Wave Mission Part 4

Tazuna was indeed summoned by the wave daimyo the next morning and was well on his way to becoming the new daimyo based on what her clone told her. This sudden development surprised everyone but Naruko explained what she did and why, as well as explained why Tazuna was the best choice over everyone.

Once Naruko got done explaining many of them could see why Tazuna was the best choice but Kakashi was suspicious of Naruko and what her real goal was but there was nothing that he could do about it. Naruko later informed Gaara when they were alone what her real goal was and Gaara told her that he would provide any help that she needed. Since Tazuna was at the wave daimyo's palace they didn't go to the bridge so Naruko took this free time to go and see how the village was doing for the day.

When Naruko was exploring the village she was greeted by all of the villagers. Since Naruko has been here she has helped them out greatly and they all appreciate it greatly and you could actually see smiles on some of their faces especially the woman of the village since they know what Naruko did for them. While exploring the village she ran into the sisters Fuka and Rikku who were also just walking around the village.

"Little princess perfect timing we were just going to look for you." Rikku said in a cheery tone.

"What's up Rikku, something to report to me? Did you find Gato by chance?" Naruko asked really wanting to find the little midget and kill him.

"Sadly no Naruko, that midget hasn't been seen or found by us yet but I have a feeling that he will show up soon. Anyway the news that we wanted to share with you is that Zabuza is finally healed up completely and he wants to fight you two days from now on the bridge." Fuka said in her seductive voice.

Naruko hearing this smiled "Great, it took him long enough. I've been really bored lately. You can only kill so many helpless bandits before it gets boring you know. Well tell Zabuza that I will be ready and he best be ready to lose." she said with a grin at the end.

"But of course little princess then maybe when we get a chance you can fight me. I've been dying to test out my kenjutsu against you for a while now." Rikku says with battle lust leaking from her body.

"Of course Rikku, I would be more than willing to fight you in a kenjutsu battle but it will have to wait till after we settle Gato and his men." Naruko says back.

"Was there anything else that you needed to report by chance or was that it?" Naruko asked

"Ya that was it, so we will get going Naruko and we will see you two days from now on the bridge." Fuka said, then her and Rikku walked back to their hideout after waving bye to Naruko.

While going back to walking around the village. 'Well it look like I'm going to have something fun to do in a couple days. I can't wait, I hope Zabuza puts up a better fight than he did last time.'

'Don't forget about the rebellion that we are going to after we settle this mission Naru-chan.' Ahri said, making sure Naruko forgot.

'But of course Ahri-chan, how could I forget something like that. Even without the deal I made with Zabuza I would have probably gone there to test myself anyway. Also it sounds like fun fighting in a civil war, you know what they say what doesn't kill ya makes you stronger.' Naruko said back.

Giggling at what Naruko said 'I don't think that saying works with a civil war but whatever makes you happy Naru-chan you know you always have my support. This will also give me a chance to see and talk to Isobu as well. It's been decades since the last time we talked.' Ahri said while having a far off look on her face.

**** Bridge

It's been 2 days now and it's the fated battle between Naruko and Zabuza on the bridge. Naruko informed Anko and Gaara that Zabuza will be attacking as well as Kakashi but didn't inform him of the deal that Naruko made with him. Just told him that Zabuza and his group planned to attack them today with the Intel she was able to gather and since he had no reason to doubt her he believed her.

The whole group went to the bridge all but Sai who was left to protect Tsunami and Inari just in case they somehow got pass the seals. When the group arrived with Tazuna they saw that the laborers that were there before them were laying on the group but with a quick check with Naruko senses she saw that they were still alive at least for now.

"Zabuza and his group are here already, everyone get in formation and protect Tazuna." Kakashi said while everyone surrounded Tazuna and got into a defensive stance even Naruko and her team since they needed to keep up appearances after all.

Then through the mist you could see four silhouettes coming toward them. "Kakashi we meet again. Things won't turn out the same way they did last time." Zabuza says while he pulls his Kunikiri from his back.

"Zabuza, you and your little team stand no chance against all of us. You should just leave and abandon this mission then we don't have to fight." Kakashi said trying to persuade Zabuza since he really didn't want to fight this man since he knew that he could beat him but it would come at a cost to do so.

Naruko took this moment to step out of the formation and walk toward Zabuza and his little group. "I have an idea Zabuza, why don't you and me have a rematch. What say you demon of the hidden mist or are you too scared to get your ass kicked by a little girl again?" Naruko said in a provoking tone.

