Chapter 9

On the car ride back to the city, they both were quiet. They were both thinking of everything they needed to do to prepare for the house. Mikael was thinking of the bank transfer and the major things, whereas Petra was thinking of the things that would make it a home. It was still a concept to her; it had not sunk in that this man just bought a house because they both needed to move. She looked over to him and saw the look on his face. He was happy on the surface. He was thrilled as they hammered out all the details of the quick sale with the realtor. Everything seemed to be going to his plan. She didn't know what that plan was, though, and that made her think.

"Mikael?" she broke the silence with her question.

"What, sweetheart?" he responded without looking over to her. He somehow knew what she was going to ask without even putting too much thought into it.