Anko, Dodge, Blood

While I was walking back to my house, I couldn't help but think about how useless the academy is based on what she has seen so far. I mean how is knowing who the past hokage were and what they did in the last wars going to help her fight other ninjas when she graduates.

"Ahri-chan how come it seems that the next couple years is going to be this sorry excuse for teaching us how to be ninjas? I mean I've only learned what chakra is and that is basically it nothing else. Not how to use it properly or any other jutsu, I've learned more in the past couple days with you then I have in all my life like what the fuck"

"I understand what you mean Naru-chan, I feel that the school system is very lackluster from what I imagined it would be for training children to be ninjas and killers. But maybe it will change in the next few years but it really doesn't matter because I will be training you anyway and I can promise you that I know far more than any tailless monkey will ever hope to." Ahri said in a smug tone.

"Alright Ahri-chan, I can only count on you it seems. Well let's hurry back. Anko-chan said that she would be training us today so I'm curious about what that would be."

Walking inside the house I notice that Anko is already waiting for me sitting at the table in the kitchen and eating her dango and if the plates next to her are anything to go by she has already eaten a lot of them.

"Anko-chan, I'm home. So let's get to training." Naruko said with a bright smile on her face, while Anko just looked at her and quickly finished the dango stick that was in her hand.

"Alright brat, if you say so. Meet me out back." she said while she disappeared from her spot leaving behind some leaves in her previous location.

"Wow that was pretty cool. I hope that she will teach me that. Walking is so last year." she said while she quickly ran out back to the training area.


"Alright so the first thing that I'm going to ask is if you know any jutsu?" Anko said while she was playing with some kunai she pulled out of her kunai pouch.

Rubbing her head and smiling showing how embarrassed she is "I actually don't know any jutsu at all." As soon as Anko heard this she gave Naruko a shock expression.

'This kid has already been in the academy for a year now at least and you're telling me the teachers haven't taught her a single jutsu yet like what the hell have they been doing there' Anko thought quickly composing herself.

"Right well, your teachers are dumb shits then because without any kind of jutsu your a useless ninja/kunoichi. Well at least tell me you know about chakra and chakra exercises?"

Naruko then told her everything she knew about chakra and the different types of chakra exercises she knew about and what chakra control exercise she was currently doing. Anko was mildly impressed that she knew of the more advance types of chakra control exercises seeing that she should know about those until she is a chunin at least but she didn't really care if anything made it easier for her.

"Well at least your not completely useless brat, now here take this" Anko said while she handed Naruko a tiny slip of paper, to which Naruko just stared at her with a confused look waiting for her to explain what it is that she is holding.

"That my dear little Naru-chan is something called chakra paper and when you send chakra into it, it will tell you your elemental affinities." Anko then went to explain what the five types are and what happens to the chakra paper if you have a natural affinity for that particular element. She even explained that having more than one natural affinity is rare and if you have more than two you usually have some form of bloodline limit.

"So I want you to send a bit of your chakra into that paper and depending on what happens will determine what I can teach you, and if you're wondering I have a strong fire affinity and weak earth affinity." she said while crossing her arms underneath her bust waiting to see what happens for Naruko.

"Alright here I go then Anko-chan" Naruko then channeled some of her chakra into the slip of paper and what happened surprised the both of them. One half of the paper caught on fire and burned to ash extremely quickly while the other half got soaked but that wasn't the end of it. The next thing is what really surprised the two is the wet half of the paper then proceeded to turn crimson color much like blood. It looked like if you were to squeeze it blood would come out of it much like a sponge would with water.

"Well I've never seen that before so must mean that you have a bloodline limit of some kind that has to do with blood if what we see is anything to go by. I just knew there was something that I was going to like about you Naru-chan." Anko then ran up and gave her a tight hug mashing her face into her breast.

'How fun Naru-chan has a special bloodline limit that has to do with blood, oh the fun things that we could do together in the future. Maybe I should take her to the T&I department so that she can make the full use of it.' Anko thought unaware that she was suffocating the poor blonde in her arms.

Letting her go right before Naruko passed out due to lack of air, "*Huff*Huff* oh sweet air how I miss you, don't ever leave me again." Anko just laughed when she heard that.

"Hey men would kill to be in the position that you were in Naru-chan" She said with a smug smile on her face.

Naruko just gave her a deadpan look "I'm a woman Anko-chan, why would I want that?" Anko didn't bother to explain more and stuck her tongue out at her.

"Alright well I can teach you some fire jutsu later on now that I know that you have a knack for it but I don't really know any water jutsu but don't fret. Kur-chan does have a water affinity so you are in luck so when she gets back we can tell her and she can teach some of the water jutsu that she knows. Now lesson one a Kunoichi must always be ready at a moment's notice because you never know what could happen out in the field. Such as this DODGE." Anko said while she suddenly tossed a kunai at Naruko aiming for her head.

Seeing what her crazy roommate/trainer just sent at her Naruko leaned back at a 90 degree angle to dodge it but then she back flipped to gain some distance from Anko.