Even though Zabuza knew that he was going to fight Naruko again he didn't like how the little brat called him out so with some slight anger in his tone. "Fine you little brat I accept, and this time I'm ready and I won't lose to you. Haku why don't you fight that little Uchiha brat, Fuka deal with Kakashi and the other jounin, and Rikku handle the rest of their little group." He ordered out while everyone dashed toward their own opponents.

Anko quickly issued out her own orders knowing that for Naruko's plan to work she had to be the one to issue the orders. "Pinky protect Tazuna with me, Kakashi handle that red head, Gar-kun take the blond, emo brat take care of the masked one, and Naru-chan you know who you're facing now move." Everyone obeyed Anko's orders not seeing a problem with them.

Sasuke was especially happy since he would get to fight someone strong finally. While he thought 'Maybe I'll unlock my sharrigan with this fight. I need it if I want to kill my brother.' As he charged toward Haku who dashed off to the side putting space between all the other ninja fights about to happen.

All of the shinobi separated from each other so that they could fight without having to worry about the others.

**** Gaara vs Rikku

As Gaara and Rikku were standing across from each other "Well hello there Gaara, it's nice to finally meet you I've heard so much about you from the little princess. You don't mind that I call you Gar-kun like her, we are one big family after all." Rikku asked with her ever present smile on her face.

"It's nice to meet you as well and I don't mind. It is nice to have more family members." Gaara says while he starts controlling his iron sand from his gourd on his waist. "I know we are on the same side but we must keep up appearance, at least for now. So prepare yourself." He then sent a massive wave of iron sand at Rikku making her smile.

Feeling her battle lust raising "Bring it on Gar-kun, let me show you what this big sister is capable of." She yelled out while unsheathing her sword from her back. Seeing the massive wave of iron sand heading toward her, Rikku got into her stance and said "Whirlpool style: Vortex Cannon" while she quickly made a circular motion and then drew her arm back a bit and then pushed it forward feeding a decent amount of chakra into her thrust.

The attack was able to puncture a hole in the wall of iron sand, something that Rikku took advantage of and jumped through it and then rushed toward Gaara. Gaara then reached his hand forward and started closing it, making the iron sand start to surround Rikku.

Quickly going through some one handed hand signs "Water release: raging whirlpool" Rikku took a deep breath and then spat out a large amount of water from her mouth as she did a quick spin in a circle that started to move around her at a quick speed and each second was getting larger and larger forming a whirlpool with her in the center of it. This jutsu was able to push the iron sand back but it was tough for Rikku 'Damn this iron sand is extremely heavy when it's all packed together like this. It's taking a lot of my chakra to just maintain this jutsu and keep the sand at bay. I need to do something quick.'

Rikku then ended her current jutsu and went through some hand signs quickly and spoke out. "Water release: surging tide" she used the water that was surrounding her and created miniature tidal waves and pushed them out from her drowning all of the nearby iron sand.

Gaara seeing this was mildly surprised but it didn't show up on his face. Knowing that keeping her from him was for the best, he took a deep breath and went through some hand signs 'wind release: drilling bullet.' he spat out 5 compressed shots of spinning air toward Rikku as she started charging toward him.

Dodging two of the drilling bullets, Rikku was forced to slash at the others and was able to cut 2 of them before the last one hit her in the gut sending her flying back in the air. Correcting herself in the attack so as to land on her feet she was about to charge forward but noticed she couldn't move and when she looked down she saw why.

When Rikku landed on the ground she happened to be surrounded by some of Gaara's iron sand and Gaara not wanting to miss his chance to lock her down quickly made it capture her feet. "I suggest you give up Rikku, I don't want to hurt you more than necessary." Gaara said as he got more and more iron sand that slowly started to cover Rikku's body making it harder and harder to get out of it.

Struggling with getting herself free 'Damn it, I could get out of this if I really tried but then I'd be dangerously low on chakra. But I guess it's fine to give up since this isn't a life or death fight, there is always next time.' Rikku thought. Looking at Gaara "Fine you win this time Gar-kun but I demand a rematch later. I didn't even get to show you my true skills, you and your damn iron sand." Rikku said with a slight pout on her face.

"I'll look forward to it Rikku, now kindly stay there while we wait for this whole thing to end." Gaara then walked closer to Rikku and the two started to get to know each other more since they had nothing else to do right now.

**** Kakashi vs Fuka

"What's a nice lady like you doing with a man like Zabuza?" Kakashi asked as he stood across Fuka.

