A New Day

After waking up from her time spent with Ahri in her mindscape for so long, she stretched her body and heard all the popping noise from her joint for staying in one spot for so long but she could feel the difference already. She went to bed with her pajamas on and they fit her perfectly but now you could clearly see that they were too small for her. Where before she was under 4 feet tall before because of her diet now she was easily 4ft and 3in now. Meaning that she grew quite a lot in the last 24 hours, something that she was thankfully for she didn't like being as small as she was given her age group.

Walking to the bathroom to see what else changed she was pleasantly surprised looking into her mirror. She use to have deep blue eyes and faint whisker marks on her cheeks but now her eyes were a deep crimson color with slits for pupils and her whisker marks were more pronounced now and darker but it gave her a slight feral look now but it didn't look bad on her if anything it up her beauty in her opinion. That wasn't the only thing that changed; she noticed that her hands were just like Ahri's and claw-like but it went well with her new overall look so she wasn't going to complain about it.

"So what do you think kit, like the new you?" Ahri asked while she was lounging on a sofa in the field with some of the foxes laying on her taking a nap.

"All I can say is that I really like the new me, I bet most people won't even recognize me now which is a good thing and as long as I get some new clothes I might be able to visit a few shops before they ban me." Naruko said while admiring her new look right now.

"So I believe the first thing that I need to do is visit the old man at the tower, one to confront him about my inheritance from my parents and to see what he has to say about lying to me for so long and to get him to help me get someone that can shop with me so that I can get what I want." Naruko said with a cold smile on her face at the fact that she is going to guilt trip the hokage into getting what she wants.

"I couldn't be more proud of you kit, only the first day as a half demon fox and your already going to trick someone into helping you with your plans" Ahri said with a tear in the corner of her eye for how proud she felt of her Naru-chan for being a true fox demon.

"Ufufufu, thanks Ahri I'll make you proud just watch and see how I get that old man" While Naruko had a great relationship with the 3rd hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi but after finding about Ahri everything changed and she may have been dumb in the past but now she can clearly see that the old man knew about her tenet and her parents given that he was the 3rd hokage. Granted their relationship took a huge hit but he did try and take care of her when he could so she won't completely give him the cold shoulder he is still the leader of the village she is currently living in and if there's one thing you should never do it piss off the leader of a ninja village. She will just treat him as a good acquaintance for now and see what happens in the future doesn't hurt to have the 3rd hokage in your corner for when you get in trouble.

Spending 30 minutes getting ready for the day and eating what little she had in her apartment she made her way out of the red light district and skipped along the path to the hokage tower to meet the old man.

While skipping she noticed that a lot of people were staring at her but most of them were with confusion because they had never seen her around here before and it wasn't until she was out of their sights that it dawned on them who that little girl was, she was the demon brat but she was already gone before they could do anything to her making them all fume at a missed opportunity to fuck with the demon brat.

'I knew that they wouldn't recognize me right away, now if only I can get a change of clothes I would be mostly unrecognizable unless they see my face up close' Naruko thought to herself having a bright grin on her face for being able to go out without having to hear everyone calling her names or trying to block their way.

Finally making it to the tower she was in front of the secretary "Hey I'd like to see the old man" Naruko said with an enchanting smile on her face toward the secretary manning the front counter.

When the secretary looked up she was stunned at how cute this little girl was but when she noticed the whisker marks on her face and then the crimson colored eyes with slits she couldn't help but shiver.

Calming herself down that the demon brat couldn't do anything to her especially in the hokage tower "He is in a meeting right now and won't be free for a while you brat" she said with a smug look on her face taking joy in inconveniencing the demon brat.

'Oh that's how you want to play this then you bitch we will see who has the last laugh' she thought "I see but I have a feeling that you're lying to me about that ms. secretary, I mean you wouldn't do that would you because if you did and I was to tell the old man about it when I see him I wonder what he would do to you when you denied his surrogate granddaughter from seeing him for the first time in the past 3 weeks." Naruko said in a sweet tone that was anything but to her, making her sweat thinking of the punishment that would be brought to her if she did what she said she would.

"Now let's try this again, I want to see the old man, what do you say?" she asked with a bright smile on her face showing all of her teeth to her.

"What I meant to say was that he is in his office and is free at the moment so you're free to go to him right now" she said with a forced smile on her face. As she watched the demon brat walk up the stairs, she couldn't help but whisper in a voice that she thought that she couldn't hear "demon whore".

"I heard that, enjoy your last shift here. I wouldn't want to be you in the next couple of minutes" was all that Naruko said before continuing upstairs to 3rd hokage's office with an evil smile on her face. Leaving behind a devastated secretary knowing that she was doomed knowing that the law that the 3rd put in place she didn't even try to flee knowing that it didn't matter and when the anbu showed up later to take her away she didn't even try to fight them and just went along. Lets just say that a new position opened up at the hokage tower that day.

