Kiri War Part 2

Once Mei and her forces heard the horn they knew that Yagura and his forces were on their way. Turning to look at her friend and bodyguard Chojuro "I hope you're ready little Chojuro, it is about to get rough out there." Mei said, giving Chojuro a little wink making the poor boy blush up a storm.

"O-o-of course Mei-sama, you can count on me to protect you from any harm." Chojuro said while gripping his sword tightly making Mei give the boy a small smile at his answer.

Back with Naruko and Gaara, Naruko can be seen on a large rock pillar that Gaara made for her that lets her overlook the forest. So combining that and her sensor abilities she is in a great position to overlook Yagura and his forces that are coming and know where they all are unless they can completely suppress their chakra.

Yelling to Gaara down below "Gar-kun they are about to enter the forest, once they do our traps and seal traps should thin them out and once they make it pass them we will then use a combination jutsu with my fire and your wind. I'd like for you to use your strongest wind jutsu and I will use my strongest fire jutsu and we should be able to take care of most of them or at the very least severely injury them. Then you can go and have your fun with whoever comes out of the fire alive, I'll sit back and wait for Yagura to act." Naruko explained to Gaara who just nodded, showing that he understood.

"But big sis shouldn't we try not to kill all of them since they will be Mei-sama's forces once this battle is over with?" He asked, tilting his head cutely at Naruko.

'Oh my how precious Gar-kun looks right now.' Naruko thought seeing his actions. "Ufufufu Gar-kun, why should we care about that. They made their choice just like we are making ours and they are unfortunately going against us meaning that they are fated to die." Naruko laughed like a young heiress using a hand to cover her mouth.

'This girl just wants to kill people' Were Gaara, Shukaku, and Ahri's thoughts hearing what Naruko said.

Clapping her hands. "Alright enough talking they are about to enter the forest and I need to focus if I want the traps to work right. I'll let you know when to use the wind jutsu Gar-kun so be ready for it." Shortly after Naruko finished talking explosions and screams of pain and of people most likely dying could be heard in the distant forest.


Within the forest tensions were high as all of the shinobi there were scared and paranoid after seeing a few of them randomly explode when they stepped somewhere and the random storms kunai and shrunken that would come at them when there was nobody nearby.

"I don't like this situation at all, Captain Zawa. we haven't even gotten far into the forest and already some of us have already died or suffered injuries." One of the shinobi voiced his concern at this horrible situation.

"Quit your bitching so what if a few of us die or get injured. I'd rather take my chances here then disobey the Mizukage." The captain visibly shudders. "If you have seen what I have seen you would rather take your chances here. At least you have a chance of making it through." All of the shinobi that heard this got even more scared if that was even possible.

"Now move your ass." The captain yelled out and dashed forward but he didn't make it far before he got near a landmine seal and it blew up along with him.

"CAPTAIN ZAWAAAAA!!!!!" yelled some of the shinobi that saw their captain die just like that. Sadly for Yagura forces this was happening everywhere in the forest so they weren't the only ones losing friends and family to this death forest.


Back with Naruko and Gaara "Seems like the traps and seals are doing their work just fine." Naruko could see the explosions happening and could sense the amount of chakra signatures rapidly dropping since they had entered the forest meaning that people were obviously dying in the forest.

"Gar-kun they just about made it through all of the traps that we laid out in the forest, I believe that it is time for us to perform our combination jutsu then you can have your fun." Naruko then started channeling a massive amount of chakra inside her body 'Fire release: Dragons Roar' Naruko then spat out a large amount of extremely hot blue flames out of her mouth toward the forest showing just how high the temperature was for the flames.

Gaara seeing this knew what he had to do and did his own jutsu 'Wind Release: Typhoon' He blew out a great amount of wind pressure from his mouth and had it combine with Naruko's jutsu making the flames move faster and spread out even further.

From a distance one could see large blue flames engulf the forest turning everything that it comes into contact with into ash quickly and giving off a blue hue in the atmosphere. Once the surviving shinobi saw what was coming toward them they all quickly did whatever they could to survive. Some used their most powerful water jutsu to cancel out the flames coming toward them while others used earth jutsu to block or avoid the flames. But sadly for the shinobi in the forest the flames were much more difficult to stop than one would think since this was the first time that many of them have even seen blue flames before so they didn't know how hot they really were.


When Yagura saw what was happening to his forces "*Tsk* what a bunch of worthless trash can't even handle a little fire." Yagura then charged forward because he knew that if he didn't do anything he might very well lose all of his forces in the forest which is something that he would like to avoid if possible.

While people with the rebellion were amazed at what they were seeing because they have never seen blue fire before or a flame attack on such a level and many were glad that Naruko and Gaara were on their side.

When Yagura got close enough he used water release: Tsunami since it was a jutsu that created a massive amount of water and using that water created a tidal wave. Yagura's plan was to dose the blue fire in an overwhelming amount of water and save what was left of his forces. When the water finally made contact with the blue fire it created a great amount of mist making it hard for anyone to see more than a few feet in front of them unless you were a sensor of some kind.


