Chapter 65 I signed Ignacio into a rehabilitation center

'Hey, please don't forget to log in your period for better predictions'- Flo

Della looked at the reminder on her phone. She had forgotten, as she checked the app. She almost squealed clearly happy. It said she was six days late.


Her period was always always accurately on time. She didn't want to alarm Andre In case maybe it wasn't it. She looked at her period calendar and discovered that the many times she had been with Andre it was during her ovulation window period. It was even written?'Chance to get pregnant'..?Della looked at herself on the lavish bathroom mirror. She couldn't believe it. She didn't want to be too excited only to be disappointed. She had to be super sure. In Della perspective if she was indeed pregnant that would mean she wasn't even a week in because you only count a pregnancy from the week that you missed your period even if fertilization had taken place a week before or even two weeks before.