Chapter 2 Kids Are Still Depressed When You Dress Them Up

Osa's POV

I'm seventeen, walking down an aisle to marry someone I didn't even know existed. Tears flowed freely as I walk awkwardly by myself.? His grin never failing as he stared at me from the place of bonding.

Surprisingly, the dress was beautiful and so was the venue, littered with beautiful lights and ever so bright flowers, it's just sad I had to experience it like this.

The people disgusted me, I'm sure they knew exactly what was going on, yet they sat around staring at me like I was the strangest thing ever.

I had finally reached him, and he grabbed my hand roughly. I cried out in pain and everyone goes silent. He flips them over to find only scars. Self-inflicted ones. Not only on my wrist, but the spread from my palms to my fingers when I ran out of space.

Instead of his face turning to one of disgust, his grin widens.

"So you're used to pain. Brilliant!"

It was to say I do's, and I was a sobbing mess, no one minded though, not even him, he seemed to be enjoying it.

"Do you, Mr. Carter take. ." He motions to me as I throw my eyes down in shame. "To be your beloved wife?"

"I do." He chuckles.

"And do you... Ms.. er... take Mr. Carter to be your beloved husband?"

His hands tighten on my hand and I choke on tears.

But soon as I was about to answer, a pew sound was head, and Mr. Carter drops to his knees, his eyes wide and a bullet pierced through his head.

I move away quickly, as the place erupted in gunshots.

"Not the girl!" One of the rivals shout and I run only to be confronted by another wave of darkness.

"Why. . is there a bag over her head?!" Someone shouts and even I flinch.

Well, I flinch at almost everything, but right now there was a bag over my head.

"W-well... we t-thought-"

"What,?is it still doing?on. Her. Head." The bag is soon ripped off and I gasp as a room of men surround me.

What. .what is happening...

I begin to hyperventilate and a man with dark hair began to walk towards me. His features beautiful as his eyes rang with blue vibrancy.

"Out! All of you!" He roars. He was taller than?all?of them and far more muscular, but not in the ugly, I-Try- To- Lift- Tires way.

He was handsome.

But, if I learned from the past, I would very well know that men want nothing but sex. That's all they strive for, luckily my cherry is still nicely intact and I plan to keep it that way.

Let me die a virgin.

I might as well have the chance since I've been kidnapped.


"Hello." He tilts his head at me, and I move closer to the head of the bed. His accent thick as he steps towards me. I look around the room and it was fairly nice. White walls, carpeted floors, and a soft, clean bed.

"I'm not doing to hurt you. ." He murmurs softly and for a moment I want to believe him. "I'm Valesco... what's your name?"

I bring my knees to my chest and lay my head across them, purposefully ignoring his question.

"If you're going to kill me. . just do it now." I murmur softly.

"I just said I'm not going to hurt you."

"Yea?" I let out a bitter laugh, playing with danger. "That's what they all say? Don't they."

"Well I'm not?they, I'm me. And if I say I'm not going to hurt you, I'll keep my word."? A few silent moments pass and I lift my head. My soft curls following my every head movement.

"I'm Osa."

"I love your name." He says sitting on the edge of the bed and I bring my legs closer to me. "You're not a prisoner y' know. ." He states and I can't help it as my eyes light up.

"So I can go?"

"Yes... but you have to return. And some areas are restricted. Like your home. You don't wanna go back there." I frown.

"They're dead?" He nods sadly and I scoff. If only he knew.

"How old are you?" He asks.

"I'm seventeen," I mumble and he blows out.

"You're pretty young... how do you . . . feel?" He asks and I sigh.

"I don't feel anything anymore. My life is crap. Always has been, obviously, always will be." He frowns and I run my hand slowly through my hair.

"Well, welcome to my home... if you need anything, I'm always downstairs, well most of the time." He chuckles but I simply stare at the aesthetic vibrant blue and orange ceiling.

"Why am I here?" I ask as he was about to leave.

"I saved you."

"But why? How? You don't even know me."

"If everything in this world made sense, oh how boring it would be."