Walking into the office without bothering to knock "Old man, I'm come to visit you" Hiruzen could only shake his head at his surrogate granddaughter's actions.

"Ah Naruko it is good to see you, it has been a while. Do what do I owe the pleasure of your visit hmm?" he said while he picks up his smoke pipe and takes a puff waiting to see what his granddaughter has to say. While he looked at her and noticed the changes of her body especially those eyes he knows for a fact that Naruko had blue eyes not crimson slitted eyes but he was going to wait before he brought it up.

"Oh nothing much but first you going to need a new secretary" she said while she looked around the office looking at the portraits hanging up and looked at each of the paintings with an intense stare especially the fourth hokage something that Hiruzen noticed.

"And what did she do that would require me to get a new secretary?" with a slight chuckle wondering what she was going to say.

"Oh you know just calling me a demon whore and what not" There was silence in the room after she said that so much so that you could probably hear a pin drop in the room with how quiet it was right now.

"BEAR" Hiruzen yelled for his anbu who appeared suddenly in the middle of the room down on a keeled position with his head bowed to him.

"Sir" he said

"You know what needs to be done right?" Hiruzen stated knowing that all his anbu knew what to do to which he just nodded and was gone the next second to take care of the secretary.

Turning around from looking at her fathers portrait in the office "I don't know why she even called me that knowing that she was breaking the law that was put in place, I mean some people are just dumb am I right old man" Naruko said with a foxy smile on her face.

"Oh and what law are you talking about Naru-chan?" Hiruzen asked clearly interested in what his granddaughter had to say and what she might of figured out on her own.

"The one that states that talking about me and my so-called status is met with a severe punishment. Now before you say anything I noticed whenever someone calls me something similar to a demon they magically disappear for a while or just never come back again. So putting it all together I figured that there was a law in place to protect me from learning about my special status or something, how close am I old man?" Naruko said with a grin on her face when she saw Hiruzen flinch for a moment.

Sighing to himself and taking another puff of his pipe to calm his nerves "Yes there is a law in place about your special status that I made but it seems to not be working since so many of our citizens and ninja openly defy it. I'm going to ask you this and answer me seriously. Do you know what your special status is Naru-chan?" Hiruzen said while looking straight into her crimson colored eyes.

"Please old man I'm not that dumb, it's the nine tails fox and I'm it's container or as some would say a Jinchūriki right?" She said with a smile on her face.

Hiruzen could only sigh at her intelligence and his dumb village citizens in letting her know already before he thought she was ready to know. "Yes your right Naru-chan that you are the Jinchuriki of the nine tails beast. Now that you know what do you think about it?" he asked curious what her reaction will be now that he confirmed it for her but he wasn't ready for her next statement.

"I'm happy that I was chosen (I got a new friend out of it after all) I mean who else would they choose if not the 4th hokage's child right? From what I figured out, whoever is the Jinchuriki they want them to be loyal to the village they are from and who better than someone from the hokage family relatives right old man?" Naruko said with a smile that dared him to say otherwise.

Hiruzen dropped his pipe after hearing this and then quickly flashed some seals with his hands and sealed the room so that whatever they said doesn't get outside this room. "Who told you that information Naruko, this is very important that you tell me who it was because the more people that know the more danger that you will be in." Hiruzen asked with a serious voice and expression.

Not fazed at all by the old man she answered in a carefree tone "Now old man, I've been to your office quite a lot and looked around more times then I can count but after learning of my special status and who is most likely chosen it wasn't hard to figure the rest. I mean I've literally seen a picture of my father hundreds of times when I came to visit you. Did you really think that I wouldn't catch on when you literally have evidence in the open like this. Give me some credit old man I'm not that dumb." She said while she stood next to the portrait of her father who if you looked closely looked like his lips moved into a small smile.

Smacking his own head at his slight oversight of the portraits in his office he knew that he was going to have to take those down otherwise someone else might make the connection like his granddaughter did and that wouldn't be good for anyone if that happened.

"I see, I must say that I am impressed that you were able to figure all of this out all on your own Naru-chan. You have the makes of a fine ninja given your intelligence and observation skills much like your father." he said with a smile proud of his granddaughter for her feat of figuring out her father without anyone helping her unaware that she was already given the answer thanks to Ahri.

"So what do you want to do now then Naru-chan?" he asked with his hands folded in front of himself curious what his intelligent granddaughter was going to say next.

