Target Locked!

Arsh placed his hands on his knees while he panted in exhaustion. Was this the extent of his new body's stamina?

"Damn, what the fuck is wrong with this body?" He was furious at Nattara.

"If I get to see that bitch again, I will smash her face in," He said, with a frown as he gasped for air.

He was near the street the squirrel girl mentioned earlier, but there was no sign of any living creature in that place. Not even a single soul wandered by. It was all barren, as far his eyes could see. Only grass, insects and birds, nothing else. No travellers or signs of recent movement. Now he had to choose a direction to move ahead, but he was unable to decide which way to go.

"Ah, which way should I go?" He said as he scratched his head, and constantly switched his gaze between the two routes. He did not see anything in either of them. Like an old abandoned road no one made use of anymore, lifeless as far as the eyes could see.

He spotted a small dick... ahem... stick that laid on the ground. He picked it up.

"Ah, some bird or animal must have dropped it."

He placed the stick vertically on the ground.

"Whatever direction it falls in, I will go that way," He thought, and removed his hands from it.

It fell in the direction from where he came from. He picked it up, and tried again. The result was the same. He attempted a few more times, but the result was the same every time. The dumb stick only further added to his irritation, and he tossed it as far as he could.

"What the fuck is wrong with this stick!?" He said in a loud voice to vent his frustration.

He suddenly spotted a horse cart that came into view his way from a distance. He was relieved that there was actually someone else in the godforsaken place.

"Ah, finally! Someone is here." He felt a ray of hope shine down on him.

As the cart got closer, he saw that it was driven by a young lady.

'It is exactly how you like. Filled with women.'

He remembered what Nattara said earlier. He remembered her oppai too. Those luscious globes of rounded softness.

"Just as she told me. This world is like heaven. Why would I choose to go to some other place from here?" This world was a blissful heaven. A fantasy he could thoroughly enjoy himself in, more than he would back in his home city.

The cart came closer and stopped near him. He scanned the girl. She wore a maroon long hat, maroon coat and tight pants. Her white shirt was visible from the slightly unbuttoned coat. Damn, Oppai! She had pale white skin, big brown eyes, sharp features, a small mouth and a thin body.

"Who are you? What are you doing in a place like this alone?" She said as she looked at him curiously.

Her voice was so soft and cute, it made him take an instant interest in her. What else could she say that would make her sound even more cute?

"Whoa, she is so cute," He thought as he admired he adorableness. His drool was on the verge of leaking from the side of his mouth.

"Mister?" She probably thought he was either deaf, or his hearing sense was not all that great.

He snapped out of it.

"Ah, I am sorry," He said, awkwardly. "What did you just say?"

"I just asked you what are you doing here alone?"

"I was just passing by," He said.

"On foot?" The grassland spanned a large area. To think that someone traveled here on foot was really strange.

"Yeah," He said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"But the town is more than fifty kilometres from here," She said. "It will take you a long time to reach there on foot."

"Will it?" He asked. That legal loli didn't tell him about the distance of the town. Trust an inhabitant of another world to give proper directions or information.

"Yes, why don't you take a ride with me?" She said, with a kind smile. Her expression was so radiant, it made her look like an angel that was sent to guide, and help him.

After he heard her offer, it was like some advanced A.I detector was triggered in his mind.

"TARGET LOCKED!" He smirked.

He sat in the cart. It was a cart built with a tent-like structure, covered from the sides and top. She snapped the reins, and it started to move. He continuously ogled her from behind.

"How did you get there?" She said, while her gaze was focused on the path ahead.

He did not want to disclose everything yet. So he decided to make up a story. After all, it was not like he was going to reveal his embarrassing reason for how he arrived in this world.

"I was travelling in a cart similar to this. I decided to rest a bit on the grass but felt asleep. When I woke up, I found that they were gone."

"Oh, that's sad."

"Yeah," He said as he stared back at her. "By the way, what is a cute girl like you doing here?" He tried to move a piece on his chessboard he created in his head.

She stopped the cart with a force. Arsh lost his balance a bit.

"What happened?" He said, confused if she had seen some ghost on the road or what.

"I don't like sweet talkers," She said, in a cold voice. "You can get down and find someone else to get you to the town." She frowned.

Her voice clearly indicated that she wasn't lying. "Oye, oye, so she is a tough one," He thought. "It somehow makes this more interesting."

"But aren't you the one who told me to get in the cart?" He said.

"Yes, but..." She didn't know what to say.

"Then what did I do to get treated like this? Is it wrong to admire someone's cuteness?" He said,and moved his eyebrows. If it was this kind of situation then he was a pro at directing it in his favour.

"It's not but..." She did not have an answer to that.

"But if you don't want it, then I will keep my mouth shut," He said as he crossed his arms and, turned his face away from hers. She did not say anything, and moved the cart.

"Where are you coming from?" He asked, and afforded her his attention again. He moved his eyes a little below, and it was almost like steam came out of his nose. Yeah, he ogled her plump ass. Those looked like water balloons, so plumpy and fleshy. Just getting his hands on them would make this one of the best days of his life.

"Why should I tell you?" She arched a brow, and asked coldly.

"Just you wait, girl. You will tell me everything," He said to himself, with a smile. Quite a pervy smile he had.

"It's okay if you don't want to."

He looked at her horse. It was brown in colour and was a female.

"Wow, your horse is so pretty." He tried to change the topic. "I had never seen such a great beauty like her in my life."

Her eyes shined from the compliment.

"Really?" She said smiled brightly. "Her name is Julie.

"Still better than Dhanno," He thought. "A nice name," He said.

"Thank you. I love her so much. She is my one and only friend. Isn't it, Julie?"


It seems she forgot the conversation she had with him earlier. This was a chance for Arsh to redeem himself, and pick off on a new start.

"By the way, you haven't told me your name yet?" He said curiously.

"Rena. And you?"


"Quite an uncommon name. Are you not from here?" Of course, he was not.

"Not really."

"Oh, then you might find it difficult to reach your desired place. I can drop you wherever you want. Just tell me your destination."

"I first want to find a place to stay. But I don't have money." He wondered if she would be able to help him with financial stuff. After all, he just arrived in his world. He had no occupation or job.

He made a helpless face. He was a pretty good actor too. He learnt his performing skills from his actor friends. She turned her face a little to look at him, and saw his helpless face.

"Oh, then you should find a job first," She said, and focused her attention back to the path they traveled on. "Then I will show you a cheaper place where you can stay."

"That would be a great help," He said with a smile.

Suddenly, the cart stopped with a force.

"What? Why did you stop?" He said, and wondered if he said something offensive again. But as far as he was concerned, he mentioned nothing of the sort.

She did not respond to him.

"Hey?" He said again. He heard some noises that from outside the tent structured cart. So, he jumped out to see if everything was okay. But no, nothing was ok as he had hoped it would be.

A group of bandits stood in front of them with weapons in their hands. They had an evil grin on their faces. Muscled degenerates with scars that suggested they had an infamous reputation, as well as some dangerous skills.

Arsh gulped in fear.