Root Ambush

"Well shit do you know how many there are by chance?" Anko asked while Naruko checked to see how many there were "We have 20 incoming, 15 chunin and 5 jounin based on their chakra levels." Anko grimaces when she hears this because she isn't like Naruko and doesn't have nearly as much chakra as she does or stamina.

"Naru-chan I need you to use wherever seals that you can to give us any advantage, quickly get to work. I'm going to summon more snakes to lay in wait and ambush them." Naruko then quickly summoned some water clones since they don't take a lot of chakra and had them place explosive seals around them but these explosive seals were Uzumaki variants making the explosion behind them twice as big. She hid these seals with the use of genjutsu false surroundings while the real Naruko used the Hiding in Mist Technique to cover the ground around them but she not only used water moisture but blood as well to make it a red mist. Something that she can use when the fighting starts.

Anko wasn't idle either, she summoned more snakes, the ones that she summoned were the ones that were the most poisonous and were great at hiding and with the mist that Naruko summoned they had even more cover to hide in till it was time for them to strike.

Naruko then had the water clones transform into some of the dead bandits nearby as another trap for the ninjas incoming. "Alright Naru-chan we will see what they want and see if we can negotiate with them if that doesn't work we will activate our traps and take as many of them as we can then finish off the survivors."

"Alright Anko sensei worst comes to worst I'll use Ahri's chakra cloak." Naruko gave Anko a reassuring smile showing her that they can handle this. 'Kit remember that all you can handle is 3 tails worth of my chakra and given that your stamina is depleted some just be careful okay. There is nothing wrong with running away.' Ahri said with some clear concern in her voice.

'Don't worry Ahri-chan I know what to do, I'm not dying today.' Naruko answered back.

It is then that the root anbu showed up in front of them and Fu was the one leading them as he was the only one that didn't have a mask for some reason out of the 20 root anbu that came. Stepping forward toward the duo noticing that there was something wrong with the environment here right away. 'They must have set up traps nearby but what they are I don't know, better be careful Danzo-sama is expecting the jinchuriki.' Fu thought while quickly scanning the area and noticed several things out of place here.

"Naruko Uzumaki and Anko Mitarashi, we are reinforcements from Konoha sent by the hokage after new information came to light about the bandit group led by several ninja. But it seems that reinforcements were not necessary." Fu reaches into his pouch on his hip to pull out a letter. "This letter here proves we were sent by the Hokage, if you would please see for yourself."

Little did they know that this was a paralysis seal on the letter that is hidden by a genjutsu so as soon as Anko or Naruko grab this letter Fu can activate the seal by channeling some chakra toward it. Thus taking one of them out of the fight right away making capturing the jinchuriki much easier.

'Naru-chan that man is lying, I can feel there is some kind of trap on that letter. Quickly use your kitsune eyes to see if there are any genjutsu on it.' Ahri quickly said before Anko or Naruko moved forward toward this man. Naruko did what Ahri suggested and right away she saw the genjutsu that was on the letter so that immediately told her that these were not friendly especially since they have the mark of the anbu that attacked her and Gaara when she was younger.

As Anko was about to walk forward Naruko grabbed her arm and signaled with her eyes that something was wrong "Anko sensei please allow me to retrieve this letter from the hokage." Anko already knew this situation was fishy but when she heard Naruko called Hiruzen the hokage that just cremated that her suspicions were right and nodded her head giving Naruko the go ahead since she trusted Naruko knew what she was doing.

Stepping forward as soon as Naruko grabbed the letter she stepped back some and then channeled some chakra in the fake letter and dispelled the genjutsu on it and then notice the type of seal on it is a paralysis seal. 'A good plan but sadly they ran into me, if this was Anko sensei they would have succeeded with their little plan.'

While Naruko was fake reading the letter she subtly used the moisture in the air to form some water on her finger tip to smear the ink on the seal thus making it useless. While Naruko was reading the supposed letter Fu took this opportunity that was presented to him to activate the paralysis seal on the paper and since Naruko was looking at Fu subtly and saw what he was doing she then cast a genjutsu on herself that mimicked the paralysis seal being activated properly on her with markings covering her body.

Naruko then fell forward acting like she was properly paralyzed. "NARUKO, WHAT HAVE YOU BASTARD DONE!!!" Anko yells while she signals for her snakes to attack while she casts a Many Hidden Shadow Snake Hands jutsu toward the root anbu.

"Quickly secure the target we will handle Anko Mitarashi, Move." Fu barks out toward the other root anbu. Four root anbu quickly surrounded Naruko and as they reached down to pick her up everything changed for the root anbu.

As soon as they made contact with Naruko she used her blood bending and stabbed each of the root anbu in the head. As for the reason that they didn't react in time is because one they were the ones that were on the level of chunin and the second reason is because they thought that she was properly paralyzed and they paid for their mistakes with their lives. "Now boys you shouldn't touch a lady without permission." Naruko then stood up like she was never paralyzed to begin with.