"Fufu how sweet of you but I have my own reasons." Fuka says while she covers her mouth with her hand. "You're quite a cutie, how about a kiss big boy." Fuka then walked toward Kakashi, putting a big sway into her hips. 'All I need is one kiss and I'll drain him of all his chakra.'

"While I'm flattered something tells me allowing you to kiss won't end well for me right now. So I'll have to kindly ask you to stay away from me. Water release: water bullet." Kakashi then spat several water bullets toward Fuka making her stop and defend herself.

"Tsk if that is how you want to be." quickly going through some hand signs "Water release: water wall." Fuka spat a large amount of water toward the ground creating a clear wall of water blocking all of the water bullets sent at her.

Using the water that she has in front of her "Water release: water dragon." using the water from her last jutsu she manipulated the water to form into a fierce water dragon and then sent it toward Kakashi. Kakashi seeing this dodged the water dragon but Fuka had great control over her jutsu and made the water dragon chase Kakashi around.

'Damn looks like it won't be as easy as I thought it would be. Do I have to use my sharrigan to end this fight quickly so that I can go help Naruko out but the drain that it will put on my reserves could be a problem for me.' Kakashi thought while he dodge the water dragon yet again. Having enough of dodging this water dragon he jumped into the air and took a deep breath "Fire release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet" He breathed out a massive fire dragon that met the water dragon and when they made contact with each other they canceled each other out creating a great amount of mist.

Using the mist to his advantage he threw some shuriken toward Fuka's last known location and used shadow shuriken jutsu that multiplied the shuriken he threw turning them into dozens all headed straight for Fuka. Fuka didn't know where Kakashi was but she could hear something heading toward through the mist and not one to take a chance. "Earth release: earth wall" she raised a portion of the bridge in front of her to block whatever was coming at her.

When Fuka heard all of the shuriken hit her earth wall she jumped on top of the earth wall and used a wind release: great breakthrough to blow all of the mist away and when she did she could see Kakashi in the middle of it. "Fire release: Phoenix Flower." Kakashi then took a deep breath and sent small fireballs at Fuka.

"Water release: water bullet." Fuka sent her own jutsu to intercept the small fireballs sent at her. This went on for quite a bit for the two mainly because they each know several jutsu of each element so they had a counter for each jutsu they sent to each other. They both didn't want to waste a lot of chakra fighting each other using just ninjutsu and decided to stop and then went into a taijutsu fight with each other.

After a couple dozen clashes with each other Fuka surprised Kakashi when she suddenly used her hair as a weapon and wrapped it around Kakashi's wrist and then his legs as she raised him up into the air. 'Damn what kind of jutsu is this, who uses their own hair as a weapon like this.' Kakashi thought while he struggled to get himself free but there was nothing that he could do. He couldn't use any jutsu with his hands caught like they were and he couldn't do one handed jutsu.

"Fufufu I got you now you bad boy. Now come to mama." Fuka then lowered Kakashi slowly to her and lowered his mask 'Forbidden release: reapers kiss.' She then gave Kakashi a deep passionate kiss. Fuka's jutsu sucks the targets chakra from them as well as their jutsu's that they know and their elemental affinities. Using this jutsu she also strengthens her elemental affinities based on the victims affinities so the more people she uses it on the better she will be with elemental jutsu. The last aspect of this jutsu is that if she continues to use this jutsu after taking all of the victims chakra then she kills her victim.

Backing off from Kakashi and licking her lips "Thanks for the treat stud."

'There could have been worse ways to go out then being kissed by a sexy redhead.' Were Kakashi's last thoughts before he lost consciousness due to lack of chakra in his system.

"Guess I better see how Rikku is doing." Fuka then drags Kakashi behind her with her hair not even caring for any injuries that she is causing the man right now.

As for the reason that Kakashi lost this fight it's very simple the man himself has stopped training since he had left the anbu so instead of being at elite jounin level he is closer to an ordinary jounin right now. Not to mention that he didn't want to use his sharingan to save chakra which is the main reason that he lost since if had it active he would have seen the chakra that she put into her hair that ended up capturing him. It didn't help that Fuka could also use all the elements like his as well so she could counter whatever he sent at her. So while Fuka wasn't quite as strong as Kakashi is she does have more chakra then him to make up for it and because she was underestimated she took advantage of that and in the end, ended up winning their little fight.

**** Sasuke vs Haku

Staring at each other "You should give up I don't really want to hurt you. There is nothing wrong with walking away." Haku said while she pulled out some senbon ready to strike at any moment.

