Chapter 508

Chapter 508

Their targets were obvious, the Demon Lords understand that planet Earth would lose once their strongholds crumbled. So they focused their forces on the three strongholds.

What they did not know was that Princess Belle already knew their plan and she was prepared. Each place had enough strength to face the Demons.

The Demon Lords planned to attack at the same time but the others didn't listen.

Beelzebub was eager to taste human flesh. As he understood that they would become disgusting once they turned into Demons. So he hoped to gobble a bunch of humans before that happened.

Mammon was afraid that Miriam would escape so he decided to follow her to another planet. In his case, all he wanted was to add another trophy to his collection.

As for Jade Levia... Let's just say that they don't give a fuck about that bitch. Her body, her choice.

Yet, none of them expected that the new Demon Lord of Wrath would actually knock on their door to present himself, what a bummer.

The remaining three, Diablo, Asmodeus, and Belphegor, snickered at Mikael's stupidity.

"He has the guts to attack our planet, I give him that. But his recklessness will bring him nothing but death."

Diablo laughed.

"At least he didn't run, that will be tiring for me."

Belphegor yawned and rest his head on his fist. He wanted to take sleep but this mission was quite important.

"So are we going to fight him? I just want to announce I want his dick, maybe I can use it as my dildo."

No one frowned upon Asmodeus's comment. They were already used to his insatiable lust. He didn't care about the gender of the creature. As long it can give him pleasure, he would give a fuck, quite literally. In fact his tentacles were wriggling like worms because he was excited.

"Of course we will attack him together. Perhaps he believes that we will fight him one by one. We are Demons, we don't fight equally. Fair is not an option."

The three were cackling as they found it funny.

The three had strong control over the Underworld. They could sense Mikael's general location.

Asmodeus and Diablo glanced at Belphegor, the Demon Lord of Sloth.

"Okay... Yawn..."

Belphegor answered tiredly. He constructed a teleportation spell and send them to Mikael's location. He didn't like walking so he use teleport.

- Bang!

A powerful shockwave struck them right when they appeared. The three witnessed the destruction. A Demon city was destroyed by Mikael's wrath.

They could see endless lightning coming from the sky. Creating calamity.

"Indeed he has the element of lightning."

Belphegor nodded and sat down on the ground. Standing was tiring in his opinion.

"I'll go first, try to find a way to kill him."

"You just want to see him closer and spend some alone time with him."

Diablo commented but not that Asmodeus cared.


Asmodeus didn't answer and just chuckle.

Then, the tentacles behind him enlarged. The tentacles grabbed the man who stood in the middle of lightning strikes.

"Belle didn't lie, you guys really show up."

Mikael Tibano could see them from afar and grin. His targets were these three idiots.


The tentacles shot forth and slammed into Mikael. Yet before they reach him, they were slashed into pieces.

"Looks like he is fast."

Belphegor frowned. He didn't like fast people, he found them tiring.

Asmodeus crashed into him. The two began fighting fiercely. No one was giving any blindspot to gain an advantage.

Asmodeus has strong regeneration. He didn't care even though his tentacles were getting butchered.

As for Mikael, he was smiling and swinging his weapon. As if he was a kid playing with his toys.

This was just the start of the battle. Everyone knows that they were not showing their true abilities.

"... Tch. Diablo, join the battle and end this quickly."

Belphegor was getting bored watching their farce.

"Who the fuck are you to order me?"

Diablo raised his brow.

"I'm Belphegor, the Demon Lord of Sloth and I'm your brother."

Belphegor introduced himself.

"Fine, I'll see what I can do."

Based on what Diablo noticed, the two were just playing around. They were still not showing their real strength.

"Perhaps Mikael Tibano is stalling for time. Heh, maybe he believes that his friends will last longer if he stopped us from participating. What a pathetic loser."

Of course, Diablo didn't want to see that so he joined the battle too. His presence was so obvious that the ground was breaking every time he took a step.

However, he didn't know that Mikael was actually waiting for his arrival. Seeing that his first target showed up, Mikael transformed into a bolt of lightning.

"Haha! Got you!"

Mikael roared and grabbed the man's face.


Diablo was surprised. He didn't expect Mikael could move fast like that.

"Mikael! You dare!"

The Demon Lord of Pride immediately released a strong pressure to push Mikael.

"Not enough to scare me!"

Unfortunately, Mikael was ready to take him head-on. Despite his skin getting burned, he smiled and raised his Lightning Void Spear.

He wanted to kill Diablo in one strike!

His hair became white and stood. His surrounding was pulverized by his aura.

"Lightning Explosion! Void Spear!"

In this zero-point-blank range, Diablo realized the danger.

"You dare!!"

He screamed and tried to stop him but Mikael was faster. He didn't have a chance to activate his Skill.

Mikael's Lightning Explosion was deadly. Furthermore, he activated his Void Spear to make sure that he could penetrate the enemy.

In front of Void Spear, armor is nothing.

A blinding light shook the whole place and everything disintegrated.

The reality shattered for a second. Even Asmodeus and Belphegor were dumbfounded when they saw it.

Everything was so fast that they could not react.

A mushroom-like cloud rose into the sky, signifying the power that Mikael released.

When the dust blew away, the remaining two Demon Lords were shocked.

Only Mikael was standing in the middle of nothingness.

"Hehe, looks like you guys are not that strong!"

He roared like a madman. Mikael has already broken the limit of power. With his unique abilities, he broke through the concept of strength.

"You guys think that you have the advantage. No, this is nothing but a one-sided slaughter!"