Deal, Return Trip

First thing that Naruko did was unseal Death Embrace, "Em I'm going to be adding some seals to you. I'll be adding a tracking seal, summoning seal, nature manipulation seal, and then a gravity seal to yourself. Two of those seals should be self explanatory but the summoning seal is something new I've come up with. It lets me summon you as long as I can feel your presence so combine that with the tracker seal you get the message, it would give me the ability to throw you at enemies and then call you back. As for the nature manipulation seal is something my mother was working on that I completed. It lets one channel elemental chakra smoother, with less waste and making them stronger if channeled through the seal." Naruko explained what she was currently applying to Em.

"Those are some rather interesting seals, Master, I look forward to seeing them work. Now that we have a moment there is another special seal that I have that a previous user applied to me. If you channel chakra to the seal in the middle of the handle it will separate myself turning my double scythe form into two single scythes. The previous user did this so you would be able to handle faster opponents." Em said in a flat tone.

"Alright sounds good I was sort of worried about dealing with someone that was faster than I would be able to swing at them. One last question is it true that people that I kill go directly to Shinigami's stomach to suffer eternally?" Naruko asked and she wasn't the only one curious about this. Ahri was also wondering if this was true or not.

"Yes, due to me being blessed by the Shinigami this is one of the effects. What you should do, Master, is use the Shinigami mask to contact him, he has told me he has something that he wants to talk to you about." Em said then went quite saying everything that she had to say to Naruko. "Alright well better get this out of the way, I'm curious what Death wants to talk to me about exactly." Naruko then unsealed the Shinigami mask and channeled some chakra into it and then suddenly her consciousness went into a dark space.

Across from her she saw the Shinigami in all his deathly glory. "So I've been told that you wanted to talk soooo." Naruko said while she just casually sits down on the ground not even bothered that she is in the presence of death itself.

"You're rather bold for a half demon, you know I could with just a swing of my hand reap your soul right?" He said in a dark deep voice. "Ah but that wouldn't be fun right? I mean if you wanted to kill me, there is nothing I can do to stop you so why worry about it you know." Naruko says casually

"Ha ha ha ha, this is rather refreshing. Everyone I ever talk to trembles and gets scared just by seeing me so it is nice that someone can be so casual with me after so many hundreds of years…. For the reason that I summoned you here is that, I have a mission for you and if you can complete it I will do something special for you."

"Oh you've got my interest please explain what death himself would need the help of a little half demon like me that he can't do himself." Naruko said with clear interest in her voice. "Simple I need you to kill 5 people for me that have been making a mockery of my domain. If you succeed I will revive your parents for you, I'd rather give up those 2 to get those 5 since they have been avoiding me for so long now." Naruko was shocked when she heard what Shinigami had to say.

"Would you really revive my parents if I kill 5 specific people?... Deal give me their names and they shall die by my hand." Naruko said with clear determination in her voice and face. She would kill the world if she had to get her parents back so what's five people to her. Smiling at Naruko, something that would scare just about anyone who saw it was happy to hear her agree to help him deal with those 5.

"Great you will need to kill Orochimaru, Hiden of Akatsuki, Kakuzu of Akatsuki, Madara Uchiha, and Nagato of Akatsuki. Each of them have been avoiding me or messing with my domain in some way or form and I've tired of them and then need to die so that I can deal with them." He said with some anger in his voice thinking about those 5.

"Wait there is something wrong here I know for a fact that Madara Uchiha is already dead, how the fuck is he still alive and kicking?" Naruko asked, showing a confused expression on her face about hearing someone as powerful as Madara is still alive and kicking somehow. "He found a way to seal his soul so it wouldn't come to me somehow so I need you to correct this for me, don't worry he will show himself eventually that is when you kill and bring him to me. I'll even help motivate you, if you can kill at least 3 of them I'll revive one of your parents for you."

