Chapter 42

I don't know if it was because Isuru was by my side when I was sleeping, but I had a nice dream that night. It was about the beautiful woman in the picture again. We were walking in the garden. She stopped in front of a large shrub of exotic flowers.

Crimson flowers.

"Why do you like these flowers so much?" I asked.

"I just..." She closed her eyes. "Like them."

"But why?"

"They make me feel calm. We're in the same situation."

I tilted my head. I didn't get it. Why would she be in the same situation as those flowers? She's not a shrub.

She must have sensed my confusion. "We're both in a foreign environment."

"But you're not a foreigner," I said. I still didn't get it.

She laughed. "No, no. I didn't mean it like that. I meant that... we're in a place we're not used to. We're not in our real home. It feels alienating." She had on a distant look as she stared deep into a flower.

"I still don't really get it."