Chapter 53

Chapter 53

We agreed to divide into two groups. Miriam and Kyle would go to Lane. They are both adults, they could convince the parents of Lane.

Right now, I'm with Klein and Christian and we're in a private plane.

While I was at the airport, a lot of people looked at me. I didn't know why, but some people actually took a selfie with me... I'm famous for being a murderer? I'm oblivious and confuse actually. Perhaps they love me because of my handsomeness, hehe.

We got out of the plane and used a vintage car.

For those who didn't know, I'm sweating right now. I'm nervous to see Niña.

Miriam told her location, and we were traveling. Miriam said that Niña was with her mother. That was the actual reason why I'm nervous. I didn't want to leave a bad impression on my soon-to-be mother in law.

"Kuya is Niña your..."

Klein paused.

"Hm? What Klein?"

"Well... No, nothing. Just forget it. "

Did he want to ask me something? Nah, I think not. Now, let's back to my narration. We were near her house. I'm glad I would see her again. Though I knew that we would just fight again.

"We are here"

Christian stopped the car at the front of their house. I got out and looked at their home.

"...So, who's going to knock on the door?"

"Me, Niña knows me so I believe that she won't close the door."

I knocked and wait. I heard some sound, I realized that they were talking inside.

"Niña someone's in the door. "

"Yes, Ma. I'll open it."

Niña opened the door and she looked shocked. I guess she didn't think it was me. I waved my hand and smiled.

"Hi, Niña how are yo-"


The wind swift at my face.

She closed the door... She just closed the damned door! Hey, why did you have to do that? Are you angry at me? Don't you know how many hours did I spend to ready my greetings!?

"Kuya, I thought you know each other? Why did she close the door? Are we in the right house? Perhaps the address is wrong."


I shook my head.

We're at the right house. She just shut the door. I used my highly improve hearing. I tried to find out what they're talking.

"Niña, why did you close the door? Hm, why is your face red? Do you have a fever?"

"No-no-no- Nothing! I- it's nothing! I'm okay Ma!"

"Okay, breath slowly. Your face is blushing."

After a minute, she opened the door, again. She looked at me with her cold eyes but her voice was stuttering.

"W- what are you doing here? Where's Sister Miriam? "

"Miriam and Kyle aren't here. They went to the USA, to pick up Lane. "


Are you disappointed? Well, I'm sorry for not being the person you wanted to see.

"Then, come in."

She fully opened the door and let us in. I entered and Klein and Christian followed me. They greeted Niña.

"Hello. I'm Klein, I'm Mikael's younger brother. "

"You're this man's brother?... You look the same but I believe you're a gentleman. Not like your brother. "

Niña, we just met again. You should talk to me not Klein. Besides don't destroy my image to my brother. I'm a gentleman!

We went to their living room and her mother saw us. She was skeptical at first but when I said that we were Niña friends, she felt comfortable. I guessed that Niña told her about the Awakening. Her Mother was not shocked when she heard my story.

"Thanks for helping my daughter. I know that what happened to you was dangerous but thank you for helping her. My daughter is shy and quiet. She's an introvert and I didn't know that she has friends. This is the first time that someone has visited our house."


Oh! Looks like I found another weakness. Kuku, I'll use it as blackmail kuhaha.

"Hey, idiot! Why are you looking at me like that!? You're thinking about something bad, right!?"

"Me? Of course not."

I feigned ignorance. Mwahaha, just wait Niña!

"... I don't believe you."

"Excuse me, Niña. Can I ask how old are you?"

Klein joined our conversation, curious about Niña's age.

"Me? I'm 19 now. My birthday is September 4. Why are you asking? "

"Is that so... you look small- ehem! I mean you look younger than I thought!"

Klein? Why were you asking her about her age? However, thanks. So her birthday had already passed huh...

"Hey Idiot, what's the reason you're here? "

"Tch, Christian I'll leave the talking and explanation to you. I need to get out."

I let Christian do his work. He's a businessman, he could convince them easily by his words. My job was already done when I met Niña. I got out to inhale some fresh air.

"I do not know why Miriam urged me to come here. She can convince Niña easily. She knows that the two of us are like a cat and dog. We always fight."

I'm watching the people walking on the street. I'm actually guarding the car, it's an Aston Martin DB4 by the way. It's a goddamn vintage car.

"Hey, Idiot!"

A yell came at me.

I sighed, I guess she wanted another fight huh. Niña can't you see that I'm guarding the car? What will happen if someone steal this?

She faced me and cross her arms.

"... Those people that attacked you... What happened to them?"

Her eyes were looking on the ground but she was stealing some glimpse on me.

"Oh that, it's already solved. I think they will never attack me again. Did you get out just to ask me this? "

"That Christian is talking to my mother. I don't know if he can convince her. I- I got out because I wanted fresh air."

I guess we are the same.

"So your birthday had already passed. Then take this-"

I toss a little box to her. When we bought a T.V. and Cellphone for Jose. I saw this cute keychain, a black cat keychain. When I first saw the keychain, I remembered Niña's cat-like behavior. That's why I decided to buy the keychain.

Now that I think about it, how about I buy a cat costume for her. They call it cosplay, right? Imagining her wearing that... Ehem, anyway at least once in my life I dream about marrying a Cat Woman.

She caught the box and open it.

".... A keychain?"

"Yup, it's late but that's my present for your birthday. "

"Thank you..."

It's starting to snow. It seemed like there were no people around. I decided to return to the house but before that. 

"Your hair, did you cut it?"

"Ah yes. My hair is too long so I go to the parlor to cut i-"

"You look beautiful. I love it. "

Her hair was now shorter. She's more gorgeous. I couldn't even control myself from looking. That was the reason why I decided to go out of the house... I didn't want to eat her, not now. I endure my urge of kissing her and walked away.

I enter the house and left her behind. I'm not sure what's her reaction. However, I believe there are no people who don't like compliments, especially girls.







"Wawa- what!"

A girl couldn't control her expression and jump. Her face was practically bright red. She covered her face. However, she couldn't control herself from grinning.