"Hmph as if an Uchiha elite like myself would run away from a weakly like you. After I deal with you I'll go deal with your dumbass leader. Now come on show me your pathetic skills I don't have all day." Sasuke said with a shit ton of arrogance in his voice. 'With all the training that I did this past week I should be more than strong enough to take this masked freak on and then take out the leader.' He thought unaware that he was nowhere near as strong as he thought he was since all he did was some simple chakra control exercises.

Haku tightened her fists when she heard what Sasuke said 'I was going to be lenient to this boy but how and what he said really pissed me off. Now he will get no mercy from me, I'm going to end this quickly.' She thought while she threw the senbon in her hand at the arrogant boy.

Sasuke seeing the senbon headed for him took out a kunai and using it defected them. Quickly going through some hand signs "Fire release: phoenix flower." shot some small fireballs at Haku but he had a small surprise in them.

Haku seeing this jutsu countered with a water release: water bullet jutsu and when she canceled out the fire she was surprised that their shuriken hidden inside the small fireballs and didn't have a lot of time to react and dodge was she could but couldn't dodge them all and got some small cuts on her body.

Sasuke seeing this couldn't help but put on a smug expression and when Haku saw this it got on her nerves. Haku charged forward with some more senbon in her hand again ready to pierce the boy in his face. Sasuke met her half way, having a kunai in each hand. When they clashed they were in a slight stalemate but then Haku kicked Sasuke in the gut sending him back and she used the momentum to flip back in the air to create some more distance between the two. She quickly went through some hand signs while in midair and when she landed. "Water release: Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death." Which created a thousand water needles around Sasuke with him in the center ready to strike him at a moment's notice.

Looking around and seeing all of the water needles surrounding him 'Shit, I won't be able to dodge all of these or take care of them with the jutsu that I know.' he thought trying to think of a solution to get out of this situation.

Not wanting to give the boy a chance to think of something Haku sent her water needles at him, Sasuke tried to defend and dodge as best that he could but the sheer amount that was coming at him wasn't something that he could handle. At the end of the jutsu Sasuke had a good amount of puncture wounds on his body now which clearly was going to affect his combat ability.

Breathing deeply "Is that the best that you can do you little bitch. My useless teammate is better than you." Sasuke yelled out trying to put on a brave front but in reality he was really hurting right now and was trying to buy himself some time to recover.

"Your little trick won't work on me. I'm going to end this fight right now." Haku then used her bloodline limit "Ice release: crystal ice mirrors." Which created a dome of ice mirrors around Sasuke with him in the center. Haku then walked into one of her mirrors and fused with it and by doing this it showed a reflection of Haku in all of the dozens of mirrors surrounding Sasuke.

Sasuke having never seen or heard of a jutsu like this but knowing that the weakness of ice is clearly fire. Quickly went through some hand signs and used a fire release: fireball on one of the mirrors hoping to melt it so that he could jump out of this dome of mirrors but sadly it didn't work like he wanted it to.

"Don't waste your time and chakra, your fire is clearly too weak to melt one of my crystal ice mirrors. Now prepare yourself." Haku says while she pulled out some senbon out and all of her reflections did the same. Haku then exited a mirror at an extreme speed dashing to a different mirror and each time that she did that she would throw the senbon in her hands at Sasuke. She was moving at such a speed that Sasuke couldn't even keep track of her and couldn't even properly defend himself and only protect his vitals with his arms.

After only a few minutes Sasuke looked like a pin cushion and was on the verge of passing out due to the pain. "It's over little boy."

'Shit how could this happen? I'm a Uchiha elite. Only a Uchiha can beat another Uchiha.' Sasuke roared in his mind trying to keep himself from passing out.

Haku then exited a mirror that was behind Sasuke and stuck a nerve in his neck that put him into a false death state much like Zabuza was when she rescued him. Staring at the unconscious boy and canceling her jutsu. "Honestly you're lucky I'm a nice person otherwise I would have killed you right now." She said while she kicked Sasuke on the ground a couple times to help relieve her anger. Then left him there to go check on Naruko and Zabuza's fight.

The reason that Haku won is quite clear, overall Haku is a better shinobi than Sasuke is and can also keep her emotions under control. Something that Sasuke couldn't do and he didn't really know any jutsu that could have helped him since Kakashi hasn't taught him anything besides some chakra control exercises. Without someone to help him Sasuke was just out classed in all aspects compared to Haku. Maybe if he had unlocked his sharingan things could have been different, not that it would have helped much considering how injured he was.

