I can't just Forget it

After all, Yu Nuannuan is the daughter of Yu Hai and Chen Qiaoqin, and their love for Yu Nuannuan is not less at all. Xu Shuhua was relieved.

"Okay! You two pay attention, try not to let the Nuan Boa touch any seed, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid being discovered."

Chen Qiaoqin and Yu Hai looked at each other and praised Xu Shuhua at the same time. "Mom, you are thoughtful!"

Xu Shuhua touched Yu Nuannuan's little face affectionately, "Quickly take Nuan Bao to take a nap, Nuan Bao is sleepy, she can't even open her eyes. Put this eggplant in your kitchen first, Qiaoqin. After we have all gone, you wash and cut the eggplant and eat it at night."

Anyone who sees such a big eggplant will find it strange.

Yu Nuannuan was a little worried, for fear that Xu Shuhua and Yu Hai would treat her as a monster.

But after hearing the words of the three of them, Yu Nuannuan's heart was put back in her stomach, and she was little drowsy.

Without Chen Qiaoqin's tricks, Yu Nuannuan fell into a sweet dream.

When Yu Nuannuan woke up, it was already half the afternoon. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a round, pink and tender face.

She didn't need to look at it closely, Yu Nuannuan knows that he must be Gu Mo.

Speaking of which, Gu Mo is good at everything, but his luck is not so good. He not only has a filial father, but also a weak mother, a eccentric grandma, and a superb uncle.

After thinking about it now, Yu Nuannuan realized that Gu Mo was using the script of the heroine of the novels?

In addition, Gu Mo looks good, and apart from the wrong gender, he really looks like a heroine.

When Gu Mo opened his eyes, he saw Yu Nuannuan smiling happily.

Gu Mo frowned slightly, "What are you laughing at?"

As he said, Gu Mo rolled over and sat up, staring at Yu Nuannuan with his eye, "You kicked me in the morning."

Yu Nuannuan's smile froze on her face. This kid is only a year old, but has a good memory. He also holds grudge?

He's not cute at all!

Gu Mo didn't know that Yu Nuan Nuan was slandering him in her heart, and continued to say, "Seeing that you are a milk doll who knows nothing, I won't care about it."

Yu Nuan Nuan blinked.

"I came here inexplicably and became a newly born baby, are you too?"

"You have a fairy nature, are you really a fairy reincarnated?"

"But it doesn't look like you have a memory of your past life! "

"Could it be possible that you drank Meng Po soup? And reincarnated?"

Gu Mo's chubby little hands propped his chin, his thoughtful expression, and his words one after another, has already started stabbing Yu Nuan's little heart.

This this this!

He he he!

He is also reincarnated? !

Yu Nuannuan's eyes were round and round, but she felt it was not satisfactory to express her shock.


Yu Nuannuan opened her mouth and wanted to ask how Gu Mo got here and where did he came from.

But when she opened her mouth, she only made a sound.

Yu Nuannuan closed her mouth in frustration.

Six months old, really can't speak.

Gu Mo seemed to have recovered from Yu Nuannuan's sound, he lowered his eyes to look at Yu Nuannuan.

From the perspective of Yu Nuannuan, Gu Mo's long eyelashes are like a fan.

"Although you are a fairy, but you kicked me, you can't just let it go."