Naruko quickly bowed to him "I promise you that I Naruko Uzumaki will kill Orochimaru, Hiden of Akatsuki, Kakuzu of Akatsuki, Madara Uchiha, and Nagato of Akatsuki." As soon as Naruko said this promise a black aura covered her body and then disappeared signaling that a promise demon made a promise. The Shinigami just smiled seeing this happen. "Good I believe you, now we've spent enough time talking. I'll contact you through Death's Embrace or Em as you call her when I need you or you kill one of those 5. Goodbye Naruko Uzumaki, happy hunting." He then waved his hand and then Naruko was back in the outside world.

"How did it go kit? You've been gone for quite a bit now." Ahri asked worried what death himself wanted with her little Naru-chan. "He gave me a mission to kill 5 people and in exchange he would revive my parents for me when I'm done. I need to kill Orochimaru, Hiden of Akatsuki, Kakuzu of Akatsuki, Madara Uchiha, and Nagato of Akatsuki."

"Interesting, very interesting. I have a score to settle with the red eyed monkey so I do hope we can find him soon so that I can blow his ass up for what he did to me in the past. Only then will I allow him to go to the Shinigami, I need my pound of flesh from him after all." Ahri said with a sinister smile and laugh thinking about the things that she will do to the man when she gets her hands on him. Making Naruko pity the man a bit before she remembers that he deserves what's coming to him.


We can currently see the duo on their way back the next morning after spending last night in the ruined village of Uzushiogakure. "Gar-kun how did training go for you yesterday?" Naruko asked as she was jumping from tree top to tree top. "It went well, I was able to make some Iron sand and store it into the new gourd that I have now on my waist. If I'm given another week I should be able to fill the gourd completely, almost doubling the amount of sand that I could take with me."

"That's great news Gar-kun, when we get back to the village I'll have to add some seals to your gourd." Naruko says with a smile on her face while looking at Gaara. "I'd like that thanks Naru-chan."

After traveling for a day Naruko and Gaara come across a caravan in the afternoon that is currently being surrounded by 30 bandits with weapons. Not wanting to alert the bandits the two stop on top of a tree branch high up in the air overlooking the situation. "Now isn't this just perfect, I get to save some people and kill some scum with Em. What else could I ask for." Naruko said while a bloodthirsty smile was forming on her face and some blood-lust was leaking out slowly around her. Gaara seeing this could only shake his head at his big sister 'I almost pity those bandits, they will be lucky if it is a swift death.'

Grabbing Em from her back and undoing the gravity seal on her "Burning Moon" Naruko channeled some fire chakra on both ends of Em and then started to spin Em behind her and as it gradually gained momentum, she was making calculations on how to throw Em to kill the most people. After a couple moments Naruko then threw Em at a incredible speed and strength, when Em made contact with the first bandit the man didn't even know what happened before he suddenly lost the feeling in his legs and then fell to the ground screaming in pain while tiring to process who the fuck just attack him.

Sadly that wasn't the end of it because wherever Em went she left behind a trail of fire behind herself burning the bandits after she cut them and killed many of them. Naruko threw Em so that she would make a half circle around the caravan and then she summoned her back to herself on the tree. It was pure chaos for the bandits since that one attack that came out of nowhere just killed 15 of them and the survivors were all shaking in fear.

"Come out you fucker and show yourself. Come out and fight us like a man." The bandit leader yelled out in anger but you could see the sweat that was coming down on his face hoping that acting brave will help in some way.

"Ah but that is a problem you see I'm not a man to begin with. I'm just a cute little girl out for a lovely scroll in the forest." Naruko said while she jumped down in view of the bandits and members of the caravan and puts Em behind her back and slowly started to walk toward them all slowly while giving them all a bloodthirsty smile and leaking her blood-lust for them all to feel. Gaara didn't move and stayed up there to watch and provide back up in case something unexpected happened.

The bandit leader seeing the person who attacked them got furious since he excepted a man and to find out that they were attacked by a little girl pissed him off to no end. Giving into his anger he grabbed a member of the caravan to use as a hostage "Don't come any closer you hear me, Drop your weapon and let us capture you or otherwise I'm going to kill this man!!!" The bandit leader yelled making the man in his grasp start shaking and begging for the bandit leader to let him go.

