New Little Brother

"So this is Suna huh, first thought it's fucking hot why would people live here." Naruko said while stretching from sitting in a caravan for so long. 'I know what you mean kit, I don't understand how these tailless monkeys can live in a place so hot.' Ahri said back.

The caravan leader was thankful for all the help she provided and promised her that he would contact her when he came to Konohagakure next time to work out a deal since he was a man that delivered resources from one city to the next. "Now do you sense your little brother anywhere nearby Ahri-chan you know my sensing abilities aren't that great." Ahri then used her senses and looked for the largest chakra source since the one tailed beast will have the largest source besides Naruko.

After a minute or so "I found him. He is in the northwest direction Naru-chan, start walking and I'll lead the way." Naruko then followed the direction that Ahri gave her and when they finally found him they noticed that he was not in the pot like they thought he would be but he was in a little red hair boy that was holding a teddy bear with the writing for love on his forehead, who was sitting on a swing all by himself while the other kids were avoiding him and playing among themselves. Something above this scene felt very familiar to her because that is how she used to be before she met Ahri that is.

Not liking this scene she walked up to the little red haired boy "Hello there little guy why are you all by yourself." As soon as she got done speaking the boy looked at her with a look of pure confusion on his face wondering if this girl was talking to him. "Yes I'm talking to you little boy so I'm Naruko Uzumaki and who might you be?" she asked him with a smile on her face.

"I'm Gaara of the sand, why are you talking to me don't you know who I am?" He asks with a blank expression on his face. "Well that's because you can be seen as my little bother due to you holding the one tail. I mean I hold his big sister inside myself so in a way we are a family, one big human sacrifice family." Naruko squalled out in a happy tone, liking the idea already. 'Maybe I should go find the other too then I can have a big family, something to think about later' Naruko thought while Ahri liked this idea she hasn't seen her brothers and sisters in a long time now and would like to reconnect with them.

Hearing this Gaara didn't know how to react because the last family member that was close to him tried to kill him but he couldn't help but want a family. And here was such a person she has the same burden that he does and from what she is saying wants to still be his big sister. "If you're like me you know that we are monsters then that don't deserve happiness in our lives." When he got done saying that Ahri bopped him on his head "Now I don't want my little brother thinking about himself like that, we are just different than everyone else but think about it no one person is the same after all. We are just more special then them is all and this scares them from us but why should we care about what they think about us. We should just do what we want and if they don't like it we can deal with them." Naruko holds out her hand "Why don't you follow your big sister and we will be one big happy family." Naruko says with a big smile on her face.

Gaara hesitates for a few moments till he decides that what she is offering is far better than what he has going on at this point in his life but as soon as they hold hands something occurs they are both sucked into Gaara's mindscape. It is basically a desert with the only noticed thing is the giant raccoon with weird symbols over its body. "Well this is different, didn't know that I could go into someone else's mindscape, Ahri-chan can you still hear me?"

"Yes, give me a moment kit, I should be able to materialize myself in Gaara's mindscape alongside you so we can go talk to my little brother." Ahri then appeared next to them in her nine-tail form but of miniature size. "Awww how cute" Naruko then grabbed Ahri and started snuggling her in her face "You are just so soft Ahri-chan, you should take this form more often." "I'll think about it now, could you please focus kit." Ahri said with a sigh at her host attics.

"Umm excuse me but what is going on right now?" Gaara says trying to figure out what is going one moment they are at the park and now they are in a weird desert for some reason. "We are in your mind right now Gar-kun and we are about to meet the one tails. So come along little bro were off to the furry." Naruko then grabbed Gaara's hand and dragged him to the one tails while still holding on to Ahri.

"Ahri is that you what are you doing here" Screamed the one tails at the trio. "Now, now little Shukaku is that anyway to treat your big sister and here I come all this way to visit you and this is what I get." Ahri says in a fake hurt tone of voice. "You are in my domain now I don't have to listen to you Ahri so if you have nothing important to say leave and take the brats with you." Shukaku yelled out.

"Are you still mad at me for all those years ago, come on, it's been centuries don't be such a little kid and get over it. Look I'm sorry that I called you the weakest out of all of us okay, I'm mellowed out more since then so I can see how what I said was wrong. I just want my little brother back so what do you say little Shukaku?" Ahri said, trying to show her sincerity to Shukaku.

