Chapter 423

Chapter 423

Some people that Mikael knew greeted him but he only nodded and stay still in the corner. He didn't bother talking to them. Right now, he was holding himself to not cause a ruckus.

He understood where Princess Belle was coming from, once the Hunters found that this mission was already compromised, they would lose their will to fight.

That's why Mikael remained quiet. He glanced at the woman next to him.

"Tell me, is it hard to be a leader?"

"It is, most of the decisions you make may affect your citizens."

"That's why I'm not fit to be a leader."

Mikael was the type who would recklessly dive into the horde of monsters than lead.

"I'm more of a soldier, nothing but a soldier."

There was a time when he wanted to become a Hero but he realized that it was a futile fantasy. Because most of the Heroes died young, Mikael would be stupid if he wanted to die young. It was better to be a heartless warrior.

"That's when I realized that I'm more than happy when I'm at the war shedding blood, but sometimes, that idea is bleak too."

"You are just suffering from stress. PTSD is not a simple thing, try to visit a doctor after this."

Princess Belle seriously said but Mikael just shrugged.

"Not that it matters, I think I was born with this disability. Don't you know that when I first entered the Awakening, I was disturbed and frightened to fight monsters? I almost died fighting Hobgoblin."

'I know.'

She wanted to say yes but she dared not to. She just listened.

"But miraculously, after six months, I became the strongest of all of the Awakeners, imagined that transition. From coward to the strongest."

"I'm sure it's not that easy."

"It is. I did suicidal stuff, and here I am again."

Mikael unwrapped the protein bar and crunched it in his mouth. The sound of crunching was weakly heard.

"You're not thinking of dying, right?"

"Pfft-haha, no, I'm not going to do that. I know that my family and friends will be sad if I died so I will try my best to live."

"That's good."

She nodded, looking at the couple who was kissing each other. They were both part of the mission and they were afraid that one of them would die so they expressed their love before it was too late.

"They are so sweet."

"What, the lovers who are kissing? I didn't know that you actually like romance."

"I'm a woman."

"Yeah, I know."

Mikael tidied up and finished munching his protein bar. Just like him, Princess Belle tensed up and walked toward her team. She had to convince them to let Mikael join their team.

They both know that the mission was going to start. All of the Hunters already arrived and they were just waiting for the portal to open.

The Hunters that joined this mission were all High-Rankers, leveling around 700- 800. Their numbers may be small but quality-wise, each of them had firepower.

"Not bad."

Then, just as they expected, Kyle stood up to the front and announced that the mission would start. He said some encouraging words but Mikael was too tired to listen.

He yawned.

'It's obvious that most of these Hunters will not return.'

Mikael fought Demons for a year after they invaded the Earth. It was already January 1, 2032. The new year arrived right in front of them.

"I don't know who set this mission exactly on this day but I don't care, it feels important and people won't easily forget this day."

This was known as the new day when the people of Earth counter-attacked against their enemies. As for the result, only a few would know.

Kyle was satisfied with the reaction that came from the Hunters. He trained these Hunters for more than half a year. He knew that they evolved into something powerful.

He grinned and at the same time, the portal in front of them opened.

"It's stable, but make sure that you won't cause a problem on the other side. We will try to protect the portal."

Chen Yu muttered while looking at the statistics. This place was guarded and even Miriam was there so it won't be a problem.

Kyle nodded and said.

"I'll bring you victory."

No one knows if it was bravado but Kyle looked confident right now.

When the portal opened, the first row immediately went into with a war cry. They jumped into the portal and landed on the black ground.

Chen Yu and Dwarven Remington successfully found Satan's lair but they didn't dare to open the portal right in front of the castle for the fear of losing control over the portal.

That's why the portal was 2 kilometers away from the castle, however, it was a meager distance since the Hunters could easily reach the castle. Some enemies may block their way but they were ready to kill the Demons to accomplish their goals.

Watching the Hunters charging into the portal, Princess Belle approached Mikael with her team.

"My team will infiltrate the castle to sabotage the Demons."

"And why are you saying this to me? All I want is to kill the Demon Lord of Wrath."

"That's what I'm talking about, if you followed us, I will bring you to him. Don't you remember, I promised you that I will make the best path for you?"

She smiled mischievously that Mikael was caught off guard. In the end, he nodded and agreed. After all, he did not have any information about the Underworld. He was actually amazed that this Princess in front of him had vast knowledge.

'I heard that their planet was invaded by the Demons, maybe they gathered enough information at that time.'

Anyway, it did not matter, all that Mikael ever wanted was to get revenge.

"By the way, Happy New Year."

"You too."