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Chapter 3 Spend the night.

How could my life have changed so quickly?

I don't even remember what happened.

"You're place is really cozy." He says looking around but his expression says otherwise.

I'm giving him the silent treatment and he has only now stopped apologizing.

I put a change of clothes and my toiletries in a bag and hands it to him. We leave the small apartment and I turn around locking the door.

"Are you hungry?"

Starving, but he won't know that now.

"How long are you going to ignore me?" He says sounding annoyed.

I don't even know this man but here I am. . . spending the night with him.

I sigh and get into his very sexy Lamborghini.

Excuse my French.



I choke on my saliva and turn to him wide-eyed.

"Baby?" I squeaked and his lips twitch as he raises an eyebrow.

"Done giving me the silent treatment?"

"Baby?" I breathe again but more to myself and he looks like he's struggling not to smile. He turns his head towards the front and starts the car. "Do?not?call me?baby, do I look like I?want?to be in this position right now? I can't believe you threatened me."

He stays quiet and so do I as he keeps driving.

We drive to the expensive part of this town and I found myself ogling at each of the houses.

His car pulls up to the biggest house I have ever seen. The gates slowly open as the security guards stand on either side of them.

The house is creme colored with pillars lined up at the front. He parks his car in the middle of the driveway next to a mustang.

Is it his?

"It's my brother's." He says reading my thoughts.


Another Night.

I nod stepping out reaching for my bag but he got it before me. We walk towards the door and he grabs my hand when we reach the front door.

I try to pull it out but he only tightens his grip.

"My brother isn't the only one living here. . . " He trails off and I looked at him.

"Okay? It isn't my house so. ."

"It's our house." He snaps looking irritated and I close my mouth cowering back in fear.

He notices this and sighs.

"Let's just go in." He mumbles. He twists the doorknob to enter and the first thing I heard was...

"I don't care anymore!"

I flinch and look at Theodore who just looks frustrated.

"Whatever, I'm done trying to please you!" Someone yells back... .a male.

We walk towards the living room and I am greeted by four people sitting on the couch. Well. Two of them. The other two are having a very heated stare off.

"I can't believe I even liked you." The female says.

"I know. You're frigid as heck." The male sneers and I gape at him. The female gasps and slaps him.

"Enough!" Theodore booms and all of the flinch including me, his head snaps to mine before slipping his hand through my waist.

"Finally," the other female with redhead says until her eyes land on me. She bolts up.

"Who is this?" She screeches eyeing the hand on my waist.

"This is Blue. Blue this is Jade and Mark." He says referring to the redhead and the quiet man sitting watching me skeptically.

Jade had green eyes and a nice petite figure. She had quite a rack and her hair was nice, long, and full of volume, unlike mine which was dead.

Mark had pitch-black hair like Theodore's and pale grey eyes. He was tall and muscular. He wore a grey hoodie and matching basketball shorts. He must be Theodore's brother

"Why is she here?!" Jade screams and I flinch while the others roll their eyes.

What is wrong with this girl?

"It's nice to meet you Blue," Mark says as Theodore detaches himself from me grabbing Jade's arm as he leads her to the room.

I stand awkwardly in the living room, looking at them all as I scratched the back of my neck.

"I-its nice to meet you too." I stutter pathetically and the blonde girl snorted.

Mark glared at her but introduced her anyway.

"These two are Dani and Tobias. The greatest couple in the world!" He says sarcastically and I giggle slightly.

"Shut up." Tobias sneers, his a little too long brown hair falling over his forehead. He was built pretty much like the other two males and I wondered.

Were all of them so attractive?

Jade storms out of the room, practically running upstairs while Theodore comes out looking pleased. His suit jacket was removed at I ogle and his muscles that bulged through his white dress shirt.

"Like what you see?" He smirks and I blushed looking away." so guys, this is the girl I've been telling you about. Blue Solovan"

He says my name while coming next to me again.

"Yup... .we realized," Dani says sarcastically, and everyone snickers. She gives me a warm smile and I smile back.

"Telling them about?" I raise an eyebrow, but no one replies.

"Yea yea. Its been a long day. We're gonna close in." He places his hand on my lower back leading me upstairs.

"Be safe! And use a condom!" Mark yells.

"Don't be too loud!" Dani yells

Theodore shakes his head while my blush gets deeper.

He leads me to. .his room?

"I'll give you a full tour tomorrow yeah?" He tells me as I blanch.

"We're sleeping here? As in... together?"





"Yes." He says in his intimidating voice and I sigh.

What in the world is happening to me?