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Chapter 18 At Least She Loves Herself


After completely forgetting about Ma and Pa, I give them a quick call explaining to them my situation, Again, leaving out all the mafia parts.

I begin work on Monday and its Friday so I decide to enjoy my two days of freedom.

Theodore went somewhere, to deal with his 'stuff', and so I let him go.

Sitting on the barstool, waiting on Ruby, whom I called?two?hours ago, I sigh frustratedly as my fourth glass of apple juice runs out.

"The queen has arrived!" She yells upon arrival and I roll my eyes annoyed. "Please bow down and pay your respect peasant."

I smile sweetly before bowing down, grabbing her sweatpants with me. She has those super comfy cotton granny panties and I cover my mouth.

"Blue!" She yells. I giggle slightly as she pulls up her pants. "You stupid-"

Her words were cut off as my giggles turn to full-blown eruptions.

"F-ck off." She turns on her heel grabbing her bag but I sober up quickly and grab her hand.