On top of the tallest skyscraper in the city is a stylish bar open only to a secret society whose members conceal their identity using masks. Only those with a unique member card could enter the closed-off world.
"Auriel." The bartender wearing a wolf mask smiled when he saw the phantom thief enter the room. He immediately noticed his injury. "Missed a step during your last heist?"
Auriel frowned. "A girl interfered."
"A girl?" He was amused. "She must be good, causing you to sprain your ankle like that."
"Let's not speak of it."
"Do you have the book?"
Auriel held up the latest stolen book. "What does the boss need all these books for?"
"Research. That's all you need to know." He handed the phantom thief an envelope full of cash and a folded piece of paper. "This next one won't be easy like all your previous ones."