Chapter 10 Dix

"In a great romance, each person plays a part the other really likes." ~ Elizabeth Ashley

After being introduced to almost everyone in the room personally, Della felt tired but happy. Her father wasn't embarrassed of her in anyway, in fact he wanted to show her off to everyone he knew.

"If it isn't the Levetté family." Adela's father said nonchalantly. Della immediately felt a shiver run down her spine. She didn't want any trouble hopefully they would all act civil.

"Garreth." Ben Levetté gave him a nod. Della turned around and the first thing she met was his blue alluring eyes. She quickly looked away.

"Long time no see, Garreth." Jeanine said in a monotonous tone. Della could feel his eyes all over her even though she wasn't looking at him. She felt self conscious. Her father had his hand laid gently on his daughters back as he tried not to show his anger.