Chapter 2

The forenoon cool breeze blow propelling goosebumps on my skin, the streets busy as ever with cars rushing towards different directions, teens and young pups chatting with their friends making their way to school or waiting for the school bus.

Like always my bag hangs lazily on my shoulders getting strange and curious looks making me walk with my chin held up high sending waves of dominance to anyone who dares to glance my way longer than required.

"I have a feeling whatever the Alpha needs us for won't be good," says my wolf Tiara, a very vigorous, supportive, and can be very stubborn at times, but I adore her all the same.

"I will be prepared for anything because only the moon goddess knows what goes on in his mind, "I say calmly.

"you are right, I just want to think about the revision today will bring for us," She says grinning widely.

"whatever, as if I have the patience for such things, "I say stopping myself from rolling my eyes at her.

Finally reaching my destination I make my way into the school building walking lazily towards my locker to get the required books for my first class.

My first class is history which I love because learning the cultures and beliefs of both humans and werewolves can be engaging. No sarcasm involved.

I pull my locker closed before turning the hallway towards my first class.

"Hey bitch" a voice calls behind me stopping me in my track before turning towards the irritating voice. Speaking of the fiend known as the nauseating slut of Hunter my brother, I feel aversion towards this girl and that is nothing compared to what I truly feel.

As usual, she is dressed to fit into the description of a slut, pink crop top not covering much fleshing her boobs for whoever cares to see pairing it up with blue ripped jeans.

Her nut-brown her falling freely on her shoulders with the tip curled and sprayed red, I compliment her for her choice in picking a new hairstyle but I won't say it out loud.

Now moving to the malicious smirk on her lip as she moves closer towards me swirling her hips seductively gaining wolf whistles from horny wolves.

"We need to teach her a lesson through a beaten or more," Tiara says with a playful smirk.

"We do no such thing or do you want to end up sleeping in the dungeon this night," I say busting into her unpleasant thought.

" can you please speed up whatever you have to say because I have places to be and things to do," I say with a fake smile.

"Nothing much just to prompt you to step out of my way because I don't want to end up smelling like your poverty stinking house," she says smirking looking me over with her sea-blue eyes. I think I forgot to mention that she also has a problem with coming up with riposte.

I sign bored rolling my eyes at her before speaking" why don't you ever listen to that tiny voice in your mind maybe then you will understand the difference between showing confidence and just being smart," I say referring to all times our conversation ends with her leaving hurt.

"Anyway happy birthday, I wish you more bad serendipity than you already have," she says before walking away to one of her conquests.

"slut" I mumble under my breath before walking towards my class.

Lunchtime, the time I dread the most, but I can always use this time to bury myself in reading instead of being surrounded by arrogant and curious wolves waiting for your next move or better yet your downfall.

I walk into the library deciding it best to skip lunch with a good tale and some music.

Picking a few books from the novel section before walking to a secreted corner, I plug in my earphone getting lost in my book.

Another boring day and finally I can go home to my safe-zone watching Netflix.

I stopped by my locker to drop my books before going to the bus stop.

Just two weeks more before I graduate and then leave this pack traveling across the world but that can only happen if the Alpha grants me the permission and ma agrees.

I didn't have to wait long before a bus stop, I got in finding a seat at the back close to two girls looking not less than seventeen.

I plug in my earphones shutting the world out, it took four minutes before the bus pull up by the house.

I got out walking towards the front door before pushing it open being welcomed by silence "Grandma I am home where are you?" I call out walking into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"over here" she yells from her room.

Grabbing a glass filling it with water I gulp it all down to cool my dry throat before hearing footsteps coming down the steps "How was school? and were you able to found your mate ?" she asks with a smile walking towards me.

"are you sure you are not trying to get rid of me so you can live alone in this house because it sure sounds like it," I say playfully glaring at her as she took a seat opposite me.

I wash the empty glass before placing it back "you know I want the best for you because you need someone to cherish you, that one of the reasons I want you to find your mate soon before you grow gray hairs like me" she says dramatically with a frown.

"I know MA but is just that I don't need a mate to be happy and I also know you really don't want my mate to be from this pack," I say making my way towards my room " your love is just enough for me... And you don't have gray hair "

After the little talk we had I spent my time in my room reading and watching Netflix before it was time to leave for the Alpha's place "sweetheart get ready we are having dinner at your Dad's house" she called from her room gaining a groan from me, I don't know why she still refers to him as my Dad.

"Remind me of my nightmare" I mumble under my breath walking into the bathroom to watch my face before changing into black jeans and V-neck top showing a little of my birthmark.

I have a birthmark shaped of a two lycans just below my collar bone staring at each other with longing and love, ma exact words, she believes it a sign I am blessed and made for something great.

Studying my reflection on the mirror I decide to go for a black T-shirt instead.

I walk into the living room turning on the TV as I wait for Ma to get ready, oh moon goddess please don't give me a bad surprise I am not ready for.