Goddess Of The Void

"Wasn't I in my vanity?" Arsh thought. He suddenly remembered the trap he encountered.

"What happened to her? How did I get here? Am I dreaming?"

He pinched his cheek.

"Ouch! So this is not a dream?"

He looked around, and saw rays of light beam through an open, arched iron gate. By the looks of it, it was an entrance of some kind.

"What is that?" He thought and swam towards it.

"Don't touch it!" He heard a voice. It belonged to a girl. He moved his head around to search for the source of the voice, but no one was there.

"Where are you?" He asked as he scoured around. Suddenly, a girl appeared before him. Her unexpected arrival surprised him as he had never seen something of this sort before.

"Whoa, who are you?" He exclaimed as he looked at her. "Are you a ghost?"

"I am Nattara - The Goddess of Void," She said. Judging from her youthful features, she appeared not much older than a girl possibly between 17-19 years of age. She had long brown hair that was drawn into a ponytail with small gold ornaments that decorated her hair in a crown formation. She had light yellow skin, big blue eyes, and most importantly, oppai! She wore a white two piece. Yeah, read it again.

Naturally, Arsh's eyes were fixated on the plentiful bouncy, soft globes of rounded flesh. Imagine squeezing those in his hands, they would spill over.

"Damn, those are even better than that trap's," He said in his mind. His face looked like he was about to drool.

Nattara followed his eyes, and was enraged when she finally noticed where his gaze had wandered. Her face heated up from the displeasure of his perverted behaviour.

"Oye, what are you staring at, you pervert?" She said as she crossed her arms over her chest to conceal her oppai from his lecherous eyes.

"Ah, I am sorry,' He said. 'It's not what you think." He tried to reason with her.

"Then what is it?" She said as she glared daggers at him. If she had glared any harder, he was certain he would have gotten stabbed.

Arsh felt a little uncomfortable, and awkward by the situation, so he tried to divert her attention towards another topic.

"What is this place?" He said as he moved his head around.

"This is The Void," She said. "The passage between the two worlds."

"Two worlds?" He said, confused. He had never heard about anything like this before.

"Yes, basically you died, and are going to be sent to hell," She said.

"Wait, what? I died?" He said, with an astonished expression. "But how?" What was this sexy, so-called 'Goddess' saying?

"You came across a..." She tried to withdraw her urge to burst out in laughter while she spoke. "You came across a... trap, and you died from shock after finding out that she had a penis."

"What?" Arsh was beyond embarrassed now. That was the cause of his death? He wanted to crawl into a hole, and hide from the world.

"I had a pathetic death like that?" He thought. He looked at her, and saw that she tried to hold back her laughter badly.

"Hey, why are you laughing?" He asked, as he regarded her with a sideways glance.

"I am not..." She said, desperately holding back. Her cheeks were puffed up as she covered her mouth from releasing her uncontrollable laughter.

"No, you are."

"I am not..."

She suddenly burst into laughter. Her voice echoed in the void which only further taunted Arsh, as if hearing her laugh was not enough, the echoes of her laughter teased him as well.

"Hhahahahahhha..." She snorted, and paused briefly before she released another huff of laughter. "I have never seen such a pathetic death in my life." She continuously swatted her thigh to calm herself.

"Yeah, I understood. Now stop laughing!" He said in loud voice, evidently embarrassed by the humiliating situation. His face even turned into a light red from the heat that rushed to his head.

"Okay, okay," She said, and sighed. "Phew!"

"Now tell me, why am I going to hell?" He demanded. What kind of unholy sin did he commit for him to be sent to hell?

"Why would you not go to hell?" She quirked a brow in amusement as she questioned.

"Huh?" He breathed, seemingly puzzled while he recalled the events of his life. "What did I ever do wrong?"

"You may think that you never did anything wrong, but that is only the influence of your ignorance."

"What do you mean?" He was still unable to comprehend anything.

"I mean, that your actions caused a lot of trouble to others, and those were not even carried out with good intentions."

"Wait, what actions are you talking about?" He asked. Arsh grasped the gist of what the Goddess had referred to, but he still wanted to confirm it once.

"Tell me, how many girls have you harassed? And how many girls have you cheated on?"

"Huh? I did not count," He said with a straight face.

"How can you say this with a straight face?" She exclaimed, almost as if she had shouted.

"Shouldn't I?" He said, again with a straight face.

"Look how far below you have fallen," She said, in a low voice which sounded like she was disappointed. "You can't even tell if your actions are good or bad."

Her sudden remark caught his attention. He frowned, and gritted his teeth.

"Don't teach me what is good or bad." He suddenly burst into anger. "After all... After all... they are all alike, they... they deserve to get treated like this!"

He clenched his fists, and closed his eyes. His mind flashed the images of a traumatic past that he really wished would have been forgotten over the years.

Nattara was taken aback by his sudden change in emotions. "Hey, are you okay?"

He did not respond, and thought about something which enraged him while he gritted his teeth. Those painful memories that were confined in a distant part of his mind resurfaced to haunt him once more.

"Hey, Arsh?" She again said, but louder.

He snapped out of it. "Ah, yeah... yeah, I am okay," He said, awkwardly, and tried to regain his composure.

"This is the reason why you were going to hell," She said.

"Do I have no choice?"

"You do."

"Really?" His scintillated with hope.

"You don't have to be so happy," She said. "The only choice you have is to get reincarnated in another world and atone for your sins."

"Another world?" He asked with a puzzled expression.

"Yes, you will be reincarnated into another world."

"And what that world is like exactly?" He enquired. He wondered if there would be hot, sexy chicks there that he could get laid with.

"It is exactly how you like," She said. "Filled with women. But you have to control your emotions, and hold back your urges to get into heaven."

"Hey, isn't that a bit difficult?" The condition was quite opposite to what he wanted. How could he restrain himself?

"It is," She said. "But if you don't want to go to hell then this is the only choice you have."

"Hmm," He hummed. "I can do it because I don't think that any woman in that world would be prettier than you."

"What?" It was so sudden. She blushed. "Really?" But she quickly remembered that this guy possessed these lecherous, and flirtatious aspects in his genes. He was practically a casanova.

"Oye, don't try to flirt with me. I am a goddess."

"Hah, you fell for it, didn't you?" He said with a smirk. "Didn't know a goddess would be this hungry for compliments. It seems there is no difference between a goddess, and other lowly women."

"Why... you..." She was furious now. She suddenly chanted some unknown spells.

'Adram badram sextram gramtram assjuram higloo luvloo dickloo huram...'

A bluish beam suddenly hit Arsh's pivot area. There was also a shock wave generated from the beam. Due to the shock wave's impact, he was swiftly thrown through the arched gates entrance.

"Aaaahhhhh!" He screamed and fell inside.