"I want my inheritance from both my father and my mother, and don't say you don't know who she is. We both know that is a lie. I also want someone to help me go shopping for some new clothes as well, as you can see that my current clothes no longer fit me" she said while raising her arm showing how her shirt is barely going past her elbow.

"I see, well this can be arranged but it is going to take a day for me to gather all of the information and their assists and what they left behind for you. As for the shopping I can call someone right now that I know that would be able to help you and someone that I think that you would get along with given her personality and don't worry about the money we will just take it out of your parents accounts I know for a fact that they were very rich so anything you buy will just be billed to the tower and I will deduct it from your account tomorrow okay." He said in his grandfatherly voice showing that the serious talking was done.

"Now I have a question for you Naru-chan: why are your eyes different and what happened to your hands, care to explain that to me?" he asked

"Oh that is simple old man, I awaken my bloodline from the Uzumaki clan the chakra chains if what I read was accurate (Which wasn't true she thought but a white lie like this won't hurt him) but I believe that mine was a mutation of that bloodline since it never mention anything about the changes that I went through." When Hiruzen heard this 'I believe that the nine tails had something to do with this since none of the previous hosts had it sealed in them at such a young age. Thus the cause of a mutation as Naru-chan says, something to look into later' he thought.

"That is great to hear Naru-chan we will have to test it out later then and confirm your theory then, well we have talked enough for now let me call who I have in mind and then you can go about your day but meet me here in the afternoon tomorrow and then we can go from there okay Naru-chan." Hiruzen then summoned another of his hidden anbu after he released the seals on the room and told them to fetch someone called Anko Mitarashi, a new chunin, she should be at the T&I department right now.

"While we wait for Monkey to fetch Anko for us, anything else that you want to talk about we have a few minutes?" he asked

"Sure, I can understand why you lied to me old man while I'm not happy about it. I can still understand why you wouldn't tell a young child that they hold a tailed beast inside themselves and out also the child of the 4th hokage if I was younger I don't think I would have kept my mouth shut. While I lose some trust with you I can get past it given time because you had to do what you had to do to protect me." Naruko said laying it on thick to him trying to make him feel major guilt over his action making it easier for her to ask things of him in the future, if he felt that he owed her it would make it easier for in the future to get what she wants from him.

Ahri smiled when she heard and read what was going through Naruko's head when she said that and couldn't help but feel pride swell in her chest at this little demon.

"I understand Naru-chan and I thank you for understanding my situation and why I did what I did was best for you. You can count on me in the future if you need my help with anything, I owe you that much after what you have been through because of my decisions" When Naruko heard this she couldn't help but laugh in her mind 'hook line and sinker'.

"I'm happy to hear that old man and I know that we can overcome this in the future" she said while giving him a big smile to which he gave his own smile in response, happy that he didn't completely lose his surrogate granddaughters trust.

It is then that Monkey arrived with Anko who was confused with the hokage summoned her.

'Okay Anko did you kill anyone or maim them by accident recently?' she thought quickly trying to remember if she did anything in the past week but when she couldn't think of anything she relaxed somewhat knowing that she most likely isn't in trouble.

"You summon me lord hokage" Anko said while kneeling in front of him much like the anbu do, she has great respect for Hiruzen because of what he has done for her after her old sensei betrayed her but that is a story for another time.

"Yes I did Anko-chan, I need you to take Naru-chan shopping for me but as you can see I'm too busy to do that with her. And given her special status she wouldn't be allowed in most shops without some kind of problem happening and being someone who has gone through something similar and I figured that you two would get along great as well. What do you say Anko-chan would you do this favor for me and I promise you that you can lunch on me tomorrow whatever you want?" Let it be known that Hiruzen Sarutobi knows how to use people's weakness against them such as Anko's known addiction with dango and an all you can eat pass was something she couldn't and wouldn't turn down.

Standing up and saluting with a silly smile on her face "You can count on me hokage, I'll make sure that little Naru-chan gets everything that she needs." she said while Hiruzen just smiled at her knowing that the only reason she isn't complaining is because of the free dango that she is going to be getting tomorrow.

"Great well I'll see you tomorrow then Naru-chan, have fun with Anko-chan shopping around town" he said while he looked down to get back to his paperwork noticing that it somehow multiplied when he was talking to Naruko, he cursed up a storm in his head at his current situation he was in.

Once the two left the tower and got to the main street Anko turned around to study who she was in charge of for a couple hours while they shopped, "I must say Naru-chan you're quite cute and with a new set of clothing you will have to beat the boys off ya with a stick" Anko said with a laugh.

"Well I don't think there would be anyone interested in me given what I am but that doesn't mean I can't have some fun and tease them though does it" Naruko said with a smirk on her face. When Anko heard this she couldn't help having a smirk of her own on her face.