"What the hell Anko-chan you could have killed me there if I was just a second slower." Naruko yelled back with clear anger in her voice at what just happened.

"Ha ha ha, you should have seen the look on your face when I sent that kunai to your face. I have a feeling that we are going to have a lot of fun today. Now lesson one today we are going to increase your reaction timing and dodging speed." Anko then pulled out several more kunai from her hip pouch.

Hearing what Anko said and seeing her pull out more kunai and something called a senbon to throw at her, Naruko had a feeling that the training would be anything but fun. Sadly Naruko didn't come out of this training session unscathed she had nicks and cuts all over her body and a couple puncture wounds here and there for when she wasn't fast enough to dodge. The thing that really unnerved her was the excited face that Anko was wearing the whole time and how much happier she got when she managed to injury her, there was clearly something wrong with this woman Naruko thought.

Through out of this messed up training session Naruko did improve in her dodging and awareness so while not a normal way in which to train this, Naruko couldn't say fault Anko because it showed result and Naruko had to be honest with herself she was use to pain due to the citizens attacking her.

"Now wasn't that fun Naru-chan see how much you improved today with my tortu--training method." Anko said with a great big smile on her face not even bothered that she almost had a slip of tongue.

Giving her a deadpan stare "You were going to say torture weren't you?" Anko only whistled and turned her head, not making eye contact with her.

"*Sigh* whatever, I did improve so what does it matter. I should be good in a couple hours given the wounds that I have right now. So what is next then?"

"Now we are going to work on your chakra control using the leaf method like you have been doing. I want to see if you have mastered it or not." Anko said with a sweet smile on her face, something that worried Naruko somehow.

Naruko then gathered two leaves on her body and showed that she was able to get them to stick to her body but instead of getting praise like she thought that she was going to get from Anko she got a senbon thrown at her and it stuck into her left leg.

"Ow, like what the hell Anko. Why did you throw a senbon at me like that?" she said while she pulled the senbon out wincing a little because of where it hit her leg being a sensitive area.

"That is easy Naru-chan if you want to truly master this exercise then you need to have some pressure and what better way than to have little old me to help you in the matter" she said while four more senbon appeared in her hand making Naruko step back at this crazy idea.

"Now, Anko-chan, let's talk about this." Naruko said, stepping back little by little.

Getting into a thinking pose with the senbon on her chin "Nope, I like this way better it is more fun for me, so get some more leaves on you and keep them on you while you occasionally dodge my attacks" she said then threw some more senbon at Naruko whenever she stuck some more leafs to herself at random moments always putting her on her toes.

They spent the next 2 hours doing this then called it quits because Naruko if you can believe it was out of chakra and if she used anymore she would get chakra depletion which isn't good. Naruko slept like a log that night and didn't even bother going into her mindscape to talk to Ahri and just slept till the next day.


Waking up in the morning she noticed that the house was empty again and noticed a note left on the table. Walking up to the note she read it aloud.

"Dear Naru-chan, I have been sent on another mission by the hokage so I won't be back for a while but when I get back we're going to get back into the thick of training. I do enjoy so much the time we spent together yesterday.



Then a couple kunai were launched from the scroll on the table that went straight up into the ceiling.

"What the hell is wrong with Anko-chan, that could of killed me"

"Now now, she is just keeping you on your toes kit. If you want your revenge then we can just prank her when she gets back." Ahri said back laughing at what just happened to Naruko.

"Sigh, I guess you're right Ahri-chan. What better way to get my much needed revenge especially when you think about what she put me through yesterday" Naruko says with a dark smile on her face something that Ahri did as well.


Elsewhere in the forest outside of Konoha, "Why do I suddenly feel like I shouldn't go home anytime soon otherwise something bad is going to happen?" Anko muttered to herself as she lept from tree to tree.


"Well what's on the agenda today Ahri-chan, after the academy? More chakra control exercises or are we finally going to learn some of the jutsu that we have in the library?" Naruko asked while she ate her breakfast that she made.

"We are going to see if you are able to make a blood clone today. The benefits that we will get from this jutsu for you will be very great seeing as it can learn on it's own then transfer that to you meaning that the more blood clones that we make the faster that you can learn. We can even send one to the academy for you, it is still you so it will act like you would but you can keep your main body here and we can train it because that is the only thing that the jutsu can't do is help you with your physical training everything else through is fair game." Ahri couldn't help but get excited at the prospect of using the blood clones for things for Naruko.

"WOW that is cool so let's do that today after the academy then if I don't have to go to the academy anymore that will be for the best Ahri-chan. Then I'll be able to read all of those books in the library and still be able to train my body at the same time. I'll be a very dangerous person then a master of all fields of being a ninja who is half demon." Naruko couldn't wait to start and let out an evil laugh at how powerful she was going to be in the future.

'Your well on your way to being a legend kit, and together we will make everyone fear your very name when mentioned.' Ahri thought while watching Naruko laugh like a mad person.