Chapter 36

Suddenly, the man's floppy ears stood up and a tail emerged from under his body.

"Professor Dog?!" I exclaimed.

"Explain to me why you were up that tree," Isuru said.

"You see... I was casually calculating a rough estimate of the amount of weight the tree branch could hold, so I casually climbed it to casually prove my calculations were correct, woof." Prof. Dog pushed himself up... casually.

"And why are you using the term 'casually' so superfluously?" Isuru raised a brow.

"I overheard my students mentioning that being nonchalant is viewed as a socially attractive quality, woof." Prof. Dog picked up the bag that fell along with him. "Anyway, I'm here to deliver some of your stuff, Ms. Butterfly, woof."

"Thank you." I said as I received the bag.

"Now, let's eat, woof!" Prof. Dog led the way. "I'll update you with what's happening in Aqua Chrysalis."