Shukaku was silent for half a minute thinking about what she said to him, granted he wasn't as mad as he portrayed himself he was just waiting for her to apologize to him. "I suppose I can forgive you then Ahri, so what brings you here with my host and yours." he asked. "Well we planned on taking Gaara with us and once we tried to lead him outside with us we got sent here for some reason." Ahri explained.

Then everyone introduced themselves to each other and then Ahri and Naruko learned what Shukaku was doing to little Gaara and lets just stay that Shukaku got the tongue lashing of a lifetime and had to promise that he wouldn't corrupt Gaara anymore and let him sleep properly to which Gaara thanked them for it because he couldn't remember what sleep is like at this point. They then all bid farewell for now and sent their consciousness outside to the real world. "Well that was interesting, well are you ready to leave then Gar-kun. I'm kind of over the desert already and rather go somewhere else not so hot." Naruko laughed out scratching the back of her head.

"Yes big sis Naruko" Gaara said. "Naru-chan, call me big sis Naru-chan for now on Gar-kun okay?" She said with a smile on her face to which Gaara nodded his head agreeing to her request. "Before we leave though I would like to grab some jutsu from the village on different sand jutsu since Suna is the only hidden village that would have it."

"I see no problem with that then tomorrow we can do it then since it is getting late, so little bro where do you stay?" Naruko asked. "Follow me!" Was all he said while he grabbed onto Naruko's hand and dragged her toward his home somewhere else in the city.

Upon arriving at the huge house that was in a rather secluded area much like her own home just not as big as hers was this one just a simple 3 bedroom whole. "We can stay here big sis till tomorrow morning then we get those jutsu that I need then head out. How are you going to get me out of here big sis." Gaara says in an uneven tone showing no real emotion. 'I'm going to have to fix that, it's like talking to a wall and I will not have my little brother remain like this.' Naruko thought 'I agree, Naru-chan the damage that Shukaku did while bad can still be fixed so over time his emotions will come back especially now that he can sleep again.' Ahri stated to Naruko letting her know not to worry about it.

"Simple I may not look like it but I'm a level 3 seal master and one of the seals that I know how to make right now is a chakra suppressor seal meaning that sensors won't be able to locate you for as long as you wear it. Which is what we will need to escape the city and since I know a guy that will be leaving the city tomorrow we can use his caravan to sneak out."

After that the duo made some more small talk, learning more about each other and eating a decent dinner before they went off to bed. Getting Gaara to go to sleep was a challenge because he was scared that Shukaku would try to take over, but after an hour of coaxing him they finally managed it. Gaara had the most pleasant sleep of his life tonight since he could actually sleep for once.

Morning came for the duo and after a quick breakfast and taking everything that Gaara wanted and sealing it on her scrolls she had with her they were off to get those jutsu scrolls that Gaara wanted. "Just stay here big sis, while I go inside and grab what I need they won't stop me and even if they tried I can just kill them." Naruko rubs his head "Alright I'll trust you but be careful and make sure to grab what you need, hell you should just take everything. You have quite a bit of sealing scrolls with you so take what you can get." Gaara nodded his head and went off. Gaara wasn't gone longer than 10 minutes before he came back, dare she say with a slight smile on his face. 'Probably from knowing that he is fucking this village over by taking so many scrolls that they may or may not of copies of.' Naruko thought happy that he was showing a smile however small it was.

"Now then before they notice what you did we need to get to the main gate, Now i'm going to place a seal on you it's nothing bad just going to suppress your chakra signature like we talked about yesterday okay." Naruko then placed a seal on his forearm.

"Perfect, let's go quickly we don't have much time." Naruko then grabbed Gaara's shoulder and body flickers with him near the main entrance. Naruko met up with the old man again from the caravan and worked out a deal to help them leave the city and he agreed because of the help that she provided on his way here.

After they made it out of the city and the desert Naruko and Gaara bid farewell to the caravan and proceed to head back to Naruko's home in Konoha. "You're going to love it there Gar-kun, one it isn't so hot and two lots more entertaining stuff to do. I could show you how to prank people, oh the fun that we could have together."

"I'm sure I'll like it, Naru-chan as long as you're there with me." Gaara said, making Naruko give him a hug. "Great keep up we are going to cover a lot of distance today." They both then quickly sped toward Konhoa completely unaware of the problems that they caused Suna when they found out someone stole most of their jutsu scrolls and the fact that their jinchuuriki was missing and they had no idea where he was. The Kazekage was a very angry man today and sent several of his anbu out to find any leads on who stole from them and where Gaara was, he didn't even think that Gaara left on his own and with someone else for that matter.