**** Naruko vs Zabuza

"Now are you ready to lose again Zabuza-kun." Naruko said in a sweet innocent voice with a smile on her face, looking like an innocent little girl not a hardened killer.

"Tsk, you got lucky last time but this time I know what to expect from you. You little demon, all I have to do is beat you in this fight and our deal will be voided." Zabuza said while he got into his sword stance ready for battle.

"Now let me be honest here Zabuza-kun, you haven't even seen even half of what I could do. Just think about that for a moment." Getting into her taijutsu stance. "Try not to disappointment me Zabuza-kun." Naruko then threw some shuriken at Zabuza and used the shadow shuriken jutsu turning the few she threw into dozens of them.

Zabuza seeing this didn't panic and used his massive sword as a shield and blocked all the ones aimed at him. He then quickly went through some hand signs and used the water source nearby. "water release: Hiding in Mist." He created a large amount of mist using his chakra so thick that you couldn't see more than a few feet in front of you. What Zabuza didn't know was that Naruko was a sensor so this jutsu was a waste of time and chakra.

'Naru-chan I almost feel sorry for this guy right now.' Ahri said, shaking her head watching what this guy is doing and Naruko couldn't help but agree with her.

Naruko easily sensed where Zabuza was in the mist and knew where he was at all times. So she calmly waited for him to attack her since she knew that he was more of a close range fighter. While running around in the mist he spoke out "There are eight vital point areas in the human body. Heart, spine, lungs, kidney, larynx, jugular vein, collar bone, and liver which one should I choose." He said while using chakra to make his voice echo out.

Naruko hearing this couldn't hold it in anymore. "Ha ha ha you know your funny Zabuza-kun. Let me share with you a little secret about myself." Naruko then suddenly appears behind Zabuza since she knew where he was. "I'm a sensor." She then kicked Zabuza in the back, sending him forward.

He rolled on the ground and quickly stood up getting into a defensive stance 'Shit I didn't know that she was a sensor type shinobi. This makes my hidden mist jutsu completely useless.' Gritting his teeth slightly at this new information, he canceled his hidden mist jutsu and slowly the mist cleared and standing across from him was Naruko who was waving and smiling at him.

"Tsk you damn brat." Quickly putting his sword down for a moment Zabuza used the water clone jutsu and made 3 copies of himself and sent them forward charging at Naruko.

Seeing the clones coming toward her, Naruko made her own clones but these were shadow clones and she made 6 of them and sent them forward at the other clones. "Poor Zabuza-kun getting into a clone war with me is a big mistake given our chakra reserves are leagues apart." Naruko stood there with her arms crossed under her bust watching her clones demolish Zabuza clones. Given that she had a much larger chakra reserve to draw from she was able to put far more chakra into her clones making them much stronger than Zabuza's weak water clones since he had only jounin level chakra reserves to use.

Zabuza saw that his water clones got destroyed easily, he knew that he had to do something so he charged forward to destroy the shadow clones and while he did that Naruko made more shadow clones and she threw some fire clones in there as well. Fire clones perform a mini explosion when they are destroyed, something that Zabuza found out the hard way. He had to be careful with the clones he destroys or he could injure himself.

This went on for a while till Naruko got bored standing there and didn't create anymore clones of herself and let Zabuza finish what was left. Clapping after he destroyed the last clone. "Fufufu look at yourself Zabuza-kun all tried out and injured just by fighting clones don't you feel ashamed." Naruko said in a mocking tone which made Zabuza grit his teeth while he was taking deep breaths.

"I'm just getting started you little brat, this is nothing for someone like me now enough playing around." Zabuza said while he pointed his kubikiri at Naruko then charged toward her wanting to split her in half.

"Oh we're done with the foreplay already that's a shame… then time to put some effort in. Let's go Em." Naruko then unsealed Em and twirled it around herself. Zabuza's eyes widened a little bit when he saw Naruko's weapon since it was a massive double scythe, he had a bad feeling about it.

Channeling chakra into Em "Water release: Dance of the crescent moon." she muttered and started to twirl Em rapidly and each time Em would twirl she sent a water blade at Zabuza and since Em was a double scythe that meant a lot of water blades coming at Zabuza.

When Zabuza saw what this jutsu did he got shocked since something like this would take a massive amount of chakra to use. He was forced to stop charging at Naruko and defend himself and cut down any water blades that he couldn't dodge. When Naruko used this jutsu against the root anbu on her last mission there were far more of them so it was easier for them handle it since Naruko had to divide her attacks among them but now Zabuza is the only one meaning that all of the water blades are coming only for him.