Naruko stopped and stared at the bandit leader with a face that said 'like I give a fuck' what you do. "Well, do you think that I care about these people in general. I only attacked you guys because it let me test my weapon and as a bonus save some people nothing more. You could kill that man right now and I wouldn't bat an eye, sorry random guy but your life means nothing to me you can only blame your bad luck." Naruko then grabbed Em from her back again.

"Shit, everyone attack her. We have the numbers on our side." The bandit leader said while he threw the man in his grasp at Naruko but not before he slit his throat and then charged at her with his saber like sword. Naruko, not wanting to drag this on much longer or get surrounded by these rejects of society, body flicker's to her left and cuts the man she got behind head off. But she didn't stop there using one hand signs then used Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu and sent the fireballs at the other nearby bandits.

The bandits weren't able to dodge the jutsu since Naruko can control them so they didn't stand a chance before they were burnt alive and screaming in massive amounts of pain. Naruko then charged toward another bandit and channeled some chakra into Em so when the bandit she went against clashed with Em instead of blocking it Em just right through his sword and cut the man in half vertically. Some blood got on Naruko's face and she just licked it off her lips "Come on try harder make me work for it boys." Naruko laughed and charged at another bandit, killing him as well.

Blocking an attack from her back, spins Em and sends the sword that she blocked toward another bandit due to the momentum killing the man since it went right through him causing a massive whole in his chest. Naruko then did a front flip and cut the man in half vertically during the flip and dashed off toward another victim. Naruko then channeled some chakra into Em and sent a water blade jutsu from it slicing a bandit that tired to reach for the caravan members to probably use as some kind of hostage. It didn't take long for Naruko to kill all the bandits considering she was really just playing with them all and testing Em out. The only survivor is the bandit leader and at this point the man gave up and dropped his weapon begging to let him go and promising that he won't ever do this again but how could Naruko just let him go like that it isn't in her nature after all.

"Oh don't worry bandit-kun." The bandit leader looks into Naruko's eyes and it is at this moment that Naruko decided to use her kitsune eyes and put the man into a hell viewing genjutsu and the man just fell to the ground and started twitching on the floor and foaming at the mouth soon after. "It will all be over for ya soon." Then Naruko walked over and lifted Em up and dropped it on the bandit leader's neck, decapitating him. "Well that was fun Gar-kun why don't you come down and help me stack the bodies so that I can burn them."

"Um excuse me, miss thank you for saving us." A woman stuttered out while holding what looks like a 5 year old girl in her grasp. Looking at the mother and daughter pair "Don't worry about it, I only helped cause it was a good opportunity to have some fun…. Where were you guys headed if you don't mind me asking?"

"Ah well we were headed to Konoha to do business and visit some family while we were there." she said but then the little girl spoke up "Onee-chan are you a ninja?" she said in an innocent voice. Naruko then rubbed the back of her head "Of course I'm the best ninja around, isn't that right Gar-kun."

"I'm better, you're too loud to be a proper ninja." Gaara says, then ducks the swipe that Naruko sent at him, making the mother daughter pair laugh at this scene. "Well since you're heading toward our hometown, mind giving us a ride then I'm tired of running."

"Not at all please sit in the back with us luckily the driver is still alive so we can head out shortly." The mother said with a small smile on her face since having the duo with them means they are protected till they get to Konoha. "Cool, Gar-kun, I got us a ride quickly, let's deal with what we need to do your big sis needs a nap, have to get my beauty sleep when I can."

"You should sleep all day then." Gaara then tried to dodge another strike but was kneed in the face when he ducked down "Little brat, where did my cute little brother go." Naruko and Gaara then disposed of the bodies by burning them, and taking anything valuable that they had on them.

As they were riding the caravan to Konoha "Naru-chan how are we going to sneak in this time?" Gaara asked curious what crazy idea Naruko had this time. "Well I was thinking that we could just use Guy and Lee again." Naruko then started laughing seeing the face that Gaara was making when she said that. "I'm kidding, we will just henge into a random civilian too tired to try something else. I just want to go home and relax." Gaara breathed a sigh of relief hearing that and went back meditating.