Training Lots And Lots Of Training

It has been a few months now and Naruko has been through a massive change from where she was before she met Ahri. Thanks to the use of the blood clones that she made she is able to constantly train and not waste any time thus her chakra control has gotten even better, she mastered the leaf exercise and is now at high genin level chakra control at the age of 7.

Naruko now knows all the laws of the village like the back of her hand and learned everything about her mother's clan as well. She even mastered a few water jutsu to perfection to where she can do them with a single hand sign now. If your curious what those jutsu are, they are Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu (Water Clone Technique), Mizu Peretto (Water Pellet), Mizu no dangan (Water bullet), Mizu suraisu-ha (Water slicing wave), and Naruko has been working on her water manipulation as well trying to get to the point where she can gather water from the moisture in the air like the second hokage did in the past.

The only other thing that she has been working on with her blood clones is working on her sealing and has finally reached the first level and able to make some basic seals but nothing too crazy since it is at the first level. There are 10 known levels for a sealmaster but in truth there are really a total of 12 but only the Uzumaki clan know this and they are the only ones ever been able to reach that level before.

The little bit of training that she was able to get with Kurenai and Anko has been good for her as well, not to mention that she has been practicing with her bloodline limit with them getting used to using it during battle, and getting a handle on it.

In the back of the house on the training field we can see Naruko going through some basic warm up exercises.

"Ahri-chan do you think it is time to practice using the Kitsune eyes, I've had them for a while now but I haven't actually used them for anything at all and while you said that they can make very powerful genjutsu. I don't actually know how to do that."

"Hmm you're probably right Naru-chan, it is about time that we start training them. Genjutsu is seen as useless to most of the ninjas in the world because most ninjas are not skilled enough in their chakra control to use it during battle and because it can't damage someone directly they don't care to learn it. Most people would rather use an offensive jutsu of some kind than a simple illusion but I believe that they are all fools for doing that. A simple illusion can give you the time you need to inflict a deadly injury on someone or give you time to use a more powerful jutsu against them. Not to mention that when you mess with someone's senses using genjutsu you make them more paranoid and they start doubting what they are seeing making it easier for you to trick them if you play your cards right and they have to waste chakra to dispel the genjutsu that is if they can even do that to begin with." Ahri ranted to Naruko trying to express how effective genjutsu can be during a fight.

"I understand Ahri-chan, I will show these fools that doubt the power of genjutsu just how strong genjutsu can really be then, so what do I do first?"

"Easy kit the first thing that you have to do is channel chakra to your eyes and you will feel the difference right away." Naruko then did what Ahri said and once she did she could feel exactly what Ahri was talking about.

"Now for the next step, make a blood clone of yourself, it doesn't have to be powerful or anything. We are just using it to test a simple jutsu using your eyes as the medium." Naruko then created a blood clone and had it stand across from her about 10 feet.

"Now you should know this one, I want you to perform the Fukushi no Jutsu (Double Vision Technique) on the blood clone while you swing at her with your fist."

"Alright then brace yourself Naruko 2." Naruko then quickly performed the hand signs for the jutsu and looked straight into the eyes of the blood clone and then performed a simple straight fist at her chest but to the blood clone it looked like she was attacking both her chest and her head at the same time making it hard to figure out where her real aim is.

"Release" Naruko 2 tried to do a simple cancellation and figured that it would work since the genjutsu used was such a low level but was shocked that it didn't dispel and due to her shock was hit in her chest and being pushed back a few feet due to the force.

"Bitch that hurt." she said while her feet dragged in the ground.

"Now, now is that a very nice thing for you to say about yourself." Naruko said with a small grin on her face.

"As you might have noticed the jutsu got empowered due to your kitsune eyes making it harder to dispel meaning that the stronger the illusion that you make the harder it would be for someone to break out of it thus meaning that they will waste that much more chakra doing so. The more you use them the stronger they will be over time it is like a muscle so you must train them constantly if you want them to get to their final level."

"I understand Ahri-chan, guess that means that I'll have to learn some more genjutsu now then so that I can make use of my special eyes….. Hmmm I'm going to have to come up with a taijutsu style that lets me incorporate my eyes while fighting." Naruko pondered then went back to making some more blood clones and testing out her eyes on them with the few genjutsu that she knew gradually getting more and more used to them.

With a proper support system Naruko is well on her way to becoming a legend in the ninja would one with no weakness at all.