cute in the nine tails opinion for some reason "Well I mean look at all that fur you have there, I beat you are super soft and I just want to hug you. Not to mention for some reason I feel like I know you somehow and feel comfortable in your presence does that make sense?"

"Hahahahahahahaha….. This is something that I would never suspect to happen in all my years of life. A human not scared of me but instead wants to give me a hug…. Oh child you have earned some respect from me"

"Ummm that's cool and all but like what are you and where are we at right now? Naruko says after waiting for the nine tails to calm down from it's laughing fit.

"Right, well since you have some respect from me, I guess I can answer some of your questions then since I'm in a good mood now. We are in your mind currently or your mindscape as some would say. As for who I am, I am the nine tails fox, a pleasure kit?"

"Mindscape? Does that mean that this is the inside of my mind?" Naruko asks which the nine tails nodded her head to.

"Well that sucks, my mind is a literal sewer so I need to change that soon somehow but I can do that later. The nine tails as in the one that attacked the village 7 years ago, the one that the fourth hokage defeated? But then how are you in my mind then if you were killed as they say?"

"As if I can be killed by a mere human, I was sealed because I can not be killed. I was tricked into attacking your home by someone in a mask. When I was freed from my previous host the first thing that I did was to run away and enjoy my freedom but I didn't make it very far before some person got in front of me and controlled me to go back and attack your home. And while normally I would have been able to resist someone like being controlled like that I was incredibly weak from escaping my previous host and this masked person took advantage of that and controlled me." She said while gritting her teeth when she thought of what happened in the past.

"Wow, so you didn't mean to attack our home but were forced to that is so sad" Naruko says and then does something that surprised the nine tails fox she walked into the prison on her own and hugged her nose trying to comfort her and sooth her angry.

Surprisingly it actually worked and she did feel better probably because someone heard her out on her side of the story and that she believed her something that she didn't except. Not to mention that she was enjoying this weird hug that Naruko was giving her. It filled her up with warmth, something that she hasn't felt in a very long time.

"Kit you do know that I could kill you at any point if I wanted to since you're on this side of the bars right?"

"I'm not worried about it, something tells me that you wouldn't do that to me right?" She says while looking straight into her eyes showing complete trust to her.

"Wait, does that mean that you're the reason that the villagers treat me the way that they do?" lowering her head to cover her eyes so that no one can see the tears on the corner of her eyes.

"Yes, sadly but I've been trying to help you as best I can. You ever notice that you don't ever get sick and all your injuries that you ever receive heal extremely quickly. That is me trying to help you but I can only do so much for you." She says in a sad tone because the amount of times that she has had to heal her over the years, it is a miracle that she has lived this long.

"It's okay, I understand and I don't hold it against you. It isn't like you wanted to be sealed into me or something it just happened and we can make the best out of it. I consider you my friend now anyway and I don't' want to be mad at my only friend" Naruko says with a bright smile on her face

After getting over what Naruko just said and calling her, her friend stirred something inside of herself "I have decided, let's make a deal kit?" the nine tails fox says in a serious tone of voice.

"Oh what kind of deal foxy?" she almost face faulted when she heard what this kid called her just now.

"The name is Ahri, kit don't forget it" to which Naruko just nodded her head while she was still hugging Ahri's nose.

"So about this deal I mention, I will help you become the strongest person on this planet, someone that won't have to fear anything or anyone. A walking legend that is to be respected and feared. I only ask three things from you to carry out this deal. What do you say kit?"

"Hmmm,so will you teach me how to be a ninja then because I've never had a teacher before everyone just ignores me and treats me like air or trash depending on the person. I've always wanted to be strong but it is hard when I'm not allowed to do anything without getting in trouble. Also will you teach me other stuff while you're at it?"

"Yes I'll teach you everything that I know about being a ninja, I have hundreds of years of experience that I can share with you things that others don't even remember or ever seen. Also what other stuff did you want me to teach you besides ninja stuff?" Ahri asked curious what else she wanted.

While looking embarrassed that she has to say this out-loud "Ummm Ahri could you please teach me how to write and read as well please?" with clear tears in the corner of her eyes.

When Ahri heard this she was appalled that this place wouldn't even teach her how to read or write yet. She is 7 years old already and this is something that you start to learn how to do at like 3 years old from what she has seen how they can do this. She didn't know it was this bad but given what she has seen she can't say that she is surprised but still this makes her angry so very angry that she just wants to destroy the village now.

