Blood Clones Are OP

Looking through the scroll titled blood clone jutsu and the history behind it, Naruko settled down to see what this jutsu had to offer her.

"The blood clone jutsu was created by Kyoei Uzumaki from whirlpool, she was a jonin known as the red haired successor, the next greatest medical nin after Tsunade Senju. The other reason for her great fame is because of her blood release she is capable of using, creating and even manipulating blood for a variety of purposes. Thanks to this and her exceptional beauty, she attained the epithet Blood Ruby."

"She created this jutsu based on encountering a clan called the Chinoike which had a dojutsu called the ketsuryugan which when active makes the eyes appear to be blood red. The Ketsuryūgan allows them to perform powerful genjutsu, of comparable strength to the Uchiha clan's Sharingan. They can also use the Ketsuryūgan to manipulate liquids that have high iron contents, such as blood or the water. Before they can manipulate such liquids, it is necessary that they imbue it with their own chakra."

"Using their special dojutsu that they had they were able to create something called a blood clone of themselves, very similar to the shadow clone jutsu of the hidden leaf village. Kyoei used her special bloodline limit of blood release (Which was a combination of water, yin, and yang release) to recreate the special jutsu's of the Chinoike clan one of them being the blood clone."

"The blood clone jutsu as its name says creates a clone of themselves much like a water clone but instead of it being made out of water it is made of the person's own blood. They have a fraction of the user's overall power but are useful for attacks and other diversions. As expected, they are capable of bleeding and are quite durable much more than any other clone jutsu. Should they be defeated, they will return back to their blood form, spraying the opponent with marking blood that will allow the user to track them."

"Another unique aspect of the blood clones is that they can stay active for as long as they have chakra in them and since they are created from the user's own blood they are able to generate their own chakra slowly meaning that unless they are killed or use all of their chakra up then they won't disappear. They do share something similar to shadow clone jutsu where the shadow clones will send any information they learn back to the user, the blood clone will do the same thing in a way. The person must absorb the blood of that clone to get all the memories that they have so not as effective as the shadow clone jutsu in some things but it makes up for it with other things." At the bottom of the scroll it showed what hand signs that she would need to perform the blood clone jutsu

After Naruko finished reading about blood clone jutsu she couldn't help but be impressed by one of her clansmen being able to recreate a bloodline limit ability for her own use.

"Wow Ahri, Kyoei Uzumaki was an amazing woman it sounds like and I wish I would have been able to meet her some day. I have a feeling that we would get along great, what do you think?"

"I believe that you are right Naru-chan, sadly no one knows what happened to her when Uzushiogakure fell. Kushina had looked for her and many others but was never able to find anyone and sadly she died before she could. But I'm sure that someone as strong as her is still alive somewhere so maybe one day we can find her when we adventure out in the world, who can say." Ahri said back

"I don't think that I will be able to use this jutsu though Ahri, it said I need something called a blood release bloodline limit and I don't have that from what I know. I need an affinity of water, yin, yang to make this bloodline limit and I don't think I have those." Naruko said with a sad tone at not being able to use this awesome jutsu.

"Ufufu that is where you are wrong Naru-chan, as a Uzumaki you have a natural affinity to water as for yin since you are a woman you also naturally have an affinity for it as well. While yang would be the hardest to get for you being a woman but because I am sealed inside of you, you get a yang affinity thus with some practice you should be able to awaken this bloodline limit that you need. Meaning that you can use this blood clone jutsu, how lucky you are that you meet the requirement." Ahri says being quite surprised that Naruko fits the requirement for this jutsu so perfectly almost as if she was fated for it or something.

Standing up and shouting about how excited she is that she would be able to use this jutsu, Naruko takes a few minutes to settle down and get over her excitement. "Now that we know what we must do tomorrow, Ahri after class, maybe our new house will have a training field that we can use if we are lucky."

Shortly afterward Naruko turned in for the night and got some more training in her mindscape, especially in etiquette and for someone like Naruko it was a slow process. She did all this while her body rested for the next day trying to maximize the training that she could get in.


The next day while walking to class she heard whispering about her when she pasted everyone about her being a demon brat but they didn't try anything physical at least yet anyway.

Gritting her teeth at their comments "Calm down Naruko, you will get your revenge against them in time but right now you are too weak to do anything. So let them say whatever they want for now and remember their faces their punishment will come, you don't fuck with a fox demon and walk away unscathed." Ahri said trying to prevent Naruko from doing anything rash right now.

"I understand Ahri, I can wait and then they will get what's coming to them." She said then quicken her pace to get to the academy earlier and to avoid all of the bastard civilians.

Naruko was early again today and when all the other students arrived nothing really happened besides the fact that Hinata decided to sit next to her and sadly Kiba sat on the other side of her.

"Good morning Hinata-chan, how are you today?"

'Did Naruko-san just add chan to my name' Hinata thought while her face had a blush on her face because of what was said to her, making her point her fingers together and look down at her feet.