This surprised Fu but he didn't let this bother him and signaled for the root to engage. Naruko then activated the explosion seals she had around them and due to the size of the explosion it caught 10 of the root anbu killing them immediately and others had some slight injuries due to the debris flying around from the explosions. Naruko's water clones then got up and sent shuriken at the remaining root anbu and used the shadow shuriken jutsu and also casting a genjutsu to triple the amount of shuriken making it hard for them to tell which was real or fake. They then dispelled because they used all of the chakra that was put into them.

Anko's snakes got lucky and were able to bite some of the root anbu before they were cut down but they did their job and applied a severe poison to them. Fu saw how quickly the situation was changing for him and his root but there was nothing that he could do. He had his orders and failing to meet those orders means death so there was no point in retreating.

Fu jumped back from Naruko and decided to use the mind transfer jutsu since he was really running out of options here and was hoping that taking over Naruko's mind would turn this situation around but sadly he didn't know that Ahri wouldn't allow that to happen.

"You two protect me." Fu then formed some hand signs and raising his hands up he aimed it toward Naruko who is currently in a taijutsu fight with two of the root jounin. Fu then waited for the perfect opportunity and saw it when Naruko put one of the root jounin in a choke hold with her legs thus making her still enough for Fu to use his jutsu so he used the jutsu but it was the biggest mistake of his life in doing so. There was a reason that you don't use those types of jutsu on a jinchuriki.

Once Naruko was hit by Fu's jutsu she stilled which gave the root jounin that was caught a chance to escape. Back with Fu once he hit Naruko with his jutsu, he noticed the inside of Naruko's mindscape was a beautiful scenery, something that immediately set off alarms. Someone that had a mindscape like this means that they knew how to defend their minds from invaders like him.

He didn't get to look around much because Ahri was immediately on him and stood behind him "You don't belong here little Yamanaka." Before Fu could react or do anything Ahri killed him by slashing his throat and decapitating him thus sending Fu back outside to his body. When Fu got back to his body he cough off a great amount of blood 'What the fuck was that and who was that who killed me in there.'

Naruko quickly regains control of her body 'Ahri-chan thanks for the help.'

'No problem Naru-chan only I'm allowed in your mind after all.' Ahri said back.

Anko then appears next to Naruko "Are you alright Naru-chan, that man seems to be a Yamanaka based on the jutsu that he used. We need to be careful of him and his clan jutsu." Anko says worried about Naruko and wonders if she is doing okay or not since she was hit by that man's jutsu. "Don't worry Anko sensei, Ahri-chan took care of it for me. Now let's settle this Anko sensei it seems we need to pay a visit to the hokage about these guys." Anko nods her head to this and then uses a fireball jutsu at the root anbu making them scatter to avoid it.

Quickly going through some hand signs "Blood release: Bloody Dragon Burst." she said while the blood mist around her formed up and created a crimson colored dragon which when it makes contact with something it explodes into blood tendrils that damage anyone within 5 feet of it.

Naruko sent that after one the root jounin that is struggling to stand, this jounin seeing this new type of jutsu didn't want to take any chances and knew that he couldn't dodge it with poison coursing through him so he used Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall to block it. When the crimson dragon hit the rock wall it exploded and because he wasn't outside of it's 5 feet explosion radius the blood tendrils cut right thru the earth wall that the root jounin made, The Jounin was basically swiss cheese and his last thought was 'How did that jutsu hit me.'

With another root anbu down that left a total of 5 left but each of them either were suffering from some form of poison or the injuries from the explosions and shuriken Naruko used earlier. While Naruko noticed that the leader wasn't moving and that two of the root were protecting him, Naruko got a good idea on what Jutsu she could use to either kill him or at the very least injure him some more. Jumping up in the air and then flashing through some hand signs "Blood release: Crimson Wave." As soon as Naruko lands on the ground she slammed her hand down and in front of her a large wave of crimson colored spikes moved toward Fu and the other 2 root and if they didn't move they would be impaled multiple times which means death.

Fu since couldn't move from his spot not without help at least but he still can use jutsu that doesn't require too much chakra. Seeing the crimson spikes coming his way he gritted his teeth and channeled some chakra "Fire release: Phoenix Flower Jutsu." sending small fireballs toward the spikes hoping to stop them but he wasn't alone the other two sent either rock bullets or water bullets thinking the same thing.

With three different elements working together they were able to stop Naruko's jutsu a bit barely before it hit them. One of the root guarding Fu decides to attack Naruko seeing that if they don't attack her they will just keep suffering attacks from her.