"Of course kit, I will teach you everything that I know and make you a force to be reckoned with in the world." Naruko just smiles and rubs her face in Ahri's nose.

"Now for what I want from you it is nothing too hard and something that you can do, the first thing is that I want revenge on the masked guy that controlled me and I want you to hunt him down and kill him when you are strong enough. The second thing is that I want you to share your senses with me. It gets boring here and I want to see the outside world again which is something that you can easily do and I'll show you how. The last thing which might be the hardest for you is to accept your other half." Ahri

"I promise you that I will help you get your revenge Ahri for the one who controlled you, as well as share my senses with you once you show me how. But what do you mean when you mention my other half?" Naruko says with clear confusion showing on her face.

"What I mean kit is that, I want you to accept your darker half that is currently inside here with me. This half is the one that contains all of your dark emotions from your past experiences, before you say no. This is something that you need to do if you want to be strong otherwise you will never truly be strong and won't be able to reach your full potential." Ahri said trying to stress how important this is for her to do otherwise the consequences for the future she dare not think about.

"Ahri if you say it must be done then I will do it for you, please bring her here" Naruko says while stepping back from Ahri to wait and watch what happens next.

"Yuri come here please" Ahri yells out and then you can see a girl that looks exactly like Naruko but the only difference that can be seen is the black hair that she has and the crimson colored eyes.

"I see that you were able to get her to agree then Ahri. Pleasure to meet you finally Naruko, I have been looking forward to this for a long time now. We can finally be whole and show those that have wronged us what happens when you mess with us" Yuri says with an evil grin on her face that looks so wrong on her sweet little face. It would send a shiver down anyone's back if they saw it because this expression is on a child.

"It is nice to meet you Yuri and I promise you that those that have wronged us will get what's coming to them. I always wondered why I could never get angry for those that have attacked me and now I know why that is. All of those feelings go to you so all I can say is thank you for what you have done for me or us." Naruko says while performing a bow to Yuri showing how much she appreciates what she has done for her by collecting all of her negative emotions.

"Don't worry about it all you have to do is accept me and we will be one and the same again. Now all you have to do is come and touch me and we will recombine as long as you are 100% willing, that is otherwise it won't work at all. Can you do that for me Naruko?" Yuri says while Ahri just watches the conversation between the two girls.

"Of course Yuri, come" Naruko says while opening up her arms for a hug and Yuri does the same and once they make contact with each other "Thank you for accepting me" Yuri whispers before she merges with Naruko completely.

Naruko is left standing there for what seems like hours in a trance while she goes through all the experiences that Yuri had felt all of the sadness, anger, fear, envy, pain, and hate. While Naruko was a happy bubbly girl that saw the best of everyone no matter what they did. Yuri was the complete opposite of that and saw people for what they really were. So when they combined together Naruko's personality effectively changed from a happy bubbly girl to a bubbly sadistic girl that could still be happy over nothing but doesn't mind spilling some blood to make herself even happier from the pain of others like people did to her for as long as she can remember.

"Kit are you okay, you haven't moved or said anything in a while now?" Ahri ask after getting tired of waiting and worried about Naruko since this is the first time something like this has happened that she knows

Getting broken out of her trance that she was in, "I'm fine Ahri just a lot to process is all you know, but I've finally been open to the truth and some bastards are going to pay when I get a chance. Naruko Uzumaki doesn't take shit from no one anymore, they will either kneel to me or bleed and then kneel" she says while laughing when she pictures some of her attacks begging on their knees in front of her. Ahri could only shake her head slightly at the kit's actions but looks forward to seeing when it happens.

"Well we have one last thing to do before you should exit here and head back home. Now you see that seal tag in the center of the bar's kit?" Ahri says while she points with her massive clawed hand to which Naruko nods.

"I'll raise you up but all I need you to do is tear a corner of the seal up and then I will have access to everything that you see, hear, and taste." Ahri then put her into her paw and raised her up to the seal in the center and watched as Naruko tore a corner of the seal up.

"Thank you kit, you don't know what this means to me. I've been bored and lonely for a long time and with what you just did I'll also be able to talk to you outside of your mindscape." Ahri says with a smile on her face which looks fear inducing because of her sharp teeth.

"No problem Ahri, it is the least that I could do for you for what you have done for me. If there is nothing else I'm going to go home and then I'll be back okay" Ahri says there is nothing else to talk about for now and watches her fade away leaving her all alone again.

"Kit I look forward to the future with you" Ahri then lays her head down to take a nap till Naruko comes back.