The fashion show was held the night before the first day of exams. I had to spend the whole day studying just to make up for the lost study time. Gene didn't say anything about my plans of going out.
Momo and Cyrus picked me up like before. They already had reserved seats at the venue, which was a wide and fancy garden owned by one of the event sponsors. There were waiters walking around with refreshments and light snacks. I couldn't help but try all the free food.
At some point, Momo excused herself to go to the toilet.
I decided to use the chance to satisfy my curiosity. "Cyrus, do you know why Momo is interested in the phantom thief? Is she into masked thieves?"
Cyrus carefully looked around before replying, "The real reason why my sister is so interested is because she thinks there is a connection between Auriel and the incident in our family's company."
"An incident?"