While cutting another water blade coming at him 'What kind of jutsu is this brat using? The sheer amount of water blades coming at me would have killed any lesser shinobi than myself. I can't even get a moment to even use a ninjutsu to stop her from attacking me, Damn it.' Zabuza then thought of a crazy idea and channeled a good amount of chakra into his arm and then with his full strength threw his Kubikiri right at Naruko like a buzz saw.

Since his sword was made of chakra metal completely it was more than tough enough to power through all those water blades and hit Naruko making her stop her jutsu. Naruko couldn't help but tsk to herself seeing what Zabuza was doing since this was how he lost his sword last time by throwing it but she could see what he was coming from he didn't have a lot of options open to him right now.

The only real weakness of this jutsu she was using is that Naruko can't really move when you use it. Sure she can take a step here and there but anymore than that she is forced to cancel the jutsu. So seeing a giant buzz saw coming toward her Naruko could only stop her jutsu since her water blades weren't strong enough to stop it only slow it down since there wasn't enough distance for her to stop it using them.

Not wanting to miss an opportunity, Naruko swung Em down on Zabuza's Kubikiri pinning it to the ground before it could hit her. "Well would you look at that." Naruko then picked up Zabuza's sword and tossed it back to the man which surprised him. Seeing the look on Zabuza's face "Without your sword you honestly stand no chance against me." Naruko said while dashed toward Zabuza to engage him.

While Zabuza was fighting Naruko he noticed that this little girl was incredibly strong for her size and age. His sword alone weighed about 66 pounds which was a lot compared to other weapons but Naruko's double scythe clearly weighted more than his based on the weight of her strikes when they clashed which baffled him that she could so easily swing something like that around and not even look winded. Naruko decided to try something different after a while because Zabuza was clearly a very skilled swordsman since she wasn't able to injury him yet even though they have clashed over a hundred times now. After pushing Zabuza back with a kick to the stomach then she jumped into the air to create some more distance between them. She activated the special seal on Em while in the air that separated her double scythe and turned them into single ones to which she then threw both of them at Zabuza. One coming from the left and another coming from the right making it harder for Zabuza to block it and dodge.

Seeing what Naruko did 'What the fuck is up with this scythe that she uses, what's next it's going to start talking all a sudden.' Zabuza performed a matrix dodge and bent his body back as the two scythe went right over him barely missing him.

'Wow didn't think he could bend that far back could you Ahri-chan?' Naruko asked mildly surprised, seeing a man like Zabuza flexible enough to dodge her latest attack.

'Yes it was quite shocking that a man of his height could bend that far back. I do like someone who is flexible after all. Isn't that right Naru-chan.' Ahri said in a flirty tone, which Naruko sent her a mental nod agreeing with her statement.

"Let's take this up a notch Zabuza-kun." Naruko then caught her scythes which came back to her and then threw them again but this time she did a variation of the shadow shuriken jutsu tripling the amount sent. But she wasn't done yet she also cast a double vision genjutsu on Zabuza doubling the amount yet again.

'Shit.' was all Zabuza had time to think about before he had to block the scythes coming at him and since he didn't know which ones were real and fake he was forced to block them all or dodge the best that he could. But because of the way that Naruko attacked it was impossible for Zabuza to not get injured and ended up getting several deep cuts and puncture wounds on his arms and legs.

Breathing deeply and pulling the few scythes that impaled him, he looked at Naruko and glared at her. "Now don't be like that Zabuza-kun you should be happy that I'm kicking your ass. Otherwise how will I fight Yagura if I can't even beat you. So rejoice that you made the correct decision taking my deal, now give up. I can't have you dying on me after all." Naruko said.

While still glaring at Naruko 'This damn brat has been wiping the floor with me this whole time. Have I really regressed so much, is it because I'm always on the run being a missing-nin. Maybe finally settling down somewhere wouldn't be so bad.' Zabuza was in deep thought unaware that Naruko cast a subtle genjutsu on him that in a sense charmed someone subtlety. While not useful in a combat situation, it has its uses much like right now making Zabuza waiver on whether to keep fighting or not and join up with Naruko.

Growling and stabbing Kubikiri into the ground "Fine you win you little brat, you clearly are strong enough to take on Yagura and help the rebellion."

"Now that wasn't so hard was it Zabuza-kun, you couldn't have ended the fight at a bigger time." Naruko then looked in the direction to her left where she sensed a large amount of people coming her way. "It seems we have some special guests coming over to play with us." Naruko then puts on a feral grin on her face.