Let Me Hug Nuan Bao

"Auntie, you have very few strawberries. I have been waiting for a long time, but I didn't get them!"

"That's right! I have been waiting for a long time, the money is ready!"

"Madam, will you come tomorrow? When will you come? I'm sure I'll come and buy it!"

Xu Shuhua hadn't really considered selling strawberries, but now she is surrounded by so many people, and its all about buying strawberries, she seems to have seen countless money beckoning at her.

Excited, Xu Shuhua waved a big hand, "Come on! I'll be here early tomorrow morning. Please be early if you want to buy!"

When everyone around was gone, Xu Shuhua took out fifty cents from her pocket and gave it to the woman at the stall next door together with the knife.

"Auntie, what are you doing?"

The woman took the knife, but was unwilling to take the money.

Xu Shuhua couldn't help but put it into her hand, "It's thanks to you today. If it weren't for you, people wouldn't be able to buy strawberries. The money would be regarded as I bought your paper bag! By the way, where did you buy this paper bag? I'll go buy some too!"

"Department stores, small shops, everywhere, not expensive."

"Okay! Then I will go and take a look."


Seeing that it was time for dinner and Xu Shuhua hadn't returned yet, Chen Qiaoqin became more and more worried.

All the members of the family came back. Seeing that Xu Shuhua was not at home, they asked Chen Qiaoqin.

Chen Qiaoqin couldn't tell the truth to them, and could only deal with it vaguely.

It happened that Qin Yuelan came at this time and wanted to take Gu Mo away. Chen Qiaoqin stood up and sent it off, calling Yu Hai to come and take Yu Nuan Nuan.

After Qin Yuelan and Gu Mo were sent away, Chen Qiaoqin went to the kitchen.

The sun is about to set, but after all, it hasn't hidden in the horizon. The light outside is okay, but because of the lack of sunlight, the evening breeze is blowing, bringing a hint of coolness.

Yu Hai took Yu Nuan Nuan around in the yard.

The six grandsons of the Yu family also came back from outside, were laughing and playing in the yard.

Seeing Yu Hai coming out holding Yu Nuannuan, all six children surrounded him.

"Fourth uncle, let me hug Nuan Bao!" Yu Wei said

Yu Hai glanced at Yu Wei and refused his request without any hesitation, "No! You are too young. When you are as tall as me, I'll let you hug her!"

Just kidding, how old is Yu Wei! What if his Nuan Bao falls?

Yu Wei pursed his mouth unhappily, and quickly stepped back, "Sit down, Fourth Uncle, let us play with Nuanbao for a while."

Before Yu Wei finished speaking, Yu Kai had already moved a bench and placed it at Yu Hai's feet, "Fourth Uncle, sit down!"

Yu Kai and Yu Wei are brothers, both are the sons of Yu Jiang. Yu Wei is seven and Yu Kai is five.

Yu Hai did not refuse any more, and sat down holding Yu Nuannuan, "Have you all washed your hands? You can't touch Nuan Bao without washing your hands!"

Hearing the words, six people raised their hands at the same time, "Look fourth uncle! We have all washed!"

Yu Hai looked over one by one and saw that the hands of the six people were clean, and then he didn't say anything.

Yu Nuan Nuan moved her small mouth, and wanted to say something, but unfortunately she didn't say it, and could only let six people surround her.