'Maybe this won't be so bad after all. I do like someone that likes to tease like I do, if only Kurenai would join me in teasing others oh the fun that we could have together.' she thought after hearing what Naruko said.

With a small grin on her face "Alright brat let's get you what you need then and I might even teach you things if I'm feeling up to it" with that said she grabs Naruko's hand and drags her to some of her favorite shops.

They spent hours going to different clothes stores so that Naruko could have outfits for anything she might need such as everyday wear, training, dates, sleepwear, bras, and panties. Anko had to threaten a lot of people and have them promise her that if she heard of them causing anymore problems for Naruko then she would personally bring them to the T&I department for a little chat. It worked for everyone because they knew that she wasn't making empty threats if the rumors about her were true.

Due to the actions of Anko, Naruko had a good impression of her and she wasn't alone because even Ahri liked her somewhat. So because of this they got closer to one another throughout the day and learned about some of Anko's friends such as Kurenai Yuhi a chunin and Yugao Uzuki a chunin as well.

Anko was sad to hear that Naruko didn't have a single friend (She didn't include Ahri because that is supposed to be a secret) and this resonated with Anko because she faced this problem when she was younger as well because of her old sensei making her feel for the girl.

After finishing up getting some groceries with Anko, they ended up calling it for the day since she was able to get everything that she needed but before they parted Anko told her that they would have to hangout again sometime to which Naruko agreed to.

Finally stepping into her apartment with all of her items she couldn't but let out a content sigh because this was one her best days in her life she got lots of new stuff and made a new friend that is very similar to herself.

Quickly making dinner for herself and getting ready for bed for the night she again visit's Ahri in her mindscape to get some more training in, though the only new that she learned was etiquette and proper manners so that she would be able to use it when she needed to. They continued to practice on the reading and writing making sure that she had it mastered so they could move on to another area.

"Alright before you wake up and go to that dumb ninja school, I'm going to teach you how to work on your chakra control the sooner we get your control up the sooner we can start to work on other things. Trust me getting your control up will take a while because of the large amount of chakra that you have not to mention that it is constantly growing especially now that you have become a half demon fox. I can't teach you anything without the risk of you blowing yourself up or failing completely and it not working because you have zero chakra control right now." Ahri stated expressing the importance of her having chakra control especially for someone like her.

"There are several different ways to train your chakra control. The first level would be leaf concentration where you use your chakra to get a leaf to stick to your body for as long as you can. The longer that you do that the more control you get, the next level would be tree climbing using just your feet to stick to surfaces giving you the ability to walk up and down solid surfaces be they trees or walls. The last exercise is water walking where you use chakra to be able to walk on liquid type surfaces without sinking into them. Each one when completely will greatly increase your chakra control making the use of it easier overall be it for ninjutsu, genjutsu, or taijutsu." Ahri lectured to Naruko who has a look of concentration on her face showing that she is seriously listening to her on this matter.

"So what you're saying is that the greater my control the less chakra I need to use for my jutsu and thus letting me use more jutsu in the end because I am not wasting as much?" to which Ahri nodded her head to glad that she caught on quickly.

"If you get good enough chakra control then you would be able to create your own jutsu but it must be known that to create a jutsu you need to use both shape transformation and nature transformation. Shape transformation deals with controlling the form, movement, and potency of one's chakra, determining the size, range, and purpose of a technique. Nature transformation deals with the molding and defining of the nature of one's chakra, altering its properties and characteristics for use in techniques. There is also the nature transformations of Yin and Yang, which deals with changing the ratio of spiritual and physical energies within chakra. These two methods can be implemented separately or together in order to create a technique, though ninja who can use both simultaneously are said to be rare." Ahri said kind of tired now from all the talking that she has been doing today with Naruko.

"I see then I know what I must do first then if I want to be able to create my own jutsu and use the ones that I learn efficiently, I'll start with the leaf exercise tomorrow and until I master it I won't move on to the next exercise." Naruko stated out loud making herself a promise to master all the chakra control exercises.

"Good I'm glad you see the importance of this, and to truly master the exercise it isn't just one leaf that you have to keep on you for a very long time I want you to be able to do ten leaves at different spots on your body only then will I say you are good enough to move on to the next exercise. Before you say anything, know that you have reserves that rival a jounin and you're only 7 years old. Imagine what your reserves will be like in a few years. You need to go above and behind for your chakra control exercise otherwise you will never have proper control Naruko." Ahri said, making Naruko think about what she said before she nodded her showing that she understood what she must do.

"Good I'm glad we came to an understanding now watch why I show you what you need to do" she said showing what must be done before it was time for Naruko to get up and head to the academy.