"I-I-I'm g-g-good-d-d Naruko-san, how i-i-is your day g-g-going?" Hinata said with a clear stutter in her voice.

Grabbing her hand in her own "Now Hinata-chan, you need to be confident when talking to others if you are, it should fix your stuttering problem that you seem to have. I can't have my friend acting like this otherwise I don't think that we can be friends anymore"

'WHAT I'M HER FRIEND AND DID SHE SAY THAT SHE WAS GOING TO STOP BEING MY FRIEND JUST NOW' screamed Hinata in her head at the new information that Naruko just dropped on her.

"I-I-I understand Naruko-san, I-I will become more confident in myself." Hinata said with clear determination in her voice and on her face which just made Hinata look so cute from Naruko and Ahri's viewpoint.

'I will do it for you Naruko-san' Hinata thought while Naruko was unaware of the importance of what she just did for Hinata and the changes that are going to follow with it.

"Yo hot stuff, what are you doing after class today? Want to come hangout with me?" Kiba said trying to give a gentleman like smile but he failed miserably.

"While I appreciate your comment Kiba-san, I'd prefer if you leave me alone." Naruko said shooting down any attempts that Kiba might have on her. She didn't want to deal with Kiba and his antics right now or ever really.

Soon after class started and the day went by like any other has but there was no physical exercise today. Sadly Kiba wouldn't take no for a answer and Naruko was almost tempted to kill him when she was able to and she might if he doesn't leave her the fuck alone.

After class was dismissed, Naruko gave Hinata a quick wave goodbye and kindly told Kiba to fuck off and dashed toward the hokage tower so that she could get settled into her house with her new roommates.

Making her way into the hokage's office, slamming the door open "Old man I'm here to see you"

Shaking his head at his granddaughter's actions "I see that my dear, but you couldn't have arrived at a better time. I just got done informing Anko-san and Kurenai-san about the little arrangement that I set up with them and you. They also know who your parents are since they would have figured it out eventually given where you all will be staying but they have been sworn to keep it a secret about revealing who they are to others so you can rest assured about that." He said while taking a puff of his pipe.

"Ya what hokage-sama said brat, we will be your new roommates starting today. So let's get along." Anko said in her usual cheery tone.

"Anko show some more restraint in front of the hokage." Kurenai said to Anko, getting her to give a sheepish grin and rub her head.

"Excuse my friend over here Uzumaki-san, it's nice to meet you. I'm Kurenai Yuhi and hope that we get along with each other in the future." she said, giving a slight bow to her.

'So this is Kushina and Minto's daughter huh, I can see the family resemblance' thought Kurenai when she got a good look at Naruko.

"It is nice to meet you Kur-chan, Anko-chan. I hope that we get along." Naruko said with a bright smile on her face. Shocking the two little chunin that she is already using their first names so intimately like that but they didn't mind after thinking about it for a moment.

"Right well why don't you three go and gather your things and meet me at this address and I will help you settle in." the third said while he handed each of the three an address to meet him at.

The three quickly bid farewell and went to their homes and got their stuff and went to the address that the hokage gave them all.


Upon arriving at the address given Naruko saw that the old man and the other two were already there waiting for her.

"I'm glad that you made it Naru-chan, now we can finally get inside." Hiruzen said and then proceeded to unseal the compound behind the wall for them all to enter. Once they all got a look at the house they couldn't help but be impressed with it. It was a villa basically with 5 bedrooms, 2 full baths, a library, and a training field out back. Not to mention how big the kitchen and living room were for the villa. It looked like Kushina and Minato were expecting to have a large family together.

There was only one area in the villa that was sealed off from everyone well except one person and that was Naruko herself. Hiruzen explained that you needed to be related to the maker of the seal otherwise you wouldn't be able to enter it, a blood seal is what he called it. He proved that no one else could walk through it by trying to walk through and showed that he was stopped by the blood seal.

After spending a little bit more time with them and showing them how the main gate seal worked and how to register themselves to it, the hokage bid his farewell to get back to his most hated enemy paperwork.

Back inside with the trio they all took their stuff and picked a room where Naruko chose the master bedroom, dinner was an eventful matter especially with Anko trying to get them all to just eat Dango.

"Dango is the food of the gods, little ones so to celebrate our first night together we should eat the best food available, Dango!!!" yelled Anko who was waving around the dango in her hand that she somehow magically acquired.

"Please we all know that the best food ever is ramen, for it is the food of the gods" Naruko said while jumping on the table and somehow magically getting a bowl of ramen and holding it up in the air like an offering to the gods.

Kurenai watching this couldn't help but shake her head at both of their actions and wondering what she signed up for. "Alright listen you two, both of those things are not good for you so we are not having it for dinner and that is final." the two pouted and crossed their arms when they heard this.

"Why don't we make a nice healthy dinner for ourselves instead?" Kurenai said, trying to get them to eat right.

"Traitor" they both hissed at her holding their own god food item to their chest.

'These two are funny, I like them already' Ahri thought while watching the antics of the three trying to figure out what to eat for dinner tonight.