
Chapter 18

Marilyn's POV

I woke and tried to stretch but my body is caged in an iron grip. I petted his chest for him to let me go but his hold tightened instead of loosing.

I sighed and screamed near his ears. He woke up startled and I burst into a fit of laughter after seeing his scared expression.

He scowled at me when he realised I played him. He stalked towards me and I squealed as I took off into the bathroom.

I was quick to reach the bathroom but wasn't quick enough to shut the door. He slides the door open and threw me on his shoulder like a potato bag before laying me down on the bed.

He quickly forced my legs apart and I gasped when his cock brushed against my core.

"I'm letting you go this time because I know you're bruised inside but next time if you pull something like that I'll fuck you hard even if your insides are raw and I'll make sure to make you bleed", I know he isn't kidding when he said that so I nodded frantically.