Back with Naruko and Gaara, Naruko couldn't help but whistle seeing the amount of water that Yagura used to overcome her and Gaara's combination jutsu. Naruko knew that it was time to fight the big boss now that Yagura has finally stepped forward so she sent the signal for the rebellion forces to come out and attack.

Mei seeing the signal yelled for everyone to attack and left Ao in charge while she made her way toward Naruko to provide backup for her in case she needed it against Yagura.

Jumping down from the rock pillar that she was standing on and landing next to Gaara. "Alright Gar-kun you know what you need to do, so go have some fun little brother just make sure that you stay safe." Gaara then started releasing his iron sand from his gourd on his hip and dashing toward Yagura's forces. While Naruko simply waited for Yagura to get closer and didn't see the point charging forward otherwise she would be robbing Gaara of his fun.

'Naru-chan makes sure you don't kill Yagura right away in the fight otherwise Isobu might attack us right away as soon as he is released. We don't know if they have become friends like we have or not so better safe than sorry .' Ahri said to Naruko since she knew that if Naruko wanted she could end the fight quickly with the use of her Kinjutsu: Hada Shihai (Forbidden Release: Body Control).

'You got it Ahri-chan, I didn't plan on killing him anyway since he is a fellow jinchuuriki. I was just going to restrain him and go from there and maybe I can get him to make his new home at Wave country depending on how it all works out. I would love for a powerful protector besides myself at least until I can assemble a proper force.' Naruko said back with a grin on her face thinking of having another jinchuuriki on her side.

'That's a wonderful idea Naru-chan and I know Isobu would love it there since he has a laid back personality and wave country would be an ideal place for him.' Ahri said while nodding her head and the more she thought about it the more she thought it would be perfect for Isobu and since Yagura wouldn't be allowed in Kiri anymore after this it should all work out.

The fighting went on for 20 minutes with Yagura's and the rebellion forces clashing with each other and the rebellion forces were coming out ahead because Yagura's forces lost a good portion of their numbers and many were injured or exhausted from dealing with the death forest that Naruko made.

Gaara and Anko were especially doing well out there given their abilities and training that they have gone through with Naruko's help. Naruko finally didn't have to wait anymore for Yagura because he was headed straight for her.

When Yagura finally saw Naruko he was surprised because he could sense that she was much like him, a fellow jinchuuriki but he didn't know which tailed beast this girl had. Deep in the recess of his mind we could see another Yagura sitting atop Isobu. "Isobu, do you think this other jinchuuriki will be able to help us and get us out of this powerful genjutsu that was placed on us. We have been trapped in this genjutsu for years and the longer we are stuck here the more damage that is being done to my village. It frustrates me that we can't do anything about our situation." Yagura says with clear sadness and anger in his voice thinking about his current situation.

"Hmm sadly we can only hope Yagura. If this girl is able to dispel this genjutsu or knock us out we should have a chance to become free again. We can only hope that she is strong enough to take us down and doesn't aim to kill us if she succeeds. Let us watch and pray for her to beat us." Isobu said back in a calm tone.

"Alright Isobu, I will watch and pray she wins then." Yagura says while crossing his arms.

Back in the outside world, Naruko was waving at Yagura "Well hello there 4th Mizukage it's nice to finally meet you. I'll be the one to beat you up today, the name is Naruko Uzumaki jinchuuriki of the nine-tailed beast Ahri." She said with a smile on her face.

"I'm a perfect jinchuuriki. There is no way that you would be able to defeat me in a fight, instead you should join me. The things that we could do together…." Yagura was going to go into a rant before Naruko raised her hand up to stop him.

"Listen I'm sure that you had this great speech planned out but I honestly don't really care what you have to say right now. I have a deal to complete so sorry but I promise that after I defeat you we can have a talk, I might have an offer for you." Naruko didn't want to wait anymore and charged forward at Yagura and sent a powerful punch toward Yagura's face.

Seeing Naruko's actions Yagura knew that the time for talking was done for now at least so he prepared to raise his hand up to block Naruko fist attack. When they made contact Yagura was able to catch Naruko's fist but that was mainly because she didn't use her full strength and wanted to test Yagura.

When Naruko looked into Yagura's eyes, she saw something and knew right away that something was wrong with Yagura. His eyes looked slightly clouded, a clear tell tale sign that someone was under a genjutsu of some kind but unless you were a master it would be hard to be able to notice it because of how subtle it was. 'Well would you look at that someone put the 4th Mizukage under a powerful genjutsu. I wonder who that could be and how no one has noticed this yet.' Naruko thought.

Ahri then spoke up 'From experience the only thing that could affect a jinchuuriki and/or its tailed beast in such a way would be someone that wields the sharingan.'

Naruko then kicked toward Yagura making the man jump back to create some distance. 'Well isn't this interesting Ahri-chan, it seems that all we have to do is dispel the genjutsu placed on Yagura and everything should change after that.' Naruko then got into her taijutsu stance across from Yagura and the man mirrored her and got into his own taijutsu stance.

Grinning at Yagura and making a come at me motion "Come on little turtle boy, let's dance."