Chapter 453

Chapter 453

Everyone was shocked, they failed to sense his presence when he penetrated the expanded space.

Suddenly, a spark of lightning appeared and Mikael showed up.

For the high-ranking Hunters, it was humiliating to fail to sense his presence.

A Hunter tried to cast his spell, his instinct was telling him to kill Mikael because of the aura that he was emitting. Furthermore, his very appearance was that of a Demon.

"Oi, you sure you can kill me?"

Mikael muttered.

"Everyone stop--!!"

Kyle tried to prevent it but the stupid Hunter completed his Skill and shot Mikael.

Mikael was struck by blade-like Skill, but it did not penetrate his skin. Mikael just shrugged. His skin was tough and it was hard to leave a scratch.

When everyone witnessed it, they immediately understood that someone was going to die.

"Mikael, you have to calm down. It is just a mistake, we can talk about it--"

Kyle tried to talk to him but Mikael did not listen. His eyes scan around the place to locate the shooter.

"Let's talk later Kyle, I have something to do first, okay."

He took a step and everyone instinctively moved backward. The pressure that he was releasing was so heavy that they began bowing their heads.


Even Kyle and Miriam were dumbfounded as they realized that their heads instinctively bowed down.

"Ah, I found you."


Mikael grinned and the poor guy pissed in his pants. He lost his strength and fell to the ground.

"P- please, it's just a mistake!! I- I know that you are not a bad guy! T- that's right, you saved us from the Demons! You're our Hero! S- So, please!! Spare me!"

Maybe the Hunter realized that he was going to die if he did not do something, so he kneeled and grind his head on the ground to show his remorse.

Every Hunter who participated in the mission knew that Mikael Tibano absorbed the Sin of Wrath after he killed the Demon Lord. So they know how powerful he was.

Perhaps right now, they were showing their servitude by bowing their heads. They did not even dare to look at Mikael or the poor Hunter.

"Is that so? You look like you are regretting it so I'll forgive you."

"T- thank you so much--"

His head fell off.

"By killing you, of course."

Mikael smirked as he watched the dead body tremble on the ground. The body was still moving, trying its best to survive. But in the end, with the pool of blood, and the missing head, the body stopped moving.

"I know that every one of you is afraid, perhaps I really became a Demon Lord. Maybe you think that I will betray you."

Mikael spoke to everyone listening. Even the other people who were innocent were listening. They did not know what happened in the Underworld but they discern that Mikael became a Demon.

His red eyes, horns, tail, and even his skin had golden scales. He did not look like a human, he looked like a Demon.

"I want to say that I don't give a fuck about what you're thinking. If you think that I will betray you, then you can kill me."

He said but all of them understood that they could never kill Mikael, especially in one versus one scenario.

"I will destroy all of the Demons and I promise it."

Mikael removed his aura and the atmosphere eased. Everyone began breathing heavily as their sweat covered their whole body. It was frightening to be near the Demon Lord of Wrath.

"Kyle, do you want to see the sky again?"

He turned to Kyle who had a pale complexion. Kyle nodded and swallowed his saliva.

"... Yeah, I want to see the sky again."

"I can do that."

When Mikael acquired the Sin of Wrath, he acquired the ability to close the portals and break the veil that covered the Earth.


"But I want something in return."

His job was not over. From the moment he found the rat, he was decisive to kill it.

'Someone sabotage us and destroyed the portal, and I know who it is.'

His ability to discern corruption was stronger now that he became a Demon Lord. He confirmed one thing and he had to do his job.

"What is it?"

Kyle was calming his rapidly beating heart, he did not want to appear weak in front of Mikael.

"I want her."

Mikael did not care. He just raised his hand and pointed his finger at someone.

"You mean..."

"Yeah, I want Rena Scott."

When Mikael muttered her name, Rena Scott understood that her real identity was compromised.

Rena quickly activated her spell to escape the place. She had to keep her life, for the glory of Diablo.


Mikael clicked his tongue and flicked his fingers.

"You really think you can escape me?"

Rena Scott ran away but a lightning coil followed her and caught her leg. She tried to cut the coil using her Wind Blade but it did not budge.

"Curse you, Mikael!"

Rena screamed. She almost had it.


Everyone was confused, especially Kyle and Miriam. They know Rena Scott, and Mikael knew her too.

"Rena we are both from the same country so don't make it hard on me."

Mikael approached her and Rena's expression slowly changed.

"Mikael, we are friends. You don't have to do this."

She pleaded.

She would use everything that she could use just to survive. Right now, she was using the victim card.

"Friends? Bitch you almost killed me when we had sparring."

"That's from the past, I can't believe that you still have a grudge!"

"Yeah, maybe I'm pathetic."

Being a Demon strengthened his bad side. Sympathy would not work on him, only a few people could use the victim card on him. Sadly, Mikael did not have strong feelings for Rena Scott.

"N- no!! Stop!"

Mikael grabbed her neck. Rena Scott tried to injure him by shooting Wind Blades and Mikael accepted all of her attacks. None of them pricked his skin.

He put pressure and slowly squeezed her neck. He wanted to see her expression as she slowly die.

"W- what is happening?"

"Look, her body is changing!"

Rena's true appearance was revealed in the process. Just like Mikael, she had the characteristics of a Demon.

Everyone who witnessed the murder realized that Rena Scott was a Demon and Mikael wanted to kill her.

"... Mikael... Please don't... I can return... The Cure, it will work on me..."

She was gasping for air. Her face was getting red and her eyes were teary.

"Eh, I thought the cure does not work on a fully-fledged Demon?"

"Maybe... It... Will... Work."

Her nails were scratching Mikael's arm, she was struggling to survive. She did not want to die.

Indeed, maybe the cure would work.

"Is that so? Unfortunately, I just want to see your head pop so I actually don't care."

There was a devilish grin on his face as he squeezed her neck. Then, Rena's head exploded and ink-like blood splattered around.

Her struggle stopped, and her body dangled.

Mikael's face was tainted with black blood, he licked it and dropped Rena to the ground.

"Don't try to fool me. I know if you can be healed or not. And in your case, after Diablo gave you powers, the cure will never work on you."

His eyes were staring coldly.

"You betrayed us, you deserve to die."