Chapter 462

Chapter 462

"Well," Mikael scratched his head. "Since you already know, I guess you have to meet her."

"Don't you think I will not kill her?"

Furrneka's claws sharpened and they were releasing lightning, perhaps an ability that she gained from the Black Serpent.

"Killing her? Pft-haha, Furrneka if you can kill her then I will gladly watch. That woman faced a Demon Lord without fear, I don't think she's afraid of death."

"You mean you?"


He shook his head. Princess Belle is a calculative woman. The fact that she talked to Satan with confidence is something that Mikael could never do in her shoes.

'She is weak, but that makes her strong.'

They walked and meet Princess Belle.

Her appearance was different compared to the last time Furrneka met her. The horns and tail were obvious to see.

The cat woman hissed and generated lightning. Then, Black Serpent shot an explosion right in front of the Elf. Furrneka would hurt her.

Yet, Princess Belle was protected by a barrier and it absorbed the explosion. Furrneka was surprised, and she jumped on the woman.

Her claws slashed the barrier, but the barrier was tough.

"You bitch!"

She could smell Mikael's scent lingering on the Princess. This irked her.

The Beastmen are territorial and they will fight for their partner. It is an instinct that runs in their veins. So Furrneka's reaction was expected.

Even Mikael and Raijin were not surprised.

Raijin looked at him.

[You plan this.]

Mikael shrugged.

"Yeah, I want to see what will happen."

His sadistic side was showing.

Raijin furrowed his brows.

[What if someone died? Are you still going to watch.]

He probed. Raijin was a bit nervous.

"Of course, I will stop them."

The white tiger sighed in relief hearing his answer.

"But if Princess Belle dies, so be it. She has a tight pussy but I can find another one."



Raijin did not know what to say.

'At least he prioritizes Furrneka that's enough.'

"Oh well, if the two of them died, I can talk to Andromeda. She can revive them."

[Did I just hear it right?] Raijin was dumbfounded.

The Saintess experienced the death of the person she revived, so it means that she would experience the death of Furrneka and Belle. And Mikael did not care.

"Haah... Haah..."

Furrneka was breathing hard. Her hands were bleeding, she was slashing the barrier but it did not crack. She even used a barrage of explosions but the barrier was intact.

She glared at the Elf woman.

"I will not accept you!!"

She screamed like a cat.

"Um, that's what you said to Niña but in the end, you still have a threesome with Niña and Mikael."

"Ah, I remember that."

"Shut up Mikael!"

The cat woman hissed and Mikael chuckled. It was fun watching them fighting over him.

"Yes, this is the way of a harem."

He realized something. The joy of being the cause of their conflict was entertaining.

Raijin just stared at him. This was getting ridiculous.

[Mikael, I thought you are going to show us something important?]

"Let's do that once I'm bored watching them."

He waved his hand. He was having fun watching the two.

"Furrneka, you will only get tired if you fight me."

Princess Belle spoke gently, like a mother speaking to her child.

"You're not even fighting, you are just hiding inside your freaking barrier!"

"Your hands are bleeding, I'm worried."

"Fuck you! Why are you smiling if you are worried!?"

"Ah!" Princess Belle realized that she was actually smiling, a sadistic smile. She shook her head.

"Sorry, sorry, it's the effect of corruption."

She explained, but she looked crazy because she was still smiling. The gentle princess was no longer present. She was broken too, perhaps from the start.

"Damn it!"

Furrneka screamed and created another explosion. The place was covered in dust.

"Hehe, isn't it fun watching them?"

Mikael laughed.

[You are the only one who is having fun... and that Elven Princess too.]

It is confirmed, Mikael is a certified Demon Lord.

"Furrneka if you stay longer next to me, you will become a Demon too."

"Then why are taunting me with that big smirk on your face!?"

"Ah, sorry sorry, corruption."

"Haha! This is fun!"

Mikael was laughing while the two were fighting. It was obvious that Furrneka wanted to kill the princess but for him, it looked like a comedy.




Their banter ended after three hours. It only ended because Furrneka spent her energy and she could not use her Skill.

"I swear, I will find a way to kill you."

She promised and Princess Belle was just looking at her, with a sweet smile on her face. Perhaps she found Furrneka cute, but the cat woman found her disgusting.

"Okay, looks like you guys are finished."

"Mikael! You smashed her!"

"Yes, I think we spend two days fucking. She has a nice body, I tell you."

Princess Belle blushed.

"Don't worry, your breasts are bigger. Although she doesn't bite and claw me so--"

"Don't compare me to her!"

"Okay, as you wish."

Furrneka harrumphed. It was surprising that she easily adjusted to this situation. Unlike Raijin who was quiet all the time.

Raijin and Furrneka both lost their planets to the Demons and then hatred was massive. Maybe it was because of Mikael, Furrneka would accept anything for Mikael. Her love for him is far bigger than her hatred to the Demons so she easily coped.

"We will go to Rio."

"Rio? The place where the Methuselahs invaded?"

"Yes, the city where I saved you from turning into Demons, and that's the place where Raijin first manifested."


Furrneka nodded. She looked at Princess Belle, it seemed that she wanted to add something but she decided to shut her mouth.

'It's the place where I first met Belle too. Now that I think about it, why did she say her real name to me? I think there is something that I don't know. I have to talk to her later.'

He nodded.