Chapter 19 Dix-neuf

"The tongue weighs practically nothing, but very few people can hold it." ~ Unknown

From the corner of the door, she watched her ex-husband tuck their son in bed. He looked happy, she knew he was genuinely happy with their son. He had never been one who wanted kids but he had changed, she could see from his eyes how they brightened whenever he talked to their son. Leo was happy too, he loved his father. He loved having his father around. Della turned around with her mug of hot chocolate, making her way towards the kitchen.

"He is asleep." Andre appeared in front of her, he looked really handsome. She was just being honest with herself. Andre had always been an attractive male. Removing his jacket, he rolled the sleeves of his dress shirt back. His veins were distinctly visible, it was always her weakness.

"Thanks." She said taking a sip of her hot chocolate. She held the mug with both hands enjoying the warmth that radiated from the cup.