Anko was able to finish off one of the root anbu but she didn't get out of it unscathed and suffered a deep wound on her shoulder making her left arm all but useless if the dangling of it was anything to go by. Meaning that Anko wasn't going to be able to use any more jutsu now with only one hand but she wasn't completely defenseless since she was currently holding a kunai in her good hand.

Turning to look at Anko "Anko sensei back up, you're in no condition to continue fighting. Leave these bitches to me." Naruko yells out after seeing Anko's condition. "Fine you brat but you better not die or I'll kill you myself." She yelled back then jumped back after creating some distance but close enough to step in to help if the need arises.

"Alright maximum effort." Naruko then summoned Em and channeled chakra into her eyes casting a genjutsu that messed with their depth perception and another one that messed with their sense of balance. Twirling Em around herself Naruko channeled some chakra into her "Water release: Dance of the crescent moon." Each time that Naruko spun Em she would send a water blade at the root anbu while that doesn't sound bad it is when she can send close to hundred at you with how fast she was spinning Em. Not to mention that she affected their senses with genjutsu making dodging them that much harder for the root anbu.

Each of the root anbu used their own form of defense to block the water blades be it rock walls, rock bullets, fireballs, firewalls, waterwalls, or water bullets whatever they could use to not get hit by those water blades they used while dodging them but they noticed something was wrong when they used any projectile jutsu they would miss or barley hit it at all. Not to mention that dodging these water blades shouldn't be this hard it was almost like their balance was off or something.

Two of the root anbu weren't able to survive the onslaught and were cut to ribbons after they staggered on the ground and weren't able to recover quickly enough to use a jutsu or dodge. One of the three remaining root used themselves as a human shield for Fu after he was cut deeply on the left leg making him fall to the ground unable to dodge the 4 water blades headed toward him.

Stopping her jutsu and breathing out heavily due to the amount of chakra and stamina that this jutsu used. Naruko was happy to see that only 2 root anbu were left alive and one of them clearly wasn't getting away with his leg injury and the other one wasn't much better off. "Now boys why don't you surrender and we can have a nice long chat." Naruko had a beautiful smile on her face but to the two root anbu couldn't help but make them shudder seeing it. They knew that dying would be the much better option here.

"We will never betray Danzo-sama." Looking at the other root anbu "Do it." They each reach into their hip pouches and grab a black pill but before they could swallow it Anko reacts first and sends some poisoned senbon and strikes their necks paralyzing both of them making them fall straight to the ground unable to move. "Now, now we can't have you killing yourself before we get information out of you so it's in your best interest to cooperate with us." Naruko says while she caresses their cheeks.

But she noticed that they had a seal on their tongue and grabbed Fu's tongue to inspect it further 'Oh someone really wants to keep information about themselves a secret don't they.' Naruko studies the seal for about a minute till she figures out what it is supposed to do and devises a way to cancel the seal.

"Anko give me a few minutes so that I can take care of the seals on them then you can have your fun with them okay. Why don't you bandage your arm to stop the bleeding and I'll be over to help heal you as best I can after I handle these two." Naruko says while she channels some chakra on her finger tip and starts writing on Fu's tongue.

A few minutes later both of the seals on the root are released meaning that Anko will be able to do what she does best get information out of ninja. Before Anko gets to work Naruko looks at her arm and applies a new healing seal that she has been working on for a while now. While not as effective as someone using healing jutsu it's a close second. "Give yourself 10 minutes before you start on them and the feeling in your arm should be good enough to use." Anko gave Naruko a grin "Thanks Naru-chan you're the best and I couldn't have asked for a better student. Why don't you see what you can collect from the bandits and ninja and then meet me back here okay. I have a feeling that this is going to take a bit of time to get them to break."

"Sure just let me apply a paralysis seal on them real quick just in case." Naruko then unsealed 2 paper seals that were meant for securing prisoners and applied them on their backs in a hard to reach area. She then walked off to collect the spoils of battle. 15 minutes later Naruko could hear the screams of the 2 anbu in the distance "Sounds like Anko is having fun, I'm kind of disappointed that I'm not there right now." Naruko said while giving a slight pout thinking about it.

'Don't worry about it Naru-chan. There will be more opportunities to have fun in the future okay. Now since you did such a great job today I believe that you deserve a reward." Ahri said in a sensual tone.

'Oh is it what I think it is Ahri-chan?" Naruko said in a smug tone. "Maybe you will have to wait to find out. Come see me tonight when you go to bed, kay.' Ahri then cut off her connection she had, she had some preparation to make after all. Naruko couldn't help but shake her head at Ahri's antics because she knew what it was but she couldn't say she was excited about it. I mean Ahri was an extremely gorgeous woman with curves in all the right places. This made Naruko lick her lips for a moment thinking about it. 'Need to hurry up seems like I have an exciting night ahead of me.' Naruko then picked up the pace.