Chapter 451

Chapter 451

An hour before the Hunters returned, everything was in turmoil.

"Don't worry, they are going to be fine."

Miriam clasped Adalyn's trembling hands. She was encouraging the girl to believe that Kyle and Seven would survive.

"Yes, I believe that they are going to return."

Adalyn smiled, she was trying to show that she was not scared. She wanted to join the mission and helped her brother but Seven did not agree. They fought for a long time before Adalyn was convinced to stay.

'They are going to be okay. They will return. Nothing bad will happen.'

They muttered in their minds.

Deep in their hearts, the two women were afraid that Kyle and Seven would never return.

Why? Because the portal was shut down. It was destroyed in the Underworld and they lost the connection. A few people successfully returned to Earth but most of the Hunters were stuck in the Underworld.

They were probably fighting the Demons right now.

"We have to do something! They are going to die if we fail to open the portal!"

Chen Yu was talking to the scientists next to him. He was typing on the keyboard rapidly, he wanted to salvage the situation. It was fortunate that they have tons of blood to fuel the portal. Mikael killed hundreds of thousands of crows last time.

Just like him, the others were doing their best to help. But the ordinary Hunters understood that they could not help. Nobody knew the portal's information except the scientists themselves. So all they could do was watch and wait.

They gritted their teeth in frustration, and they deemed themselves failures. They could not help them even if they wanted to.

The scientists started recharging the portal. They were setting the coordinates so that they can open the portal.

Adalyn closed her eyes, afraid of everything. Tears rolled from her eyes and she held her sobbing. She was hoping that Seven would return.

'Kuya, please, you have to return. I will never be a bad sister again, I will never hurt you again. Please, or else I cannot live.'

Seven was her only relative and Adalyn understood that she would be devastated if her brother died. She was tightly holding Miriam's hands as they were both praying for a miracle.

Fortunately, their prayer was answered.

"Everybody! I received a response that they are in Antarctica right now!"

Chen Yu was dumbfounded as he realized that someone contacted him. He did not know how to believe it, but the message came from Kyle.

The Hunters were shocked at first but they immediately understood their job.

They were still not sure if the message was indeed from Kyle. They prepared themselves in case something happened.

"Oh, God..."

Miriam began sobbing. She cried and hugged Adalyn.

When she heard that Kyle was in Antarctica, she quickly cast her spell and discovered him.

Her happiness swelled when she found Kyle together with the Hunters.

"Yes. They are alive."

She muttered but everyone heard her.

The Hunters were injured and dirty but everyone was happy to know that they were safe.

Chen Yu received their coordinates and he opened a portal there.

Just to make sure, the Hunters who were protecting the place raised their defense.

When the portal opened, they were welcomed by the Hunters' enthusiastic warcry.


It was a warcry that was so loud that it covered the whole place. It was a celebratory greeting, meaning that they won. It was loud and ear-piercing, but they were not angry to hear the sound, they were happy instead.

The Hunters began entering the portal and they hugged the people they knew, their smiles were so wide. At last, they return to their home.

Adalyn, who was looking through, found her brother. Adalyn released her grip and began running toward Seven.


She was crying.

She found Seven walking, looking for her too.

When Seven heard her voice, he turned around and spread his arm.


The siblings hugged each other. They were crying, they thought they would never see each other again.

It might sound stupid but the whole ground became wet because almost every one of the Hunters was crying.

"Kuya... What happened to your arm!?"

Adalyn was heartbroken when she realized that Seven's right arm was missing. She cried so much.

"Oh this..."

Seven just smiled. He was already thankful that he left the Underworld alive. He fought Demons and it was not easy. He thought he was going to die so many times.

His right arm was struck by a spell in the last battle. It was a poison that crawled to his heart. Seven decided to cut his arm to stop the poison. He successfully escaped the danger. But he realized that his missing arm could not regenerate using a healing potion.

The poison was potent and it stopped his arm from regenerating. Seven was sad, but he did not actually care that much.

"Missing an arm is not important, I'm just happy that I can see you again."

He smiled and hugged his sister to ease her sadness. Seeing Adalyn was worth cutting an arm or even his entire limbs.


Miriam slowly approached Kyle who was looking over the Hunters. Kyle was delighted. Perhaps this was one of the most genuine happiness that he ever experienced. Entering the Underworld was dangerous and he thought that all of them were going to die.

So he was extremely satisfied to see this scene. He turned around and found Miriam staring at him, there were tears in her eyes.

Kyle pulled her into his embrace. Then, he pulled her head and kissed her. Their kiss was so passionate that no one dared to breathe.

This moment might be the best proof that they both love each other. The idea of dying was frightening because they would never see each other again.

They did not care about the gaze of the others as they shared a passionate kiss. Kyle hugged her tightly, to make sure that he was not dreaming and that everything was real.

Miriam's tightly clasped his clothes, never letting go. Her emotions were erratic but she was happy to have Kyle close to her.